• Praneetha Murakonda
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Hi All,
I have some custom button on Account from where i'm creating Contract records. But there is contract related list on Account with New Contract standard button. On click of the button its redirecting user to select record type and then it opens contract edit page where user can enter value and save the record. But,I need to restrict users from creating contract records for specific recordtype. 

Please let me know the possible ways of restricting user from being creating contract record for specific record type.


Hi All,

I have a requirement to display message in French language in vf page. For that i have tried by enabling translation workbench and added users. I have created custom label and given Translation information. I have implemented the below code to test.

 public CustomLabelApexDemoController(){
        customLabelValue = System.Label.TestToCheckLang;

<apex:page controller="CustomLabelApexDemoController">
   <apex:form >
     <apex:pageblock >
       Value stored in custom label is: <b>{!customLabelValue}</b>
I'm not able to view value in french language which i have selected. Please let me know if there is any workaround.


Hi all,
I'm displaying barcode in vf page using the link https://www.barcodesinc.com/generator_files/image.php?code=T00001111 TS&style=500&type=C128B&width=200&height=50&xres=1&font=3. I'm getting barcoded image as below without any spaces between T0000-1111 TS. 

User-added image

Please let me know if there is any way to split it in to two and display in the same line.


Hi All,

I' creating a question from community. Question can be created  from either Topic or Group. When ever i'm creating question there is an option to add sub topic related to selected Topic. I need to distinguish between primary topic and subtopic. How can i query subtopic related to selected primary topic in apex.

Please let me know if there is any workaround.


Hi All,

I need to create a many to many relationship between Tasks and Accounts. The goal here is to relate many Accounts to a single Task  ex: "Task1 can be associated with Account1 [Uisng Related To field of Task]  and need to associate with Account2, Account3 and Account4." I understand that we cannot create more than one custom field related to Account for Task.

Is it possible to create junction object [Task ----> JunctionObject <--- Account].
Please let me know if there is any workaround.



I have a requirement like sending email as calendar invite when trigger gets fired. I'm using approach as below. But not able to view Yes, Maybe, No options if i give global UID. Please let me know if there is any approach to achieve this.

                               vCal = 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' + '\n' 
                                + 'PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN' + '\n' 
                                + 'VERSION:2.0' + '\n' 
                                + 'CALSCALE:GREGORIAN' + '\n'
                                + 'METHOD:REQUEST'+ '\n'
                                + 'BEGIN:VEVENT'+ '\n' 
                                + 'DTSTART:'+strStartDate+ '\n' 
                                + 'DTEND:'+strEndDate+ '\n' 
                                + 'DTSTAMP:'+ strCreatedDate+ '\n' 
                                + 'ORGANIZER;CN=XYZ:MAILTO:'+'Test@gmail.com' + '\n' 
                                + 'ATTENDEE:MAILTO:'+strEmailsList+ '\n' //strEmailsList
                                + 'UID:'+objRP.Id+strCreatedDate+'@gmail.com'+'\n' 
                                + 'CREATED:'+strCreatedDate+'\n' 
                                + 'DESCRIPTION:Research Activtity is scheduled.' + '\n' 
                                + 'LAST-MODIFIED:'+strCreatedDate+ '\n' 
                                + 'SEQUENCE:0' + '\n' 
                                + 'STATUS:CONFIRMED' + '\n'
                                + 'RSVP=TRUE' + '\n'
                                + 'SUMMARY:Research Activity'+activityName+'Schedule'+'\n' 
                                + 'LOCATION:'+meetingurl+'\n'
                                + 'TRANSP:OPAQUE' + '\n' 
                                + 'END:VEVENT'+ '\n'
                                + 'END:VCALENDAR';

Hi All,

I'm deploying Account and Contact layouts to production using Eclipse Ide. While validating i'm facing issue like  "ActionId specified was invalid for ActionType QuickAction". Please let me know how to resolve the issue.


