• Tim Kolb
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I have an application using the attachment object to store files for external use.  There is no need to view or acces these file via the Lighting interface.  Will the Attachmenmt object still be supported by Salesforce?

The Date and Double fields are not getting updated.  Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Sting fields update as expected.

wsdl definitions:

                <element name="SRA_CloseDate__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/>
                <element name="SRA_CreateDate__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/>
                <element name="SRA_Notes__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
                <element name="SRA_Probability__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_SaleAmount__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_Status__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
                <element name="SRA_Units__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_Worksheet__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

VB.Net Code:

                ' Only need one opportunity in the array
                Dim objOppx(1) As SFWebReference.Opportunity                            ' Create Array
                Dim updateOppx As New SFWebReference.Opportunity               ' Create Opportunity object

                ' Set Opportunity Values
                updateOppx.Id = OpportunityID
                updateOppx.SRA_Worksheet__c = SRADocument          ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_Status__c = Status                               ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_Probability__c = 10                              ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_Units__c = 1                                        ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_SaleAmount__c =100                         ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_Notes__c = Notes                               ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_CreateDate__c = DateTime.Parse("10/14/2011 11:46 AM")                ' Date
                updateOppx.SRA_CloseDate__c = DateTime.Parse("10/14/2011 11:46 AM")                  ' Date

                objOppx(0) = updateOppx                       
                ' Update the Opportuinty
                Dim sr() As SFWebReference.SaveResult
                sr = SfService.update(objOppx)                ' Update all array objects

The Date and Double fields are not getting updated.  Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Sting fields update as expected.

wsdl definitions:

                <element name="SRA_CloseDate__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/>
                <element name="SRA_CreateDate__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/>
                <element name="SRA_Notes__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
                <element name="SRA_Probability__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_SaleAmount__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_Status__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>
                <element name="SRA_Units__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/>
                <element name="SRA_Worksheet__c" nillable="true" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string"/>

VB.Net Code:

                ' Only need one opportunity in the array
                Dim objOppx(1) As SFWebReference.Opportunity                            ' Create Array
                Dim updateOppx As New SFWebReference.Opportunity               ' Create Opportunity object

                ' Set Opportunity Values
                updateOppx.Id = OpportunityID
                updateOppx.SRA_Worksheet__c = SRADocument          ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_Status__c = Status                               ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_Probability__c = 10                              ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_Units__c = 1                                        ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_SaleAmount__c =100                         ' Double
                updateOppx.SRA_Notes__c = Notes                               ' String
                updateOppx.SRA_CreateDate__c = DateTime.Parse("10/14/2011 11:46 AM")                ' Date
                updateOppx.SRA_CloseDate__c = DateTime.Parse("10/14/2011 11:46 AM")                  ' Date

                objOppx(0) = updateOppx                       
                ' Update the Opportuinty
                Dim sr() As SFWebReference.SaveResult
                sr = SfService.update(objOppx)                ' Update all array objects