• Dilyan Dimitrov
  • 25 Points
  • Member since 2015

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When a Lead is converted, Salesforce will have to automatically create three new records: - Contact - Account - Opportunity

Is it necessary to implement an algorithm or it can be done in administrative way without having to write source code.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved in Salesforce?


Could you please explain and advise which are the best ways to do Data Migration in Production Envrionment. Before I start the data migration do I need an additional environment for backup? I am trying to redesign my Salseforce Production Envrionment and what I would like to achieve is to move data from custom objects to standard objects. For instance I have a custom objects like ISO, Competitors, APM Vendors which are of type custom objects. I would like to register and move them into standard Account object. Thus, fields and related lists will vary according to the type of the Account. Could you please advise and explain what is the best possible way in terms of tools, practices which can help me import and export data in Salesforce?

I connected my iphone to the computer to charge and received the following error: Salesforce for Outlook can't sync. You have one or more sync folders missing. Please have a look at the attached screenshots:

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image
2016-03-10 10:57:17,126 INFO  [Contact] *********** Starting Sync *********** 
2016-03-10 10:57:17,126 INFO  [Sync] Direction:Sync Conflict Setting:ClientWins
2016-03-10 10:57:17,126 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine status changed to GettingSalesforceChanges
2016-03-10 10:57:17,136 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine Status: received 0 creates, 0 updates, 0 deletes, and 0 errors from Sfdc Sync Connector
2016-03-10 10:57:17,136 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine status changed to GettingOutlookChanges
2016-03-10 10:57:17,216 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine Status: received 8 creates, 0 updates, 0 deletes, and 0 errors from Outlook Sync Connector
2016-03-10 10:57:17,226 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine status changed to Matching
2016-03-10 10:57:17,226 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine status changed to DoingConflictDetection
2016-03-10 10:57:17,226 INFO  [Contact]SyncEngine status changed to ApplyingSalesforceChanges
2016-03-10 10:57:17,226 INFO  [Contact] Applying Outlook changes to Salesforce: 8 creates, 0 updates, 0 deletes
2016-03-10 10:57:17,586 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record  
2016-03-10 10:57:17,586 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record  
2016-03-10 10:57:17,586 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record  
2016-03-10 10:57:17,596 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record Walgreens  
2016-03-10 10:57:17,596 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record Paladar Colombiano 
2016-03-10 10:57:17,596 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record NationStar William Mccumber 
2016-03-10 10:57:17,606 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record Carlos Krystal  
2016-03-10 10:57:17,606 ERROR [Contact] Create  to SFDC gave error(s) Sfdc.Server.SfdcServerCreateUpdateException: Required fields are missing: [LastName]
 for Outlook record Dr Sarro Dermatologist




I would like to display message with particular information in Salesforce.

I have created a custom field of type text and made it read only but it does not allow me to display the message I want.

Please see the screenshot

User-added image

could you please advise how this can be achieved in Salesforce?



I have a standard field called currency but I need to change its data type from picklist to multi-select picklist.

The problem is that it is not possible to change the data type of standard fields in Salesforce.

Therefore I'm trying to recreate the standard currency field but instead of removing the standard currency field is it possible to hide it in the layout?

What I would like to achieve is to hide the standard currency field and copy its data into the new field.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved?

Could you please advise how to copy the data from the standard currency field into the new recreated field.



I'm trying to execute the code in the following test class:
static testMethod void testLeadStatusExistingDeal() {

    Lead record = new Lead(LastName = 'Dimitrov', Company ='emp1', Monthly_Volume__c= '1234', Phone='1423542452', Website='www.google.com');
    insert record;
    System.debug('record ' + record);

    Contact contact = new Contact(Company_Name__c = record.id, email = 'dylan@dylan.com');
    Contact contact1 = new Contact(Company_Name__c = record.id, email = 'dilyan@dilyan.com');
    insert contact;
    insert contact1;

    Account account = new Account(name = 'acc1');
    insert account;
    Merchant_To_Contact__c merchantToAccount = new Merchant_To_Contact__c(Merchant_Name__c = account.id, email__c = 'dylan@dylan.com');
    Merchant_To_Contact__c merchantToAccount1 = new Merchant_To_Contact__c(Merchant_Name__c = account.id, email__c = 'dilyan@dilyan.com'); 

    insert merchantToAccount;
    insert merchantToAccount1;

    ApexPages.StandardController c = new ApexPages.StandardController(record);
    LeadToMerchantController ltmc = new LeadToMerchantController(c);
    String leadStatusExistingDeal = ltmc.leadStatusExistingDeal(record);
    System.debug('leadStatusExistingDeal ' + leadStatusExistingDeal);
Instead I get the following error Field is not writeable: Merchant_To_Contact__c.Email__c

Could you please advise what am I doing wrong and how to execute this test class without such error?