Hi All,

I'm doing a trigger on campaign, I have three record types and if the record type matches with custom setting I need to  create Campaign Member Status Records. As SortOrder field is required in Campaign Member Status I'm assigning the value to it from custom setting which has values [1,2,3,4]. While inserting as there will be two picklist values by default, it will get duplicate error. So I'm trying to either delete the picklist values or update the values. But, i'm not able to do it.

Please suggest


Hi All,

I'm fetching the "Body"  value from Idea object , it can be either Text or Image in <apex:outputText > like below       .
<apex:outputText value="{!varObjIdea.objIdea.Body}" escape="false"/>

I'm facing Stored XSS issue in VisualForce Page in  <apex:outputText >

So,I'm trying to use Encoded methods [HTMLENCODE,JSENCODE,JSINHTMLENCODE,URLENCODE] in <apex:outputText> like
<apex:outputText value="{!HTMLENCODE(varObjIdea.objIdea.Body)}" escape="false"/>.

But not able to display Image  on visualforce page. Its is displaying as text format

If any one knows the solution for this problem, Please let me know



Hi All,

I need to build integration with Unleashed api. I'm trying to get the response but,I'm getting error like 

18:23:26:196 USER_DEBUG [24]|DEBUG|{"Description":"(403) Forbidden.: Authentication denied - signature mismatch. Username: \u0027 abc@123.com\u0027;  OrganisationId: \u002757babb16-e109-461d-b993-87b6bd214557\u0027;  Signature: \u0027******\u0027;  Url: \u0027/Customers/\u0027","DebugInformation":null}

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); 
  req.setHeader('content-type', ' application/json');
  req.setHeader('Accept',' application/json ');
  req.setEndpoint( 'https://api.unleashedsoftware.com/Customers/');
  Http http = new Http();
  try {

        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);    
      } catch(System.CalloutException e) {


Please suggest how to resolve this error and get the response


Hi All,

I need to display a table which has divs with style as tranformed property in pdf while rendering from visualforcepage. While rendering as pdf I'm not able to get the tranformed div with table in pdf. Please suggest if any possibility is there to achieve this.


Is it possible to get access token through session id?
If possible, posting any snippets for this will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I'm unable to check step 2: Automate Accounts because I'm receiving this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: ZKCVFIZH
Hi All,
I have some custom button on Account from where i'm creating Contract records. But there is contract related list on Account with New Contract standard button. On click of the button its redirecting user to select record type and then it opens contract edit page where user can enter value and save the record. But,I need to restrict users from creating contract records for specific recordtype. 

Please let me know the possible ways of restricting user from being creating contract record for specific record type.


Hi All,

I' creating a question from community. Question can be created  from either Topic or Group. When ever i'm creating question there is an option to add sub topic related to selected Topic. I need to distinguish between primary topic and subtopic. How can i query subtopic related to selected primary topic in apex.

Please let me know if there is any workaround.


Greetings, I've created my external object for the Data Integration Specalist Superbadge and have configured my external ID as seen below, however, the challenge seems to not pass, indicating that the indirect lookup was not properly created. Here's how I set up the projectRef__c field, which was what I used to push data from the external object into the project object in Salesforce. Are there any steps, I need to take. Hope it helps.
User-added image

User-added image

Hi All,

I'm doing a trigger on campaign, I have three record types and if the record type matches with custom setting I need to  create Campaign Member Status Records. As SortOrder field is required in Campaign Member Status I'm assigning the value to it from custom setting which has values [1,2,3,4]. While inserting as there will be two picklist values by default, it will get duplicate error. So I'm trying to either delete the picklist values or update the values. But, i'm not able to do it.

Please suggest


Hi All,

I need to display a table which has divs with style as tranformed property in pdf while rendering from visualforcepage. While rendering as pdf I'm not able to get the tranformed div with table in pdf. Please suggest if any possibility is there to achieve this.
