• ajay hada 9
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I create a form in visualforce page and create force.com website. At force.com submit button is showing but input filed not showing. please provide me solution

I create a table mytest__c and there is name field in table

i want to save input filed value in name field . so please help me . i create vf page and apex class for this

i create a vf page :

<apex:page controller="myClassController">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:inputField value="{! mytest1.Name}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{! Save}"/>

I create apex class is as fellow :

public class myClassController {
    public mytest__c mytest1{get;set;}
    public mytest__c mytest() {
        mytest1 = new mytest__c();
        return mytest1;
    public PageReference Save(){
        mytest1 = new mytest__c();
        insert mytest1;
        return null;



So provide me solution


I create a table mytest__c and there is name field in table

i want to save input filed value in name field . so please help me . i create vf page and apex class for this

i create a vf page :

<apex:page controller="myClassController">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:inputField value="{! mytest1.Name}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{! Save}"/>

I create apex class is as fellow :

public class myClassController {
    public mytest__c mytest1{get;set;}
    public mytest__c mytest() {
        mytest1 = new mytest__c();
        return mytest1;
    public PageReference Save(){
        mytest1 = new mytest__c();
        insert mytest1;
        return null;



So provide me solution