- vinothk balasubramanian
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Could you Please help me how to write the test class for this code
Hi All,
I don't have much experience in writing the test class as i have written the below code. Can you please write the test class for the below code.
I don't have much experience in writing the test class as i have written the below code. Can you please write the test class for the below code.
public without sharing class CaseFrecuencyIncidenceCLS { public static Id RTMX_REDLTH_CONSUMER_CALL = null; public static Id RTREJC_SERVICE = null; private String vDueDay; private String vDueTime; private double vDueTimeDoub; private String vDueTimeDoubl; private String Classification; private map<String,list<Account>> mpCoverDC; //index by Colony //-----------------------------$$ future method for final case record update : ------- @future public static void updateCaseStatusToAssigned(id caseRecId) { system.debug('@@caseRecId@@'+caseRecId); Case caseRec = [SELECT id, status, Service_Center__c,Declined_Reason__c, Confirmed_Declined_by__c FROM case WHERE id=: caseRecId]; if(caseRec.Service_Center__c != null){ caseRec.status= 'Assigned'; caseRec.Declined_Reason__c=''; caseRec.Confirmed_Declined_by__c=''; update caseRec; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void rt(){ RTMX_REDLTH_CONSUMER_CALL = getRecordTypeId('Case','MX RedLTH Consumer Call'); RTREJC_SERVICE = getRecordTypeId('Case','Rejected Service'); }//rt() //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Used to get record Type Id public Id getRecordTypeId(String objType, String name) { Id RecordTypeId = null; Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objType); if (targetType != null) { SObject obj = targetType.newSObject(); Schema.DescribeSObjectResult d = obj.getSObjectType().getDescribe(); if (d != null) { Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMap = d.getRecordTypeInfosByName(); if (rtMap != null) { Schema.RecordTypeInfo rtInfo = rtMap.get(name); if (rtInfo != null) { RecordTypeId = rtInfo.getRecordTypeId(); }//if }//if }//if }//if return RecordTypeId; }//getRecordTypeId //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void updateRelatedContact(list<Case> cases){ list<Id> lsIDCITY = new list<Id>(); list<Id> lsIDCOLO = new list<Id>(); list<Id> lsIDCONT = new list<Id>(); for(Case c: cases){ lsIDCITY.add(c.City__c); lsIDCOLO.add(c.Colony__c); lsIDCONT.add(c.ContactId); }//for map<Id,City__c> mpCITY = new map<Id,City__c>([SELECT Id,Name From City__c where id=:lsIDCITY]); map<Id,Colony__c> mpCOLONY = new map<Id,Colony__c>([SELECT Id,Name From Colony__c where id=:lsIDCOLO]); map<Id,Contact> mpCONTACT = new map<Id,Contact>([SELECT Id,Name From Contact where id=:lsIDCONT AND MailingCity=null AND MailingState=null]); for(Case Issue: cases){ if(mpCONTACT.containsKey(Issue.ContactId)){ Contact cont = mpCONTACT.get(Issue.ContactId); cont.MailingCountry= (Issue.Country__c == null)?'':Issue.Country__c; cont.MailingStreet= ((Issue.Street__c == null)?'':Issue.Street__c) + ' ' + ((Issue.Street_number__c == null)?'':Issue.Street_number__c); cont.MailingCity= (Issue.City__c == null || !mpCITY.containsKey(Issue.City__c))?'':mpCITY.get(Issue.City__c).Name; cont.MailingState= (Issue.State__c == null)?'':Issue.State__c; cont.MailingPostalCode= (Issue.Zip_Code__c == null)?'':Issue.Zip_Code__c; cont.Colony__c= (Issue.Colony__c == null || !mpCOLONY.containsKey(Issue.Colony__c))?'':mpCOLONY.get(Issue.Colony__c).Name; cont.Between_Streets__c= (Issue.Between_Streets__c == null)?'':Issue.Between_Streets__c; cont.Reference__c= (Issue.References__c == null)?'':Issue.References__c; cont.Place__c= (Issue.Place__c == null)?'':Issue.Place__c; }//if }//for if(!mpCONTACT.isEmpty()) update mpCONTACT.values(); }//updateRelatedContact //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void updateFrecuencyIncidence(list<Case> cases){ searchServiceCenter(cases); for(Case c: cases){ Account center = assignServiceCenter(c.Colony__c); if(center.Id != null) { c.Service_Center__c=center.Id; c.Service_center_email__c=center.E_mail__c; c.Status = 'Assigned'; // Changed value from 'center.AccountID' to 'c.Contact.AccountId' #(Task: , Story:S-266263) c.AccountID = c.Contact.AccountId; System.debug(' Case Center Id :' + center.Id); System.debug(' Case Service Center :' + c.Service_Center__c); System.debug('Case Service Center email :' + c.Service_center_email__c); System.debug('Case Status :' + c.Status); //------Added by Vinoth----------- //-------------------------------- } else { c.addError('No existe un Centro de Servicio registrado con cobertura para esta colonia. There is no Service Center Coverage for this Neighborhood'); }//if }//for } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void searchServiceCenter(list<Case> cases){ list<Id> lsColony = new list<Id>(); for(Case c: cases){ lsColony.add(c.Colony__c); //lsCity.add(c.City__c); vDueDay = c.Due_Day__c; vDueTimeDoub = c.Due_Time__c; Classification = c.Classification__c; System.debug('vDueTimeDoub :' + vDueTimeDoub); }//for // Get all the 'Service Centers Ids' for this colony that provides 'Home Delivery' list<Service_Center_Coverage__c >lsCover = new list<Service_Center_Coverage__c >([Select id,Colony__c,Service_Center__c FROM Service_Center_Coverage__c Where Colony__c=: lsColony AND Service_Center__r.RecordType.Name = 'LTH Service Center' and Service_Center__r.Service_Center_Type__c = 'Red LTH SC' and Service_Center__r.Home_delivery_service__c = true]); list<Id> lsACC = new list<Id>(); for(Service_Center_Coverage__c csc :lsCover){ lsACC.add(csc.Service_Center__c); System.debug('* 2. SC Coverage : '+ csc.id); }//for mpCoverDC = new map<String,list<Account>>(); //map<Id,Account> mpAccount ; map<Id,Account> mpAccount = new map<Id,Account>(); // Query for all the Account that provides 'Home Delivery' in this colony if (vDueDay == 'Saturday' && Classification== 'Home Service - Scheduled') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Saturday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Saturday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == 'Saturday' else if (vDueDay == 'Sunday' && Classification== 'Home Service - Scheduled') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == 'Sunday' else if ((vDueDay == 'Monday' || vDueDay == 'Tuesday' || vDueDay == 'Wednesday' || vDueDay == 'Thursday' || vDueDay == 'Friday') && Classification == 'Home Service - Scheduled' ) { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == Weekdays else if (vDueDay == 'Saturday' && Classification == 'Home Service') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } else if (vDueDay == 'Sunday' && Classification == 'Home Service') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } else if ((vDueDay == 'Monday' || vDueDay == 'Tuesday' || vDueDay == 'Wednesday' || vDueDay == 'Thursday' || vDueDay == 'Friday') && Classification == 'Home Service' ) { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } system.debug('* Service Centers found : ' + mpAccount.keySet()); calculateFrequencyNIncidents(mpAccount.values()); for(Case c: cases){ String COLONY = c.Colony__c; list<Account> lsTMP = new list<Account>(); for(Service_Center_Coverage__c csc:lsCover){ if(csc.Colony__c==COLONY && mpAccount.containsKey(csc.Service_Center__c)) lsTMP.add(mpAccount.get(csc.Service_Center__c)); }//for system.debug('lsTMP '+lsTMP); mpCoverDC.put(COLONY,lsTMP); } }//searchServiceCenter //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public map<String,list<Account>> searchServiceCentersforrejected(list<Case> cases){ //$$ method return type changed system.debug('##entry into searchServiceCenter ##'); list<Id> lsColony = new list<Id>(); list<Id> lsACC = new list<Id>(); //$$ list<Id> lsAlredyAssignedACC = new list<Id>(); //$$ to hold the already assigned srvc centre ids Set<Id> allCaseId = new Set<Id>(); list<Service_Center_Case_Status__c> allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus = new list<Service_Center_Case_Status__c>(); //$$----- Set<Id> allRelatedServiceCenterIds = new Set<Id>(); //$$--------------- for(Case c: cases){ lsColony.add(c.Colony__c); allCaseId.add(c.id); //$$------------ //lsCity.add(c.City__c); vDueDay = c.Due_Day__c; vDueTimeDoub = c.Due_Time__c; //vDueTimeDouble = c.DueTime__c; Classification = c.Classification__c; System.debug('vDueTimeDoub :' + vDueTimeDoub); }//for //$$--------------------------------- system.debug('##allCaseId##'+allCaseId); allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus = [SELECT Service_Center__c,Case_Number__c FROM Service_Center_Case_Status__c WHERE Case_Number__c in: allCaseId]; system.debug('##allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus ##'+allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus ); if(allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus.size()>0) { for(Service_Center_Case_Status__c sCCSVar: allRelatedSrvcCntrCaseStatus) { allRelatedServiceCenterIds.add(sCCSVar.Service_Center__c); } } system.debug('##allRelatedServiceCenterIds##'+allRelatedServiceCenterIds); //$$---------------------- // Get all the 'Service Centers Ids' for this colony that provides 'Home Delivery' //$$------------- list<Service_Center_Coverage__c >lsCover = new list<Service_Center_Coverage__c >([Select id,Colony__c,Service_Center__c FROM Service_Center_Coverage__c Where Colony__c=: lsColony AND Service_Center__r.RecordType.Name = 'LTH Service Center' and Service_Center__r.Service_Center_Type__c = 'Red LTH SC' and Service_Center__r.Home_delivery_service__c = true AND Service_Center__r.Id NOT in: allRelatedServiceCenterIds]); system.debug('##lsCover ##'+lsCover ); if(lsCover.size() > 0) { lsACC = new list<Id>(); for(Service_Center_Coverage__c csc :lsCover){ lsACC.add(csc.Service_Center__c); System.debug('## SC Coverage option ##: '+ csc.id); }//for }// end of if else{ system.debug('## NO SERVICE CENTER AVAILABLE'); } system.debug('##lsACC ##'+lsACC); mpCoverDC = new map<String,list<Account>>(); //map<Id,Account> mpAccount ; map<Id,Account> mpAccount = new map<Id,Account>(); // Query for all the Account that provides 'Home Delivery' in this colony if (vDueDay == 'Saturday' && Classification== 'Home Service - Scheduled') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Saturday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Saturday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == 'Saturday' else if (vDueDay == 'Sunday' && Classification== 'Home Service - Scheduled') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == 'Sunday' else if ((vDueDay == 'Monday' || vDueDay == 'Tuesday' || vDueDay == 'Wednesday' || vDueDay == 'Thursday' || vDueDay == 'Friday') && Classification == 'Home Service - Scheduled' ) { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); }//vDueDay == Weekdays else if (vDueDay == 'Saturday' && Classification == 'Home Service') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } else if (vDueDay == 'Sunday' && Classification == 'Home Service') { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Sunday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Sunday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } else if ((vDueDay == 'Monday' || vDueDay == 'Tuesday' || vDueDay == 'Wednesday' || vDueDay == 'Thursday' || vDueDay == 'Friday') && Classification == 'Home Service' ) { mpAccount = new map<id,Account> ([Select id, Name, E_mail__c,Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c,Closing_Hours_Saturday__c,Closing_Hours_Sunday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Sunday_Int__c,Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c FROM Account Where Id =: lsACC AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c <> 'Closed' AND Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c >= :(vDueTimeDoub + 1) AND Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday_Int__c <= :vDueTimeDoub order by Frecuency__c, Incidence__c]); } system.debug('* Service Centers found : ' + mpAccount.keySet()); calculateFrequencyNIncidents(mpAccount.values()); for(Case c: cases){ String COLONY = c.Colony__c; list<Account> lsTMP = new list<Account>(); for(Service_Center_Coverage__c csc:lsCover){ if(csc.Colony__c==COLONY && mpAccount.containsKey(csc.Service_Center__c)) lsTMP.add(mpAccount.get(csc.Service_Center__c)); }//for system.debug('##lsTMP ##'+lsTMP); //$$------------ system.debug('##lsTMP@@'+lsTMP); //$$------------- mpCoverDC.put(COLONY,lsTMP); } return mpCoverDC; }//searchServiceCentersforrejected //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void calculateFrequencyNIncidents(list<Account> Accs){ Service_Center_Selector__c scs = Service_Center_Selector__c.getInstance(UserInfo.getProfileId()); //Custom Hierarchy settings double Incid = (scs==null || scs.Incidents_Range_Days__c ==null )?1:scs.Incidents_Range_Days__c; Date d= system.today().addDays(Incid.intValue()*-1); System.debug('****Incidence