• Meryem FRQ
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  • Member since 2014

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Hello everyone,

We are trying to implement an authentification provider for our salesforce instance, the code we are using is pure OAuth 2.0 and we are tried to configure it using the Open ID that salesforce provide for the authentification provider. We are getting an No token error.

Do we have to switch to Open ID or can the code be adapted for OAuth ?

Thank you for the help.

Does any one know how to create a link for a field like the [Change] for the record type or the [display hierarchy] for the account ??

Thank for the help
I need to overwrite the standard edit page for a certain recordType of events. Any ideas how to redirect to the new VF page ?
Will I lose any data if I convert a text field to a piclist?
i trying to create a custom form using vf page .can you correct this code .
public with sharing class myClass {

     public String thetextInput1 {get;set;} 
     public String thetextinput2 {get;set;} 

      public void saveObject(){

        myObj regestration_form= new myObj(); 

        myObj.Name__c  =  thetextInput1 ;  
        myObj.roll_num__c =  thetextInput2;  

        insert  myObj; 



Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: myObj at line 8 column 38

vf page 
<apex:page title="reg form"  controller="myclass"  showHeader="false" sidebar="false"   >
    <apex:OutputLabel value="Name"   for="thetextInput1"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!thetextInput1 }"  id="thetextinput1"/>
  <apex:OutputLabel value="roll no"   for="thetextInput2"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!thetextinput2}"  id="thetextinput2"/>  
    <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveObject}" />

Hello everyone,

We are trying to implement an authentification provider for our salesforce instance, the code we are using is pure OAuth 2.0 and we are tried to configure it using the Open ID that salesforce provide for the authentification provider. We are getting an No token error.

Do we have to switch to Open ID or can the code be adapted for OAuth ?

Thank you for the help.
Hi all,

I am trying to get datetime picker in html input element on my vf page but i am getting below error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentStyle' of null

Because of this i am not able to get date time picker.
can anyone help me in resolving this issue

Does any one know how to create a link for a field like the [Change] for the record type or the [display hierarchy] for the account ??

Thank for the help
I need to overwrite the standard edit page for a certain recordType of events. Any ideas how to redirect to the new VF page ?

I'm getting an odd error when trying to set a value in a map from a pageBlockTable.  Here's my Map:


prodList = *select some PricebookEntry records*

for(PricebookEntry pe : prodList){
  prodQty.put(pe, 0);


So I'm querying PricebookEntry records and then creating a map where the PBE is the key and an integer is the value.  This is so I can assign the number of rows of each PricebookEntry that I want.  This is the pageBlockTable I've written:


<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!prodQty}" var="p" columns="6">
  <apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
    <apex:inputText value="{!prodQty[p]}" />
  <apex:column headerValue="Product Name" value="{!p.Product2.Name}" />
  <apex:column headerValue="Product Code" value="{!p.Product2.ProductCode}" />
  <apex:column headerValue="Product Family" value="{!p.Product2.Family}" />
  <apex:column headerValue="Currency" value="{!p.CurrencyIsoCode}" />
  <apex:column headerValue="Requires Sub Group" value="{!p.Product2.Requires_Sub_Group__c}" />

 Which displays the table nicely.  The first column is an input text field where I can enter the number of each row I want (They're all defaulted to zero, as per the Map initialisation code) and the rest of the columns display the specified PricebookEntry field.


The problem comes when the user tries to progress.  After entering the values they want, they press a "Select" Command Button and this returns errors like this:


Value '01uXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' cannot be converted from core.apexpages.el.adapters.SObjectELAdapter to common.apex.runtime.SObjectRow 

Where the Id is a PricebookEntry Id - this error is repeated for every PricebookEntry that I display in the table.


The error is not related to the work I'm doing when the user clicks the Select - even if I call an empty method when the user clicks this button, this error still displays.  It's something to do with the inputText column in the table, ie

<apex:column headerValue="Quantity">
  <apex:inputText value="{!prodQty[p]}" />

 I know this because the error doesn't display if I don't have this column in my table.


I'm sure I've done something like this in the past at a previous company but I can't get it working this time.  All I want to do is update the value assigned to the relevant PricebookEntry's row in the map so I know how many of each row to create.  I've never encountered this error before and it doesn't show up in debug logs so I'm stumped.  Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?



I want to display and allow the users to edit the event records fields Start Date Time and End Date Time on visualforce.  It will not allow editing of these fields similar to the edit button on the event records.   Does anyone have a visualforce component to handle the date time similar to salesforce?


 Salesforce - Why isn't this a standard component for handling any date time field?


Event UI Handler for Date Time:



Visual Force Handler for Date time: