• SuAk
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I am beginner in salesforce.
I want clear cut idea about the User,External User,Internal User,Customer.
Could please explain?


Hi All - Please view the below method, I want to update the Package member value in Package object with the value in the member value field + Name tag from Deployment Item object.
If there are more than one deployment item records are assocaited with the Package, it just updates it with last processed record of the Deployment item records.
I would want to populate the member value from all the deployment item records associated with the package, to the Package member value field.
Help me to proceed further.
public PageReference UpdateMembervalue(){
     List<Deployment_Item__c> DIList =  [SELECT Member_Value__c,Name_tag__c,Additional_Instructions__c,
                                         FROM   Deployment_Item__c
                                         WHERE  Created_Date__c = Today
                                         AND Deployment_Status__c = 'Waiting for Deployment'];
             List<Package__c> PAList =  [SELECT Id,Deployed_By__c, Deployed_Date__c,Package_Member_Value__c,Created_Date__c,Name
                                         FROM   Package__c
                                         WHERE  Created_Date__c = Today
                                         AND  Deployment_Status__c!= 'Deployed'
                                         LIMIT 1];
            AggregateResult[] results =  [SELECT Name_tag__c, Count(Member_Value__c) 
                                          FROM   Deployment_Item__c
                                          WHERE  Created_Date__c = Today
                                          AND    Deployment_Status__c = 'Waiting for Deployment'
                                          GROUP BY Name_tag__c ];
        Package__C Pack = PAList[0];
        system.debug('Inside this method');
        for(Deployment_Item__c DIrec : DIList){
                  Pack.Package_Member_Value__c = DIrec.Member_Value__c + DIrec.Name_tag__c;
                                    update Pack;
        system.debug ('DIList' +results);    
      PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/a6P/o');
      return pageRef;
  • January 02, 2018
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Hi - My requirement is to get the metadata type field value & the member value name. Group it together and paste it in a long text are field. For example : 
1) Metadata type value - Workflow
    member value - abc.cde
2) Metadata type value - Layout
    member value - cde.efg
3) Metadata type value - Workflow
    member value - qwe.bnm

I want the value of the Long text area field to be 


I have written Apex code to get the group by value but not sure how to proceed further, Need you help to proceed : 
 public PageReference UpdateMembervalue(){
     AggregateResult[] results =  [SELECT Name_tag__c, Count(Member_Value__c)    
                                   FROM   Deployment_Item__c
                                   WHERE  Created_Date__c = Today 
                                   AND    Deployment_Status__c = 'Waiting for Deployment'
                                  GROUP BY Name_tag__c ];

  • December 28, 2017
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Hi All - I am getting the follwoing error : Illegal assignment from List<AggregateResult> to List<Deployment_Item__c> for the code in Apex : 

 List<Deployment_Item__c> DIList = [SELECT Count(Member_Value__c),    Name_tag__c
                                             FROM  Deployment_Item__c
                                           WHERE Created_Date__c = Today
                                           GROUP BY Name_tag__c ];
Kindly help me to resolve this . 


  • December 21, 2017
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Hi - I have created a custom visualforce page Account Location. I have overridden the new stad button of Account location with my visualforce page. 
When I go to Account -->Related List-->Account Location. The Account name is not populated automatically in the Account location visualforce page.

<apex:inputField value="{!CustomObject__AccountId__c}"/>

How to populate autopopulate Account name?

  • December 08, 2017
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Hi - I am creating a visualforce page which Opens a new page for AccountLocation. I have given the action atrribute for the page and I get the follwoing error :
An internal server error has occurred
An error has occurred while processing your request. The salesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com! 

Error ID: 1426062076-3576050 (-425442646)

Please find my visualforce page details and controller class details below :
Visualforce :
<apex:page standardController="AccountLocation__c" extensions="AccountLocationEditController" action="{!pageredir}" >
controller :
Public class AccountLocationEditController{
   Public AccountLocation__c AccLoc {get;set;}
    Public string var {get;set;}
    Public AccountLocationEditController(ApexPages.StandardController Controller) {}
   public Pagereference pageredir()
        var= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
            Pagereference newpage = new Pagereference ('/apex/AccountLocationEdit');
            return newpage;
            Pagereference newpage = new Pagereference('/apex/AccountLocationEdit') ;
            return newpage;

Please help me rectify this error.