Date****:' +d); // Changed the RecordType from "Rejected Service" to 'MX RedLTH Consumer Call' and added the Status "Declined" by Vinoth AggregateResult[] grpINC = [Select Count(id) TOT,Service_Center__c FROM Case Where Service_Center__c in : Accs and RecordType.Name = 'MX RedLTH Consumer Call' and Status='Declined' and CreatedDate >=: d GROUP BY Service_Center__c]; map<Id,Integer> mpINCIDENCES = new map<Id,Integer>(); for(AggregateResult AR: grpINC) mpINCIDENCES.put(Id.valueOf(String.valueOf(AR.get('Service_Center__c'))),Integer.valueOf(AR.get('TOT'))); //FREQUENCY double Frec = (scs==null || scs.Frequency_Range_Days__c ==null )?1:scs.Frequency_Range_Days__c; d= system.today().addDays(Frec.intValue()*-1); System.debug('***Frequency Date****:' +d); // Changed the record type from 'Home service' to 'MX RedLTH Consumer Call' #(T-325212) AggregateResult[] grpFRC = [Select Count(id) TOT,Service_Center__c FROM Case Where Service_Center__c in : Accs and RecordType.Name = 'MX RedLTH Consumer Call' and Status='Assigned' and CreatedDate >=: d GROUP BY Service_Center__c]; map<Id,Integer> mpFREQUENCY = new map<Id,Integer>(); for(AggregateResult AR: grpFRC) mpFREQUENCY.put(Id.valueOf(String.valueOf(AR.get('Service_Center__c'))),Integer.valueOf(AR.get('TOT'))); for(Account A:Accs){ A.Frecuency__c = (mpFREQUENCY.containsKey(A.Id))?mpFREQUENCY.get(A.Id):0; System.debug('****Frequency****:' +A.Frecuency__c ); A.Incidence__c = (mpINCIDENCES.containsKey(A.Id))?mpINCIDENCES.get(A.Id):0; System.debug('****Incidence****:' + A.Incidence__c ); }//for }//calculateFrequencyNIncidents //---------------------------------------------------------------------- public Account assignServiceCenter(String Colony){ Account center = new Account(); Boolean assignment = false; if(mpCoverDC.containsKey(Colony)){ list<Account> lsAccount = mpCoverDC.get(Colony); for(Account acc : lsAccount){ if(assignment==false || (acc.Frecuency__c==center.Frecuency__c && acc.Incidence__c<center.Incidence__c) || (acc.Frecuency__c<center.Frecuency__c)){ center.Id=acc.Id; center.E_mail__c=acc.E_mail__c; center.Frecuency__c=acc.Frecuency__c; center.Incidence__c=acc.Incidence__c; assignment=true; System.debug('****CenterId****:' + center.Id ); System.debug('****CenterEmail****:' + center.E_mail__c ); System.debug('****CenterFrequency****:' + center.Frecuency__c ); System.debug('****CenterIncidence****:' + center.Incidence__c ); }//if }//for } //This method is added to update the account record (Task: T-325212) if(center != null) { updateAccountRecord(center); }//if return center; }//assignServiceCenter private void updateAccountRecord(Account cen) { List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Frecuency__c, Incidence__c, Opening_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c, Closing_Hours_Monday_to_Friday__c, Opening_Hours_Saturday__c, Closing_Hours_Saturday__c, Opening_Hours_Sunday__c, Closing_Hours_Sunday__c FROM Account WHERE Id =:cen.Id LIMIT 1]; If (acc.size()>0) { if(acc[0].Frecuency__c != null) { acc[0].Frecuency__c++; }//if else { acc[0].Frecuency__c = 1; } update acc; }//If (acc.size()>0) }//updateAccountRecord }
- vinothk balasubramanian
- October 14, 2015
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- 0
How can we move the package and its associated components from one sandbox to another Sandbox
Hi All,
Can you please help me in moving unmanaged package and its associated components (object,tab,classes, VF pages) together from one sandbox to another sandbox. Should we use Force.com IDE or ANT for this as i am not able to find package option in change set
Can you please help me in moving unmanaged package and its associated components (object,tab,classes, VF pages) together from one sandbox to another sandbox. Should we use Force.com IDE or ANT for this as i am not able to find package option in change set
- vinothk balasubramanian
- February 26, 2015
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- 0
Julian date to salesforce format date
Hi All,
We have the data coming from external application to salesforce where the dates are stored in Julian format in 6 digits in external party application. . Can you please help me to convert this to salesforce date format through formula or workflow rule or Apex code