The issue is when I create a Zendesk Ticket in Salesforce and paste images directly into the Description/Comments field/s the images does not appear in the Description/Comments. On the hand when I create a ticket in Zendesk and paste my images in the Description/Comments field/s those images appear in Salesforce. Could you please advise how to include images which can appear in Description/Comments field in Salesforce?



I am trying to remove all spaces from the following string:
howabountnow.com,,,itsme.com,,,name,,,hello.com,,,asdasdasdasd.asdasdasda,: :: :;;     ;;; ::   :: :; ; ;,, ,,, ,,, asdasd.asd,,, ,,,asdsadas,,,dilyan
and from the place where there are multiple spaces it is removed only one space and the result is:
DEBUG|domain1 howabountnow.com,,,itsme.com,,,name,,,hello.com,,,asdasdasdasd.asdasdasda,::::;;    ;;;::  :::;;;,,,,,,,,asdasd.asd,,,,,,asdsadas,,,dilyan
So far I've tried the following:
replaceAll('\s+', '');
replaceAll('[ ]+', '');
replace(' ', '');
and few more similar expressions.

At the moment I'm using the following source code:
String domain = accountObj.Domain__c;
    System.debug('domain ' + domain);
    integer spaceInd = domain.indexOf(' ');
    System.debug('spaceInd1: ' + spaceInd);
    while (spaceInd > -1) {
        domain = domain.replace(' ', '');
        spaceInd = domain.indexOf(' ');
        System.debug('spaceInd: ' + spaceInd);
    System.debug('domain1 ' + domain);
When I start the code in debug log I get the following:
USER_DEBUG|[198]|DEBUG|domain howabountnow.com,,,itsme.com,,,name,,,hello.com,,,asdasdasdasd.asdasdasda,: :: :;;     ;;; ::   :: :; ; ;,, ,,, ,,, asdasd.asd,,, ,,,asdsadas,,,dilyan
USER_DEBUG|[203]|DEBUG|spaceInd1: 75
USER_DEBUG|[207]|DEBUG|spaceInd: -1
USER_DEBUG|[209]|DEBUG|domain1 howabountnow.com,,,itsme.com,,,name,,,hello.com,,,asdasdasdasd.asdasdasda,::::;;    ;;;::  :::;;;,,,,,,,,asdasd.asd,,,,,,asdsadas,,,dilyan
Could you please advise how to remove all spaces from the String or replace them with a single space in apex?



Hello, I would like to know how in the Zendesk New Ticket Layout in Salesforce I can make the Requester Name and the Requester Email to be not required and to make the Group and the Assignee field required? Plese find attached the screenshot of the Zendesk New Ticket Layout in Salesforce with the respective fileds.

User-added image


I have a controller class where I have a non static field leadObj which is initialized in constructor with parameter:
// Constructor
public LeadToMerchantController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {    
    objLead = (Lead)controller.getRecord();
    System.debug('objLead ' + objLead.Id);   

I have two non static methods where the leadObj is used and from two testMethods in a TestClass I want to start and test the two methods. Here is how the testMetdhods are implemented:
static testMethod void testLeadStatusExistingDeal() {
    Lead leadObj = new Lead(LastName = 'test', Currency__c = 'USD', Company ='test', Monthly_Volume__c= '1234', Phone='1423542452', Website='www.google.com', Status = '0% Dead Lead');
    System.debug('leadObj ' + leadObj);
    String leadStatusExistingDeal = LeadToMerchantController.leadStatusExistingDeal(leadObj);
    System.debug('leadStatusExistingDeal ' + leadStatusExistingDeal);

static testMethod void testConvertOrRedirect(){

the two methods in the LeadToMerchantController class can not be invoked directly(calssName.methodName) because they are not static.