  • November 20, 2017
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Hi All - I am adding the action function in my visualforce page. I want to invoke an method from my controller on the onblur of the attribute. I get the following error, When I preview the visualforce page : The name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must begin with a letter and be unique, and must not include spaces, end with an underscore, or contain two consecutive underscores.

Visualforce page code
<apex:page standardController="AccountLocation__c" extensions="AccountLocationEditController" recordSetVar="AccountLocation__c" >
      function javaScript(){
    <apex:actionFunction name="location" action="{!location}"  rerender="loc"/>
    <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!AccLoc.Name}" value="Bill To" />
    <apex:pageBlock title="Account Location Edit" mode="edit">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons >
    <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!savenew}" value="Save & New"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Information" columns="2">
    <apex:inputField  value="{!AccLoc.Type__c}" required="true" onblur="javaScrpt()" />
    <apex:inputField value="{!AccLoc.AccountId__c}" />
    <apex:inputField id = "loc" value="{!AccLoc.Name}"  />

Controller Code
public with sharing class AccountLocationEditController{
    Public AccountLocation__c AccLoc {get;set;}
    /*ApexPages.StandardController Controller = null;*/
 public AccountLocationEditController(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController) {
       AccLoc = new AccountLocation__c ();
       Id strId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
      /*  if (strId!=null){
            AccLoc = [SELECT Id, Name,Type__c
                      FROM AccountLocation__c
                      WHERE Id = :strId];
          system.debug('loc name' +AccLoc.Name);
   Public PageReference location(){
       if (AccLoc.Type__c == 'Bill TO'){
                AccLoc.Name = 'Bill To Address';
          system.debug('loc name' +AccLoc.Name);
      }else {
          AccLoc.Name = 'Ship To Address';
        return null;
Please let me know if I had missed anything. Thanks you in Advance !
  • November 17, 2017
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 I have a requirement where on the EDIT Page(the edit page when we click on New on the object), When User select a value on the picklist to "Bill To" the field in the Location Name should be "Bill To Address". This needs to be pre populated before saving the record.

User-added image

As per the picture above, the location name should be updated in this screen to "Bill to Address" as soon as the user select the Type "Bill To" and user should be allowed to overwrite the Location Name "Bill to Address" to something and save the record.

Let me know if there are any solution to this.

  • November 06, 2017
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Hi - I am trying to check what does the following option do ? 
Override the search result column customizations for all users

When I check this option and click on save in search layouts, than click again on edit on the search layout this option is unchecked.. Any thoughts on why it is not saving the change? I tried in different environments, it does not save it when I check this option. 

Any thoughts ? 

  • April 06, 2017
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Hi - I would like to filter Approval history reports based on comments. I have created the reports on process instance and process instance node. But I do not see the comments field. Is it a limitation in salesforce ?

Any thoughts ? 

  • March 29, 2017
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I have a report folder created, clicked on the share option and provided access to 7 people. 1 has manager access and 6 has edit access. This report folder is accessible by the people who is not in the list. i would like to provide access only to the people in the list.

Kindly help!!

  • October 31, 2016
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Hi - I created the visual force page to show the 'All' list view when the custom object tab is clicked. When I do the preview in visual force page, it works fine but when I click on teh tab, it does not show all list. I am not sure if the visual page is tied to the tab. given below is my code : 

<apex:page tabStyle="Custom_object__c" > <apex:enhancedlist type="Custom_object__c" height="730" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25" Listid="rec id" /> </apex:page>

recid - of the list view

Let me know your thoughts
  • October 13, 2016
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Hi - I am trying to add 'Type' field in the Case history Report type. I do not find the Type field under Field/event. I See that the type field is enabled in Set history tracking. Is there any other settings that need to be updated to see 'Type' field under field/events ?

