• mritz
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I have an apex class which takes project Id from the URL of VF Page and displays all tasks assigned to it. The VF Page is opened from a custom button on Standard SFDC project object layout
(Sample URL: https://<sfdc instance>/apex/TaskPage?id=<projectId>)
I need help to write test class for this Apex Class

Apex Class
public class TaskClass{
	Id projectId;
	String errorMessage{get;set;}
	public List<Task__c>  taskList{get;set;}
	public TaskClass(){
		projectId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
				taskList = [Select id,Name from Task__c where project__c =: projectId];
			}catch(Exception e){
				errorMessage = 'No records found';
			errorMessage = 'Invalid URL';
	//other functions

  • April 01, 2016
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I want to fetch Start & End Date of each task on VF page and then perform operation on it (Save,update,delete)

But i am unable to pull data on VF page inputt fields

public class TextClass1{
	public String err{get;set;}
	public List<Task__c> taskList{get;set;}
	public List<Integer> index{get;set;}
	public List<date> sDate{get;set;}
	public List<Date> eDate{get;set;}
	public TestClass1{
		sDate = new List<Date>();
		eDate = new List<Date>();
		index = new List<Integer>();
			taskList = [SELECT id, name,start_date__c, end_date__c FROM Task__c];
			Integer i=0;
			for(Task__c t:taskList){
		}catch(Exception e){
	public void saveAll(){
		update taskList;

<apex:page id="page" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" doctype="html-5.0">
		<apex:form id="form">
			<apex:repeat value="{!index}" var="i">
				Task Name: <apex:inputText value="{!taskList[i].name}"/>
				Start Date: <apex:input type="date" value="{!sDate[i]}"/>
				End Date: <apex:input type="date" value="{!eDate[i]}"/><br/>
			<apex:commandButton value="Save All"/>


I am getting this error:" Expected input type 'text', got 'date' for Id data type"

I have also tried this variation of VF code, but i dont like the extra link that appears besides the date input field
            <apex:form id="form">
                <apex:repeat value="{!taskList}" var="t">
                    Task Name: <apex:inputText value="{!t.name}"/>
                    Start Date: <apex:inputField type="date" value="{!t.Start_Date__c}"/>
                    End Date: <apex:inputField type="date" value="{!t.End_Date__c}"/><br/><br/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Save All"/>

Any help would be appreciated.
  • March 11, 2016
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Apex Code

public class myClass1{

        public string out1{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> capitals{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> revenues{get;set;}
        public myClass1(){
            capitals=new list<decimal>(4);
            revenues=new list<decimal>(4);
            for(integer i=0;i<4;i++){
        public void mySave(){
          //this line should display value entered in second input text in place of 'Hello'

VisualFroce page

<apex:page controller="myClass1" showHeader="false" doctype="HTML-5.0">
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:tabPanel >
            <apex:tab label="one">
                <p>Tab one Content</p>
                <apex:outputtext id="out1" value="{!out1}" escape="false"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!mySave}" rerender="dataTable,out1,rpt"/>
                <table id="dataTable" style="border:2px solid green">
                    <apex:repeat value="{!capitals}" var="c" id="rpt">
                        <td><apex:inputtext  value="{!c}"/></td>
            <apex:tab label="two">
ideally above code should display numbers 0 to 4 in four input Text fields.

When i assign  value="{!c}", for inputText.
i am getting an error -> 'unkown property c'
in my opinion i should work perfectly.

Please correct my mistake.
  • April 28, 2015
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I want to save values from dynamically generated input text into list<decimal> using repeat.
 please have a look on the following code and suggest changes.
Apex Class

public class myClass1{

        public string out1{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> capitals{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> revenues{get;set;}
        public myClass1(){
            out1='No way';
            capitals=new list<decimal>(5);
            revenues=new list<decimal>(5);
            for(integer i=0;i<5;i++){
        public void goDynamic(){

Visual Force Page

<apex:page controller="myClass1" showHeader="false" doctype="HTML-5.0">
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:tabPanel >
            <apex:tab label="one">
                <p>Tab one Content</p>
                <apex:outputtext id="out1" value="{!out1}" escape="false"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="addRow"  rerender="dataTable,out1"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="goDynamic" action="{!goDynamic}" rerender="dataTable,out1,rpt"/>
                <table id="dataTable" style="border:2px solid green">
                        <th colspan="2">Capital</th>
                        <th colspan="2">Revenue</th>
                    <apex:repeat value="{!capitals},{!revenue}" var="c,r" id="rpt">
                        <td colspan="2"><apex:inputtext value="{!capitals[c]}"/></td>
                        <td colspan="2"><apex:inputtext value="{!revenues[r]}" /></td>

            <apex:tab label="two">


What i want to acheive is that i can gather input values for "Capitals" and  "revenues" from the user and save it in apex and do some calculation on it.

I know that apex:repeat value="{!capitals},{!revenues}" is not working.
But i dnt know any approach to gather input in two lists simultaneously.

Any solution based on maps will be fine.
  • April 28, 2015
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Apex Code:

public class myClass{
        public list<String> myValues{get;set;}
        public string outTxt{get;set;}
        public myClass(){
            outTxt='here-> ';
            myValues=new list<String>();
         public void concatenate(){
              for(integer i=0;i<4; i++)

VisualForce Page Code:

<apex:page controller="myClass">
    <apex:form >
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[0]}" id="val1"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[1]}" id="val2"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[2]}" id="val3"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[3]}" id="val4"/></td>
                <td><apex:commandButton value="Concatenate" action="{!concatenate}">
                        <apex:ActionSupport event="onclick" rerender="txt"/>
        <apex:outputText id="txt">{!outTxt}</apex:outputText>

The problem is that when i save this visualforce page code after saving apex code i am getting error:
Subscript is invalid because list is empty
  • April 20, 2015
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<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    <!-- Define Tab panel .css styles -->
    .activeTab {background-color: #236FBD; color:white; background-image:none}
    .inactiveTab { background-color: lightgrey; color:black; background-image:none}
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function next(buttonId){
            //code to show next tab....
        function back(buttonId){
            // code to show previous tab...
    <!-- Create Tab panel -->
    <apex:form >
    <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="name2" id="AccountTabPanel"
        tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">
        <apex:tab label="One" name="name1" id="tabOne">content for tab one<br/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Next" id="next1" onclick="next(this.id);"/>
        <apex:tab label="Two" name="name2" id="tabTwo">content for tab two<br/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Back" id="back1" onclick="back(this.id);"/>
            <apex:commandButton value="next" id="next2" onclick="next(this.id);"/>
        <apex:tab label="Three" name="tabThree">
            <table style="border:solid; position:center">
                    <td>Field Name</td>
                    <td><input type="Text" name="nm"/></td>

I am creating a custom visual force page having mutiple tabs in TabPanel.
I want to show adjoining tab or previous tab when "next" or "back" buttons are clicked.

please help me with the javascript code to acheive this.

Moreover, i also want to stop users to access tabs on mouseclick
(that means that the user cant switch between tabs by clicking on tab labels)

any help will be appreciated.
  • April 17, 2015
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<apex:page controller="myController">
   <apex:form >
        <apex:inputText value="{!myStr}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Click Here" action="!test_pg2"/>


<apex:page controller="myController">
    <apex:outputText value="{!myStr}"/>


public class myController{
    public string myStr{get;set;}
    public myController(){

Why am i getting above mentioned error when i click on BUTTON and go to next page.

