• Numaan A.M
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Hi All,

I want all the index fields of an particular object in apex. I have searched throught the Schema describe but couldn't find a way to identify the field as index. Please let me know if somebody have any idea on this.

Hello All,

How to backup all Apex classes, Triggers and vf pages online so that later i can open and check the my codes. Is there any web site that has these features.

Thank you,
Numaan Mohd 

I have a requirement that i need to set target of sales person by manager,rite now i am using custom object and VF page to assign target,i got to kown that forcast is a easy way. I dont have Opportunities and quotes. Can i use forcasts?


Am creating a workflow on account,when ever the owner of account is changed i want to send a mail to new owner.But the problem is i am unable to use isChanged() in entry criteria.

Hello everyone,
i am trying to create google maps page which show all accounts and there task in info window.Based on the selected date If a task is present then it has to show or else we should get a button to create a new task. Is this possible or Not??
Hello guys am new to salesforce.
Is there a way to convert address into latitiude and londitude.
Hello All,

I want to know what is the difference between using html tags and apex tags. I am good at html tags so if i use it is there would be any problem. Thanks.
Hi All,

I want all the index fields of an particular object in apex. I have searched throught the Schema describe but couldn't find a way to identify the field as index. Please let me know if somebody have any idea on this.


I'm working on a quick bit of code to leverage a managed packed with Hip Chat and I'm getting an error in production that is not showing up in my sandbox.

The code is incredible basic, which is what is ultimately confusing me. The managed package is expecting a String Sobject name. The trigger also seems to work, but rather, it's the test class which is causing the issue.



trigger ScopingRequestInsertedHipChatWebhook on Scoping_Requests__c (after insert) {

Test Class (Which is causing the following error: 
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object ) on the line following my static void
public class ScopingRequestHipChatWebhookTriggerTest {
    static void testTriggerAfterInsert() {

The API Name for the object is Scoping_Requests__c, and in Sandbox it's causing me no errors (tests execute correctly.If I change the value from 'Scoping_Requests__c' to something else for a test, I correctly receive a 'null object' error). In production however I'm failing deploys with the very same error even though everything matches. 


Hi All,

I am trying to use breadcrumbs in my visualforce page using component but i am not getting success. Help me out in using breadcrumbs in visualforce page and please share your ideas how i can implement breadcrumbs in my visualforce page.

Thank You


Can any one explain me how many ways we can schedule batch apex class?

Anil Kumar
I've embedded a VF page using a setController into a detail page layout. I'm using the standard pagination functions and have added the same VF code for the next, previous, first, last commands into the top and bottom of the pageBlock containing the table. 

These are showing up at the top, but for some reason they don't show up on the bottom. Yes, I've added both the scrolling functions, as well as increased the size of the page section to fit the entire table. Doesn't matter. 

I've created the same VF page as itws own Tab, and the page functions show up at the top and bottom, so the code is right. I'm thinking that there is something about the embedded VF page in a page layout that is preventing the pagination functions from appearing. 

Anyone else had this problem??

Thanks to all!

Hi there,

I have a requriment of 1#creating parent record and multiple child records on the Same Custom Object.
2# Displaying same in VF page 

Any help could seriously make breakthrough.
getcontentaspdf not rendering style

I have a pdf visualforce page which works. However when I use it in a getcontentaspdf to create an attachment the style is ignored. I'm working in a sandbox.

Am creating a workflow on account,when ever the owner of account is changed i want to send a mail to new owner.But the problem is i am unable to use isChanged() in entry criteria.

Hello.  I'm having a bit of trouble understanding why I'm getting an error in SOQL.  Here's the query: 

SELECT CustomerTeamMember__c, CustomerTeam__c, Contact__r.Email FROM Customer_Team__c WHERE CustomerTeam__c = '006i000000OOuPSAA1' AND UseInLoop__c = True

Without the Contact__r.Email, everything works.  I'm looping a custom object (related list) on Opportunities - this works fine.  The related list has a lookup to the standard object "Contact" and I want to pull the email field from there.  I don't want to run a query within a loop to avoid governor limits.   Can anyone help me figure out why this is not working?

The error is: Didn't understand relationship 'Contact__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
Hello everyone,
i am trying to create google maps page which show all accounts and there task in info window.Based on the selected date If a task is present then it has to show or else we should get a button to create a new task. Is this possible or Not??
Hello guys am new to salesforce.
Is there a way to convert address into latitiude and londitude.
Hello All,

I want to know what is the difference between using html tags and apex tags. I am good at html tags so if i use it is there would be any problem. Thanks.