What is the issue here ?
  • September 30, 2016
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Hi All - I have a scenario, where there was a company wide issue with Shared mailboxes, where emails were not delivered to these mailboxes. If any request sent to shared email boxes as part of email to case the request would be lost.
My question is will integrating Message queue with Salesforce would help in this scenario ? where the request sent to these shared mailboxes will be in the messagequeue and once the shared mailboxes are up and running the requests will be forwarded to these boxes . If we can achieve it, how do we configure it ? if no, do we have any other way to retrieve these requests ...

  • September 26, 2016
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Hi - I try to execute the code given in the Apex work book but it does not return the string.
public class MessageMaker {
public static string helloMessage() {
return('You say "Goodbye," I say "Hello"');

execute in anonymous window - MessageMaker.hellomessage();

I altered the code by changing string to void and return to system.debug, it executes the output.
What is the mistake that I am doing in the example provided?

  • September 24, 2016
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Hi - If static methods should be called with class name and not with class instance, why does the Apex work book (Page 8 ) gives example to call static method with class instance.

Kindly clarify if my understanding of static methods should be called with class name is correct , and why apexworkbook is contradicting.

  • September 24, 2016
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I have a visual page which merges two records. I want to send email once it merges the records. How do I do it ?

  • September 23, 2016
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When i Load data using data loader, it accepts blank values for required field. How to avoid blank values being loaded for required fields ?

  • September 13, 2016
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I am able to login to salesforce through internet explorer, but when I try to login through chrome, I get the verification code page but I do not receive any email with the verification code. My email address is correct in User Detail .

Any help on this would be great!!

  • September 08, 2016
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I have  a report that I use in Salesforce and would like to know the SQL behind it .. Do we have any option for the same ?
  • September 06, 2016
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Hi - We have dupeblocker working in one environment and would like to move to other environments. Should i create the dupeblocker scenarios manually in other environments or is there a easy way to move it to other environments ?
  • August 23, 2016
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I am beginner in salesforce.
I want clear cut idea about the User,External User,Internal User,Customer.
Could please explain?


Hi Friends,
Please help me on this 
We need a new report-type for the activity in the Salesforce chatter group.The standard report view is not sufficient to monitor the activity over a period of time.Therefore we need a report that shows us the number of posts, comments and likes per month, since the date of creation, so we can have the overview and compare activity per month in one report.
  • September 28, 2018
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When I check the challenge it tells me that it can't find a photo assigned for the chatter group, even though I put a photo in.
Hi - I am creating a visualforce page which Opens a new page for AccountLocation. I have given the action atrribute for the page and I get the follwoing error :
An internal server error has occurred
An error has occurred while processing your request. The salesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com! 

Error ID: 1426062076-3576050 (-425442646)

Please find my visualforce page details and controller class details below :
Visualforce :
<apex:page standardController="AccountLocation__c" extensions="AccountLocationEditController" action="{!pageredir}" >
controller :
Public class AccountLocationEditController{
   Public AccountLocation__c AccLoc {get;set;}
    Public string var {get;set;}
    Public AccountLocationEditController(ApexPages.StandardController Controller) {}
   public Pagereference pageredir()
        var= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
            Pagereference newpage = new Pagereference ('/apex/AccountLocationEdit');
            return newpage;
            Pagereference newpage = new Pagereference('/apex/AccountLocationEdit') ;
            return newpage;

Please help me rectify this error.


  • November 20, 2017
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Hi All - I am adding the action function in my visualforce page. I want to invoke an method from my controller on the onblur of the attribute. I get the following error, When I preview the visualforce page : The name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must begin with a letter and be unique, and must not include spaces, end with an underscore, or contain two consecutive underscores.