Also, The url  also remain same ---> /apex/test_pg1
I think it should change to /paex/text_pg2
  • April 01, 2015
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public class getAcnt{
    public string AcNm{get;set;} //get value frm vf page
    public string AcPhn{get;set;} //get value frm vf page
    public string myStr{get;set;} // string having ID of  a particular Account
    public list<Account> Usr{get;set;} //holds values of an account retreived from database
    public void search(){

vf page 1

<apex:page controller="getAcnt" sidebar="false">
<apex:form >
      <p>Enter Account Details.</p>
      <p>Name:<apex:inputText value="{!AcNm}"/></p>
      <p>Phone:<apex:inputText value="{!AcPhn}"/></p>
      <p><apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/>
    <b> <a href="AcntPg">Go2Account</a></b>
<apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Usr}" var="my">
              <apex:column value="{!my.id}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!my.name}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!myStr}"/>

vf pg2

<apex:page controller="getAcnt">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:outputText value="ID: {!myStr}"></apex:outputText>

This code displays info correctly on vf pg1 ,
But when i click on the link to go on pg2 i cant see the ID stored in string myStr.

tried using pageReference but that was wroking on "Apex commandButton" but i want "link" and the url was also not changing.

I want that the url changes and the values also reflect on this page.

(I havent used pageReference in my Code)
  • April 01, 2015
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Following is my sample code

public list<Account> myAccount;
str='select id,name,Phone from Account where name like \'%'+usr+'%\'+ limit 10;
private str1;

I want to store 'id' from myAccount in str1.

I tried using str1=String.valuedOf(myAccount.id);
But its throwing error:
Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List<Account>

Any help will be appreciated.
  • April 01, 2015
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I am working on a flow in which i have a dynamic picklist(choice) having name of organizations (accounts).

now, i want that once a entry is selected from this dynamic choice the contacts related to this organizations to be populated in field no2 that is: again a dynamic choice picklist.
Or Even if i want to populate all the details of that particular account, remaining fields should be auto populated on the same flow screen.

  • March 19, 2015
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I want to create a visual force page using which a guest user can look for his details and can edit/delete it.
  • March 02, 2015
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I want to create a VisualFroce page having input fields in it. I want this page to enable Guest User to enter new record in Account Object( or any other Object).

I want headStart on how to write code for Save/Search/Edit/Delete Functions on a visulaForce page.
(Assume that i have created required input fields on visualFroce Page)
I can do this using Flow but i want to acheive this using VisualForce Page.

Even a link to similar solved question would do.

PS: Salesforce is new to me.

  • February 27, 2015
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I have created a visual Force page having a Flow in it. I am trying to create new ACCOUNT record using "Sites". But I am getting following Error on Record Create Stage in the flow.

Error occurred attempting to get data type for : RawFieldImpl[tableName: Account, columnName: Country__c] > CREATE
caused by element : FlowRecordCreate.t_acnt_create2
caused by: Error occurred attempting to get data type for : RawFieldImpl[tableName: Account, columnName: Country__c] > CREATE.

When i try to create new account using "preview" option on "Sites" its working fine and new record is being created in Account Object.
But i access it using "Site" url. Its giving above mentioned Error.

I dnt know what am i missing?
  • February 26, 2015
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I want to fetch Start & End Date of each task on VF page and then perform operation on it (Save,update,delete)

But i am unable to pull data on VF page inputt fields

public class TextClass1{
	public String err{get;set;}
	public List<Task__c> taskList{get;set;}
	public List<Integer> index{get;set;}
	public List<date> sDate{get;set;}
	public List<Date> eDate{get;set;}
	public TestClass1{
		sDate = new List<Date>();
		eDate = new List<Date>();
		index = new List<Integer>();
			taskList = [SELECT id, name,start_date__c, end_date__c FROM Task__c];
			Integer i=0;
			for(Task__c t:taskList){
		}catch(Exception e){
	public void saveAll(){
		update taskList;

<apex:page id="page" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" doctype="html-5.0">
		<apex:form id="form">
			<apex:repeat value="{!index}" var="i">
				Task Name: <apex:inputText value="{!taskList[i].name}"/>
				Start Date: <apex:input type="date" value="{!sDate[i]}"/>
				End Date: <apex:input type="date" value="{!eDate[i]}"/><br/>
			<apex:commandButton value="Save All"/>


