• MeighanSF
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  • Sunreach Consulting

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I am working on the "Add Selectors That Allow Users to Filter the Dashboard Results" Wave module in Trailhead, and the challenge is "
You already created list widgets for opportunity owner and stage, but being able to filter by product family can help your sales team focus on the sales for each product line. Create a third list widget for product family in the Sales Performance dashboard. Update the widget title, then save the dashboard.

Dashboard: Sales Performance
App: My Private App
Widget Title: Product Family
There are 5 sections in this modules, this is the 4th.  In the 2nd section, I created the Sales Performance dashboard.  Since passing the 2nd section, I have completed one multiple choice challenge, no other changes have been made in the org.  

When submitting the challenge, I receive the following error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: BSLZQUSC
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: BSLZQUSC
I have created 2 new Wave Dev accounts, and with my existing account and the two new dev accounts, I receive the error.  Any ideas?

I have a custom object "Success__c" that I am attempting to create a visualforce page for.  I would like to have the parent (MD relationship via account__c) Account fields on the page, as well as the sibling objects from the shared parent Account, Opportunities and Health__c.  The problems I am having are as follows:
1) I am new to VF (this is my second page with the first just being a junction object with editable fields and read only parent access) so I don't know the best places to look or the best terms to =search for so google has not been that helpful
2) Althought I have the health and successes related via a related list on the successes, the successes detail is nested and looping itself and i'm not sure what I did. (Plus I'd like this on the page not the related list.

Here is my page:
<apex:page standardController="Success__c" extensions="DetailPagesuccess">
<apex:form >
 <apex:pageMessages />
 <apex:detail relatedList="true"></apex:detail>
<apex:pageblock id="CustomList" title="Related Health"  >
   <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!ahealth}" var="ahc" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(ahealth))}">
        <apex:column value="{!ahc.Name}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!ahc.Account__r.Name}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!ahc.Status__c}"/>
       <apex:column value="{!ahc.Go_Live__c }"></apex:column>
   <apex:outputLabel value="No records to display" rendered="{!(ISNULL(ahealth))}" styleClass="noRowsHeader"></apex:outputLabel>
Here is my extension:
public class DetailPageSuccess {
    private List<Health__c> ahealth;
    private Success__c success; 
    public DetailPageSuccess(ApexPages.Standardcontroller controller) {
        this.success= (Success__c)controller.getRecord();
    public List<Health__c> getahealth()
        Success__c asc= [Select id, Account__r.id FROM Success__c where id = :success.id];
        if (asc.Account__r.id == null)
         return null;
        ahealth = [Select id, Name, Account__r.id, Account__r.Name, Status__c, Go_Live__c from Health__c where Account__r.id = :asc.Account__r.id];
        return ahealth;

If you aren't able to help directly if you could please point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
It is pre-Salesforce import, I have designed the Named Account structure inside Salesforce, and I have 1500 Hoover's D&B Family Trees with the same columns and headers in .xls form. What do I use to mass clean these files so we do not import bad data? Do I try a batch import of the folder via the dataloader but say in SF if column equals don't import so it errors via a VR? Do I clean else where? Access? Too many rows for excel... Batch import?  Use SharePoint?  Please help my data find a way home...
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'source Url' from origin 'SF instance url' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
We have a community and its having public access. we are trying to make the this site content as google searchable.  I have tried all the ways to verify the site by Google Console 
1. Using Meta data Tag
2. DNS 
3. HTML file 
4. Writing new VF page for Heager as 
<apex:page applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" showHeader="false">
<head> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="6gVRigIo4j09qSdIjONNEogH1YCIxxxfFITHPbZWnqM" />
<title> My title </title>

But still Im not able to verify my site in google web master tool.
Can any one help me to get my site verified by Google.
Appriciate your help.

Hi All,
I am Installing Force.com IDE in Eclipse 3.8  on linux OS, i am getting thre following error--
"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui 3.8.2' but it could not be found"

Can you please give best ways to solve this error......

Hi there

I have a parent object (such as Applicant).