For ex : Julian date 115054 need to convert to salesforce date format 2/23/2011
We have the data coming from external application to salesforce where the dates are stored in Julian format in 6 digits in external party application. . Can you please help me to convert this to salesforce date format through formula or workflow rule or Apex code
For ex : Julian date 115054 need to convert to salesforce date format 2/23/2011
- vinothk balasubramanian
- February 26, 2015
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- 0
Exclude weekend and holidays in salesforce formula field
I have a requirement to show the 1st Followup due date (which is 3 business days from the service Due date), 2nd Followup date (Which is 6 business days from the Service Due date) and 3rd Followup due date which is 10 business days from the service Due date and the service due date which is set when the Followup status is set to "Received by Service"
So i created formula field for the service Due date and workflow rules for 1st,2nd and 3rd Followup date and everything is working fine
Now the latest requirement is they don't want the below days to count against the calculation of 1st,2nd and 3rd Followup due dates. Here is a list of this years:
February 16,May 25,July 3,September 7,November 26,November 27,December 25
Can you please help me how we should not count the above days for the below calculation
Giving the calculation of 1st Followup due date for your reference
MOD( DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ),
3, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
4, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
5, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
6, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 4,
0, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
1, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
2, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
I have a requirement to show the 1st Followup due date (which is 3 business days from the service Due date), 2nd Followup date (Which is 6 business days from the Service Due date) and 3rd Followup due date which is 10 business days from the service Due date and the service due date which is set when the Followup status is set to "Received by Service"
So i created formula field for the service Due date and workflow rules for 1st,2nd and 3rd Followup date and everything is working fine
Now the latest requirement is they don't want the below days to count against the calculation of 1st,2nd and 3rd Followup due dates. Here is a list of this years:
February 16,May 25,July 3,September 7,November 26,November 27,December 25
Can you please help me how we should not count the above days for the below calculation
Giving the calculation of 1st Followup due date for your reference
MOD( DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ),
3, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
4, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
5, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 5,
6, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 4,
0, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
1, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
2, DATEVALUE(Service_Due_bye__c) + 3,
- vinothk balasubramanian
- February 09, 2015
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- 0
Workflow is not firing everytime on Opportunity after lead conversion
I have an workflow on Opportunity that needs to trigger everytime its created.
The criteria is based on a formula field(Account.name) -- Formula_field__c contains 'TEXT', trigger the workflow.
This Workflow does bunch of field updates
The problem is, the workflow is not triggerring some times eventhough it meets the criteria.
Note: I am creating the Opportunity using lead conversion.
I got issues with Data integrity because of the Issue
The criteria is based on a formula field(Account.name) -- Formula_field__c contains 'TEXT', trigger the workflow.
This Workflow does bunch of field updates
The problem is, the workflow is not triggerring some times eventhough it meets the criteria.
Note: I am creating the Opportunity using lead conversion.
I got issues with Data integrity because of the Issue
- Vj@88
- December 29, 2015
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