• Ankur2205
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Hi memeber, 
I need to create a batch utility where if the promotion is approved, need to download the FILE to a server/local. 

I fear that this cannot be done via data-loader so need an APEX. 

Kindly help

Hi Team ,
Appreciate your help in proving a SOQL/solution in order to extract to extract Opportunity, Opportunity LI and Contact Roles into 1 CSV.

I have tried a  lot many things but unable to do so

Hi Memebers,
I have a requirement. 

System A queries SFDC for Unique Id, if found we send the related details back 

but if not found, we need to capture this id that is being queried and send it to another system (System C) via API (within the same session preferrably) and later send the result back to the System A.

Is this possible?

I have a trigger that updates all Oppty with Product managers, however, I am having issues, as the for some users opptys are too many, and I get an error where my request is unsuccessful. 

and now I cannot change the User's manager in user object, as apparently,

trigger ProjectManagerAssignedOnOpp on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

   If (Trigger.isInsert){

	for(Opportunity OneOpp: Trigger.new){
			OppManualShare OppShareC = new OppManualShare();
			OppShareC.manualShareRead(OneOpp.Id,OneOpp.Project_Manager__c, 'Edit' );


	for(Opportunity OneOpp: Trigger.new){
		//if(OL.Opportunity_Record_Type_ID__c == RT){
			Opportunity beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(OneOpp.Id); 
			  (OneOpp.Project_Manager__c != null && OneOpp.Project_Manager__c != beforeUpdate.Project_Manager__c)
			  ||(OneOpp.Project_Manager__c != null && OneOpp.ownerid != beforeUpdate.ownerid)
				OppManualShare OppShareC = new OppManualShare();
				OppShareC.manualShareRead(OneOpp.Id,OneOpp.Project_Manager__c, 'Edit' );

this field acts as the trigger. 



var Pricebookid = '{!Opportunity.Opp_PricebookId__c}'; 
var OppId = "{!Opportunity.Id}"; 
var acc_id = "{!Account.Id}"; 

if(Pricebookid !="") 




Please any help appreciated
Please help
var Pricebookid = '{!Opportunity.Opp_PricebookId__c}'; 
var OppId = "{!Opportunity.Id}"; 
var acc_id = "{!Account.Id}"; 

if(Pricebookid !="") 




Hi Folks,
I have requirement, in which I need to create a task, and attach it to multiple leads, (1000 Leads).

1) user should be able to Multi Select lead records, to which we need to attach a task.
2) user clicks on a button to Create a task.
3) User will manually add in all the  reuired details, and submitting/save that task should associate the task to each lead record.

I am planning to do this via flow, however, I do not know how to use FLOWs.
I really need some help.


Hi Folks, 

I have 2 objects a) Opportunity B) Reason for return
In the oppty object, i have a picklist field, which user's pick when they are returning the oppty back to the sales guy for more information. 
Today this is single selection and not a multivalue picklist. Along with another filed remarks is mandatory

Going forward Biz would like a functionality where they can either open a pop-up (while selecting the picklist) , or keep on adding the picklist from the filed along with remarks for very reason, and it should be copied into another Related list/object for better reporting. 

Is this possible by Flow, Apex, VF, or combination of these? It would be really helpful if someone can provide a head start code. 



We have a requiement in which, Users creating an oppty must be able to pull last 6 months oppty of the same customer.
1) There needs to be 2 fields, a) Pull through<Flag>  b) Previous oppty <should be multi select>
2) If the Pull through is checkd (selected) by User, then Field: Previous_oppty should be mandatory
3) Previous_Oppty Field requirements
a) This field should display previous 6 months of Opportunity <Opportunity Name> realted to the same customer for which new oppty is being created.

I am not sure on how to proceed with the requirment. I reallly require urgent help.

Hi Memebers,
I have a requirement. 

System A queries SFDC for Unique Id, if found we send the related details back 

but if not found, we need to capture this id that is being queried and send it to another system (System C) via API (within the same session preferrably) and later send the result back to the System A.

Is this possible?

var Pricebookid = '{!Opportunity.Opp_PricebookId__c}'; 
var OppId = "{!Opportunity.Id}"; 
var acc_id = "{!Account.Id}"; 

if(Pricebookid !="") 




Please any help appreciated
Please help
var Pricebookid = '{!Opportunity.Opp_PricebookId__c}'; 
var OppId = "{!Opportunity.Id}"; 
var acc_id = "{!Account.Id}"; 

if(Pricebookid !="") 




Hi Folks,
I have requirement, in which I need to create a task, and attach it to multiple leads, (1000 Leads).

1) user should be able to Multi Select lead records, to which we need to attach a task.
2) user clicks on a button to Create a task.
3) User will manually add in all the  reuired details, and submitting/save that task should associate the task to each lead record.

I am planning to do this via flow, however, I do not know how to use FLOWs.
I really need some help.
