• Norman Krishna
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I have an issue with the Metadata deployment of Case Assignment Rules which kept failing with the following error:
Case.External Case Routing Assignment Rule 3 21 An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 720331421-103328 (-645351052)
As I had 60+ Assignment Rules, manual deployment was not an option. I started out by deploying Rules 1 through 10 (editing Assignment Rule meta data) and tetsing deployment.
Sure enough, the Assignment Rules would deploy and I was able to isolate the issue to a single rule which is innocous enough (please see below).
After I removed this from the Metadata, I was able to deploy all the Assignment Rules successfully and I manually installed the errant rule.
  1. Has anyone come across this earlier ?
  2. Is this a Spring15 SFDC bug ?
  3. Any thoughts on why such simple ode should cause a failure ? (verified that the Queue and Record Type existed in the target)
                <value>CSDA Contract Request</value>
MetaData API:  version 31
There is an issue when deploying Case Assignment Rules when a Predefined Case Team is assigned for more than one Rule.
Here is the deployment error: "Duplicate case team entry for SalesShare".
The workaround for the issue :
  1. Remove the following code from the Assignment Rules metadata XML " <team>SalesShare</team>"
  2. Deploy the Assignment Rule
  3. Manually update the Rules which have the Predefined Case Teams back
Hopefully, we should have a resolution with Metadata API version 33 when it is released for Spring 15.

Has anyone experienced this before ?  

MetaData API:  version 31
There is an issue when deploying Case Assignment Rules when a Predefined Case Team is assigned for more than one Rule.
Here is the deployment error: "Duplicate case team entry for SalesShare".
The workaround for the issue :
  1. Remove the following code from the Assignment Rules metadata XML " <team>SalesShare</team>"
  2. Deploy the Assignment Rule
  3. Manually update the Rules which have the Predefined Case Teams back
Hopefully, we should have a resolution with Metadata API version 33 when it is released for Spring 15.

Has anyone experienced this before ?