It is not possible to make an object from this LeadToMerchantController class because the constructor has a specific parameter 
public LeadToMerchantController(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
and it is not clear what to pass for parameter.

How can I invoke from the test method the other method 
which has to be tested?

I'm having an issue to upload e-mail/s from my Outlook to Salesforce via the Salesforce for Outlook plugin. The issue happens only for particular account 'Streamlined Marketing Systems Inc' and sometimes the emails to this account can be successfully uploaded, other times the upload fail. Here is what I received when the mail failed to be uploaded. Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

emailtosalesforce@t-2yfr1nfp936028pcse8ki7zwtnqhvex9q0n0i92rqtqa2de8cr.3-1fm77eac.na20.le.salesforce.com (emailtosalesforce@t-2yfr1nfp936028pcse8ki7zwtnqhvex9q0n0i92rqtqa2de8cr.3-1fm77eac.na20.le.salesforce.com) A problem occurred during the delivery of this message to this e-mail address. Try sending this message again. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.

The following organization rejected your message: server-16.tower-188.messagelabs.com.

Diagnostic information for administrators:

Generating server: EMP-LDN-EXCH01.emp.internal.com

emailtosalesforce@t-2yfr1nfp936028pcse8ki7zwtnqhvex9q0n0i92rqtqa2de8cr.3-1fm77eac.na20.le.salesforce.com server-16.tower-188.messagelabs.com #553-Message filtered. Refer to the Troubleshooting page at 553-http://www.symanteccloud.com/troubleshooting for more 553 information. (#5.7.1) ##

Could you please advise how to resolve this issue.




There is the following custom field called Url__c of type Account and the data added to the field is mainly urls and websites.
The problem is that the field is rich text and the data entered in the field Url__c is not the proper format. What I mean by not a proper format is: <span style="color: #5f604b;"><span style="font: signacondcolumn-book;"><span style="font-size: 8.0pt;">https://www.merchant.com/store</span></span></span><br><a href'="www.account.com">Account</a>.
Could you please advise what can be done in order to be able to get the urls in the proper format. I'll only need to use the urls for instance www.merchant.com or www.account.com. I was wondering if I can use a parser but I can't find an appropriate one in Salesforce. Could you please advise if you came across to such problem and how it can be resolved?
I would like to receive information regarding Regarding Zendesk-Salesforce integration. I need to know how to be able to create a Zendesk ticket and integrate such ticket into Salesforce so that a task to be created in Salseforce. During the process of Zendesk-Salesforce integration I also would like to know how the Zendesk and Salesforce are integrated in terms of ticket/task synchronization. I need to know how the information from particular ticket in Zendesk is synchronized and updated in a corresponding task in Salesforce and vice versa. Could you please advise what steps I need to follow in order to achive such syncrhonization and to make the Zendesk-Salesforce integration possible?



I need an advice regaring the following implementation. I need to normalize large set of user generated company names for instance 'Derby International LLC', and I need the company name without its extension. In this case the extension is 'LLC'. I use an algorithm which I wrote myself in order to remove the extensions from the name of the company which is working ok. However, in order to get the extesnsions I used a list to store each company extension. Here is the code:List<String> companyExtensionsList = new List<String>(); private static void initCompanyExtensions() { companyExtensionsList.add('ltd'); companyExtensionsList.add('inc'); companyExtensionsList.add('group'); companyExtensionsList.add('corp'); companyExtensionsList.add('llc'); companyExtensionsList.add('llp'); companyExtensionsList.add('lp'); }The company extensions are actually a list of constants.

What I need to know is whether there is a better approach to store the extensions instead of storing the them into a list strings?



I would like to know how to pass a parameter from one cotroller to another controller?

For example I am trying to pass the accountId value by using the following code in the first controller
public PageReference goToNextPage()
PageReference pageRef = Page.MyNextPage;
pageRef.getParameters().put('AccId', accountId);
return pageRef;

and according to the log file 

DEBUG|pageRef System.PageReference[/apex/newconvtomerch?AccId=00156000002zGVsAAM

the value I need is added to the AccId.

The problem is that by using the following code

String AccountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('AccId');

 I can not get the AccId value in the second controller which actually is the Extension controller

Could you please advise how to fetch the AccId value I need from the first controller?





I would like to know how to be able to display a warning message in a page.