Visualforce page code
<apex:page standardController="AccountLocation__c" extensions="AccountLocationEditController" recordSetVar="AccountLocation__c" >
      function javaScript(){
    <apex:actionFunction name="location" action="{!location}"  rerender="loc"/>
    <apex:param name="firstParam" assignTo="{!AccLoc.Name}" value="Bill To" />
    <apex:pageBlock title="Account Location Edit" mode="edit">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons >
    <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!savenew}" value="Save & New"/>
    <apex:commandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Information" columns="2">
    <apex:inputField  value="{!AccLoc.Type__c}" required="true" onblur="javaScrpt()" />
    <apex:inputField value="{!AccLoc.AccountId__c}" />
    <apex:inputField id = "loc" value="{!AccLoc.Name}"  />

Controller Code
public with sharing class AccountLocationEditController{
    Public AccountLocation__c AccLoc {get;set;}
    /*ApexPages.StandardController Controller = null;*/
 public AccountLocationEditController(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdController) {
       AccLoc = new AccountLocation__c ();
       Id strId= ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
      /*  if (strId!=null){
            AccLoc = [SELECT Id, Name,Type__c
                      FROM AccountLocation__c
                      WHERE Id = :strId];
          system.debug('loc name' +AccLoc.Name);
   Public PageReference location(){
       if (AccLoc.Type__c == 'Bill TO'){
                AccLoc.Name = 'Bill To Address';
          system.debug('loc name' +AccLoc.Name);
      }else {
          AccLoc.Name = 'Ship To Address';
        return null;
Please let me know if I had missed anything. Thanks you in Advance !
  • November 17, 2017
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 I have a requirement where on the EDIT Page(the edit page when we click on New on the object), When User select a value on the picklist to "Bill To" the field in the Location Name should be "Bill To Address". This needs to be pre populated before saving the record.

User-added image

As per the picture above, the location name should be updated in this screen to "Bill to Address" as soon as the user select the Type "Bill To" and user should be allowed to overwrite the Location Name "Bill to Address" to something and save the record.

Let me know if there are any solution to this.

  • November 06, 2017
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Hi - I created the visual force page to show the 'All' list view when the custom object tab is clicked. When I do the preview in visual force page, it works fine but when I click on teh tab, it does not show all list. I am not sure if the visual page is tied to the tab. given below is my code : 

<apex:page tabStyle="Custom_object__c" > <apex:enhancedlist type="Custom_object__c" height="730" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25" Listid="rec id" /> </apex:page>

recid - of the list view

Let me know your thoughts
  • October 13, 2016
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Hi - I try to execute the code given in the Apex work book but it does not return the string.
public class MessageMaker {
public static string helloMessage() {
return('You say "Goodbye," I say "Hello"');

execute in anonymous window - MessageMaker.hellomessage();

I altered the code by changing string to void and return to system.debug, it executes the output.
What is the mistake that I am doing in the example provided?

  • September 24, 2016
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Hi - If static methods should be called with class name and not with class instance, why does the Apex work book (Page 8 ) gives example to call static method with class instance.

Kindly clarify if my understanding of static methods should be called with class name is correct , and why apexworkbook is contradicting.

  • September 24, 2016
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When i Load data using data loader, it accepts blank values for required field. How to avoid blank values being loaded for required fields ?

  • September 13, 2016
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I have  a report that I use in Salesforce and would like to know the SQL behind it .. Do we have any option for the same ?
  • September 06, 2016
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Hi all!

I'm a beeginner and I need a formula field to add the first 3 sales recorded of an account.

I don't have already the sales field in my account fields.

Hope you can help me

Given below are the code for my custom controller :

public class NewCaseListController //{get;private set;}//
     public List<case> getNewCases(){
     List<case>results = Database.query(
            'SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Status ' +
            'FROM Case ' +
           'WHERE Status = \'New\' '
    return results;

Given below are the code for my visualforce page : 

<apex:page controller="NewCaseListController">
<apex:pageBlock title="New Cases">
      <apex:repeat var="case" value="{!cases}" id="new_cases"><br/>
       <apex:outputLink value="/{!case.id}">{!case.name}</apex:outputLink>

I am getting the folloing error : 

Unknown property 'NewCaseListController.cases'

Kindly help.

  • January 31, 2016
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When someone takes the time/effort to repspond to your question, you should take the time/effort to either mark the question as "Solved", or post a Follow-Up with addtional information.  


That way people with a similar question can find the Solution without having to re-post the same question again and again. And the people who reply to your post know that the issue has been resolved and they can stop working on it.