There are several related lists regarding the Applicant.  Such as Application History, Training History, Employment History, Education History, etc.  Applicant is the master and these 4 other things are the children to the Applicant custom object.

The use case is that when the client is looking at an applicant's application (there can be many applications, but let's say the client is viewing one of those applications, and the client wants to see the applicant's training history.

The client would like to have a custom link on the application record that says "Training History", and when clicked, a window will pop up that will display the applicant's training history.

At first I thought I would simply have a VF page that shows the training history of the applicant via <apex:relatedList>, and the page would use the applicant object as the standard controller.  I thought that would be really easy!

<apex:page standardController="Applicant__c">
  <apex:relatedList list="TrainingHistories__r"/>

But then because I'm using the standard controller of the Applicant object, I will not be able to create it as a custom link on an "Application" page layout.

So at the end I have to use a custom controller instead and use the ApexPages.getParameters() to pass the ID of the applicant.

I am able to do that, but then I wonder is there really no way to implement this requirement without Apex?

I was trying to think of another method.  Is it possible for me to display the Training History related list of an applicant in the applicant's Application view?

Which is the title of my post, how do I display a parent's child's related list from the parent's another child's page layout?


Hi All,
I am Installing Force.com IDE in Eclipse 3.8  on linux OS, i am getting thre following error--
"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.jdt.ui 3.8.2' but it could not be found"

Can you please give best ways to solve this error......


We have one master object which has 6 master-detail children objects. As I know there is no way to make master-detail field read only in creating new children page. So I want to code my own dynamic page which can be used for all children objects.  My plan is
1. Create a vf page, this page has to be dynamic generated, based on which object be passed in parameter.
2. create a custom button for every children object and pass the parentid and children object name to this vf page.

Is this possible? is there any sample code that I could reference?
I have a custom object as "Compitetor" ,which has a lookup relation to "QUOTE " object.So created a "list button "for the custom object ,using the standard controller.

1)Now im unable to get the related records to "edit" when i click on the "list button".
2)It does not displays the column names in the VF Page.
Any suggestion Plz.

**VF PAGE :**
<apex:page StandardController="Compitetor__c" sidebar="false" recordSetVar="Competitors">
 <apex:form >
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Edit for Competitor"/>
  <apex:pageBlock title="Quote Update" >
   <apex:pageBlockButtons >
    <apex:commandButton action="{!SAVE}" value="SAVE"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!CANCEL}" value="CANCEL"/>
   <apex:pageBlockSection >
    <apex:inputField value="{!Compitetor__c.CustomQuote__c}"/>
   <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Selected}" var="com">
    <apex:column value="{!com.Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!com.Product_Series__c}" />
    <apex:column value="{!com.Part_Number__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!com.Price_Offered__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!com.Volume__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!com.Date_Price_is_valid__c}"/>

Apex Code:
public  with sharing class Compitetor__c{

public Compitetor__c (ApexPages.standardController controller){


public compitetor__c(){

list<Compitetor__c> com = [select id , name ,Product_Series__c from Compitetor__c where id = :ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('id')];

  • December 17, 2014
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I would like to create a flow to send an email template to multiple recipients. I have created 2 custom objects and the custom email template which includes data from these custom objects.


Object 1: Parent

Object 2: Child


The Child object has a lookup relationship with Contacts.


I would like to add a button to the Parent object's page layout, which when clicked, executes the flow.


The flow would cycle through all of the Child objects for that Parent and send the populated email template to Contact's email for each Child.


Can I do this? Does anyone have an example that they can share or recommend some reading on how to do such a thing?

How to display the contact Name in VF page.
Below is the example, I want to display Contact Name in VF_Page.
Any Suggestions.

<apex:page controller="Relationships">
<apex:dataTable value="{!Accounts}" var="a">
<apex:column headervalue="Name" value="{!a.Id}"/>
<apex:column headervalue="Name" value="{!a.Contact.Name}"/>

public class Relationships 
    public List<Account> getAccounts()
        List<Account> AL = new List<Account>();
        AL = [SELECT Id, (SELECT Name FROM Contacts WHERE Name != '') FROM Account];
        return AL;