I am getting this error:" Expected input type 'text', got 'date' for Id data type"

I have also tried this variation of VF code, but i dont like the extra link that appears besides the date input field
            <apex:form id="form">
                <apex:repeat value="{!taskList}" var="t">
                    Task Name: <apex:inputText value="{!t.name}"/>
                    Start Date: <apex:inputField type="date" value="{!t.Start_Date__c}"/>
                    End Date: <apex:inputField type="date" value="{!t.End_Date__c}"/><br/><br/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Save All"/>

Any help would be appreciated.
  • March 11, 2016
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Apex Code

public class myClass1{

        public string out1{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> capitals{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> revenues{get;set;}
        public myClass1(){
            capitals=new list<decimal>(4);
            revenues=new list<decimal>(4);
            for(integer i=0;i<4;i++){
        public void mySave(){
          //this line should display value entered in second input text in place of 'Hello'

VisualFroce page

<apex:page controller="myClass1" showHeader="false" doctype="HTML-5.0">
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:tabPanel >
            <apex:tab label="one">
                <p>Tab one Content</p>
                <apex:outputtext id="out1" value="{!out1}" escape="false"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!mySave}" rerender="dataTable,out1,rpt"/>
                <table id="dataTable" style="border:2px solid green">
                    <apex:repeat value="{!capitals}" var="c" id="rpt">
                        <td><apex:inputtext  value="{!c}"/></td>
            <apex:tab label="two">
ideally above code should display numbers 0 to 4 in four input Text fields.

When i assign  value="{!c}", for inputText.
i am getting an error -> 'unkown property c'
in my opinion i should work perfectly.

Please correct my mistake.
  • April 28, 2015
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I want to save values from dynamically generated input text into list<decimal> using repeat.
 please have a look on the following code and suggest changes.
Apex Class

public class myClass1{

        public string out1{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> capitals{get;set;}
        public list<decimal> revenues{get;set;}
        public myClass1(){
            out1='No way';
            capitals=new list<decimal>(5);
            revenues=new list<decimal>(5);
            for(integer i=0;i<5;i++){
        public void goDynamic(){

Visual Force Page

<apex:page controller="myClass1" showHeader="false" doctype="HTML-5.0">
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:tabPanel >
            <apex:tab label="one">
                <p>Tab one Content</p>
                <apex:outputtext id="out1" value="{!out1}" escape="false"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="addRow"  rerender="dataTable,out1"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="goDynamic" action="{!goDynamic}" rerender="dataTable,out1,rpt"/>
                <table id="dataTable" style="border:2px solid green">
                        <th colspan="2">Capital</th>
                        <th colspan="2">Revenue</th>
                    <apex:repeat value="{!capitals},{!revenue}" var="c,r" id="rpt">
                        <td colspan="2"><apex:inputtext value="{!capitals[c]}"/></td>
                        <td colspan="2"><apex:inputtext value="{!revenues[r]}" /></td>

            <apex:tab label="two">


What i want to acheive is that i can gather input values for "Capitals" and  "revenues" from the user and save it in apex and do some calculation on it.

I know that apex:repeat value="{!capitals},{!revenues}" is not working.
But i dnt know any approach to gather input in two lists simultaneously.

Any solution based on maps will be fine.
  • April 28, 2015
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Apex Code:

public class myClass{
        public list<String> myValues{get;set;}
        public string outTxt{get;set;}
        public myClass(){
            outTxt='here-> ';
            myValues=new list<String>();
         public void concatenate(){
              for(integer i=0;i<4; i++)

VisualForce Page Code:

<apex:page controller="myClass">
    <apex:form >
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[0]}" id="val1"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[1]}" id="val2"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[2]}" id="val3"/></td>
                <td><apex:inputtext value="{!myValues[3]}" id="val4"/></td>
                <td><apex:commandButton value="Concatenate" action="{!concatenate}">
                        <apex:ActionSupport event="onclick" rerender="txt"/>
        <apex:outputText id="txt">{!outTxt}</apex:outputText>

