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When I click on Verify it generates the below error:

User-added image

Trying to run below code in Developer Console & getting error:
public class Test{
    String abc;
    Integer i;    
       Double d;
        public Test(){
            abc= null;
    public Test(String abc,Integer i, Double d){
Test t = new Test('Test',45,450);

Error :UNKNOWN ERROR: apex.bytecodeinterpreter.InterpreterRuntimeException: Unable to load class: esw/anon$Test Error Id: 923405943-75655 (-539347543)

What does it mean?
I have some logic to be executed only when the salesforce user has logged in for the first time. I don't want the logic to be executed on every page refresh.
Is there any way to determine the salesforce user first time login?

Im having trouble displaying an output like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas varius varius ipsum eget aliquet. Phasellus maximus purus ut lectus pharetra, id iaculis ligula aliquam. Aliquam eget erat dolor. Fusce maximus consectetur velit, in fringilla est. Duis elementum sollicitudin nunc ac malesuada. Cras et eros blandit, congue justo eget, ornare nisi. Nullam quis orci ut quam porttitor sodales.

Nunc eget velit non tellus blandit vulputate. Phasellus porta felis a magna accumsan laoreet auctor at arcu. Mauris mattis orci leo, a elementum nunc sodales vel. Mauris feugiat, odio ac elementum ultrices, quam orci finibus urna, nec lobortis sem lorem id arcu. Morbi nunc tellus, elementum ac erat non, aliquet porttitor eros. 

It is infact, actually displaying them like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas varius varius ipsum eget aliquet. Phasellus maximus purus ut lectus pharetra, id iaculis ligula aliquam. Aliquam eget erat dolor. Fusce maximus consectetur velit, in fringilla est. Duis elementum sollicitudin nunc ac malesuada. Cras et eros blandit, congue justo eget, ornare nisi. Nullam quis orci ut quam porttitor sodales.
Nunc eget velit non tellus blandit vulputate. Phasellus porta felis a magna accumsan laoreet auctor at arcu. Mauris mattis orci leo, a elementum nunc sodales vel. Mauris feugiat, odio ac elementum ultrices, quam orci finibus urna, nec lobortis sem lorem id arcu. Morbi nunc tellus, elementum ac erat non, aliquet porttitor eros. 

I need to be able to display the formatting and line breaks that the user has added. 

I do not know when the line breaks will be its just a large text field that the user can input comments in, and they may need to use the enter key to generate a new line.

Can anybody offer any assitance?

Thankyou in advance,

Lewis Reed