The problem is that when i save this visualforce page code after saving apex code i am getting error:
Subscript is invalid because list is empty
  • April 20, 2015
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<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    <!-- Define Tab panel .css styles -->
    .activeTab {background-color: #236FBD; color:white; background-image:none}
    .inactiveTab { background-color: lightgrey; color:black; background-image:none}
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function next(buttonId){
            //code to show next tab....
        function back(buttonId){
            // code to show previous tab...
    <!-- Create Tab panel -->
    <apex:form >
    <apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="name2" id="AccountTabPanel"
        tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">
        <apex:tab label="One" name="name1" id="tabOne">content for tab one<br/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Next" id="next1" onclick="next(this.id);"/>
        <apex:tab label="Two" name="name2" id="tabTwo">content for tab two<br/>
            <apex:commandButton value="Back" id="back1" onclick="back(this.id);"/>
            <apex:commandButton value="next" id="next2" onclick="next(this.id);"/>
        <apex:tab label="Three" name="tabThree">
            <table style="border:solid; position:center">
                    <td>Field Name</td>
                    <td><input type="Text" name="nm"/></td>

I am creating a custom visual force page having mutiple tabs in TabPanel.
I want to show adjoining tab or previous tab when "next" or "back" buttons are clicked.

please help me with the javascript code to acheive this.

Moreover, i also want to stop users to access tabs on mouseclick
(that means that the user cant switch between tabs by clicking on tab labels)

any help will be appreciated.
  • April 17, 2015
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<apex:page controller="myController">
   <apex:form >
        <apex:inputText value="{!myStr}"/>
        <apex:commandButton value="Click Here" action="!test_pg2"/>


<apex:page controller="myController">
    <apex:outputText value="{!myStr}"/>


public class myController{
    public string myStr{get;set;}
    public myController(){

Why am i getting above mentioned error when i click on BUTTON and go to next page.

Also, The url  also remain same ---> /apex/test_pg1
I think it should change to /paex/text_pg2
  • April 01, 2015
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public class getAcnt{
    public string AcNm{get;set;} //get value frm vf page
    public string AcPhn{get;set;} //get value frm vf page
    public string myStr{get;set;} // string having ID of  a particular Account
    public list<Account> Usr{get;set;} //holds values of an account retreived from database
    public void search(){

vf page 1

<apex:page controller="getAcnt" sidebar="false">
<apex:form >
      <p>Enter Account Details.</p>
      <p>Name:<apex:inputText value="{!AcNm}"/></p>
      <p>Phone:<apex:inputText value="{!AcPhn}"/></p>
      <p><apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}"/>
    <b> <a href="AcntPg">Go2Account</a></b>
<apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Usr}" var="my">
              <apex:column value="{!my.id}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!my.name}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!myStr}"/>

vf pg2

<apex:page controller="getAcnt">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:outputText value="ID: {!myStr}"></apex:outputText>

This code displays info correctly on vf pg1 ,
But when i click on the link to go on pg2 i cant see the ID stored in string myStr.

tried using pageReference but that was wroking on "Apex commandButton" but i want "link" and the url was also not changing.

I want that the url changes and the values also reflect on this page.

(I havent used pageReference in my Code)
  • April 01, 2015
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User-added image
It takes long time to save this simple apex page. So long that i lost patience and closed the browser.
I have tried a few times but saw the status changing to "Saved" .
When i forcibly close the console window all changes are lost.
Tried it on latest Firefox and Chrome browsers with same result.


I want to create a VisualFroce page having input fields in it. I want this page to enable Guest User to enter new record in Account Object( or any other Object).

I want headStart on how to write code for Save/Search/Edit/Delete Functions on a visulaForce page.
(Assume that i have created required input fields on visualFroce Page)
I can do this using Flow but i want to acheive this using VisualForce Page.

Even a link to similar solved question would do.

PS: Salesforce is new to me.

  • February 27, 2015
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