I have created my own custom visual force page:

and in the LeadToMerchConvertController I added the following piece of code.

ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'There is an existing Merchant: ' + buildAccountTemplate() + ' for this Lead: ' + buildLeadTemplate()); ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg);

The problem is that the above code is placed inside the constructor:

public LeadToMerchConvertController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
objLead = (Lead)controller.getRecord(); // System.debug('objLead ' + objLead.Id); ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'There is an existing Merchant: ' + buildAccountTemplate() + ' for this Lead: ' + buildLeadTemplate()); ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg);

and if I move the code outside the constructor the warning message disappear from the page.

What I would like to know is it possible to move and use the code outside the constructor and how to make the warning message visible again when the code is outside the constructor?

I will strongly appreciate if you can also, give additional examples/code of how to display warning message in salesforce.



I would like to know How to stop converting Lead to Account in before insert trigger without addError() method?

To be more precise what I need to acheve:
1. Stop the process of converting Lead to Account.
2. Display message in the convert Lead to Account page that the respective Lead is not converted.
3. Set and Update the Lead.Status__c field to 'Existing Deal'.

I've tried to achieve the above in before insert trigger and I used addError() method in order to stop the process of converting Lead to Account as well as to dispaly message that the Lead is not converted but the problem is that the addError() method is making a rollback of my changes and I can neither save nor update my changes and records into the Lead database table.
I used @future method as well as a savepoint because I thought it will help me to set and update my changes but that did not help at all. Therefore I decided to start investigating and searching for a feasible way to achive what I want via VF by using controller.

Could you please advise how achive what I want either by using trigger or controller?



Because I'm new to VF could you please give an example how to create custom Convert Lead VF page and Lead Conversion Process and to integrate it in Salesforce?

To be more precise what I need to acheve:
1. Stop the process of converting Lead to Account.
2. Display message in the convert Lead to Account page that the respective Lead is not converted.
3. Set and Update the Lead.Status__c field to 'Existing Deal'.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved using VF?

The problem that I am having is that I am using addError method in before insert trigger which actually rollback every DML I make including @future method calls, sending email, queueing batch jobs, or performing any DML. What I would like to know is
how to stop the process of converting Lead to Account and at the same time dispaly message in the convert page as well as to set and update a custom Lead status field to 'Existing Deal'.

To be more precise what I need to acheve:
1. Stop the process of converting Lead to Account. 
2. Display message in the convert Lead to Account page that the respective Lead is not converted.
3. Set and Update the Lead.Status__c field to 'Existing Deal'.

Apparently this can't be achieved by using the addError method and I will strongly appreciate if you can advise how to proceed and find a solution to this issue?

What I would like to do is to update custom Status__c field via visualforce button by using controller and save the record the Lead database table. Could you please advise how this ca be achieved? Could you please add an example code.

I've tried to update the field via trigger but it turned out to be difficult.

Therefore I strive to find a way to update the field via controller.

Please advise how this can be achieved.



I would like to display message with particular information in Salesforce.

I have created a custom field of type text and made it read only but it does not allow me to display the message I want.

Please see the screenshot

User-added image

could you please advise how this can be achieved in Salesforce?



I have a standard field called currency but I need to change its data type from picklist to multi-select picklist.

The problem is that it is not possible to change the data type of standard fields in Salesforce.

Therefore I'm trying to recreate the standard currency field but instead of removing the standard currency field is it possible to hide it in the layout?

What I would like to achieve is to hide the standard currency field and copy its data into the new field.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved?

Could you please advise how to copy the data from the standard currency field into the new recreated field.



I'm trying to execute the code in the following test class:
static testMethod void testLeadStatusExistingDeal() {

    Lead record = new Lead(LastName = 'Dimitrov', Company ='emp1', Monthly_Volume__c= '1234', Phone='1423542452', Website='www.google.com');
    insert record;
    System.debug('record ' + record);

    Contact contact = new Contact(Company_Name__c = record.id, email = 'dylan@dylan.com');
    Contact contact1 = new Contact(Company_Name__c = record.id, email = 'dilyan@dilyan.com');
    insert contact;
    insert contact1;

    Account account = new Account(name = 'acc1');
    insert account;
    Merchant_To_Contact__c merchantToAccount = new Merchant_To_Contact__c(Merchant_Name__c = account.id, email__c = 'dylan@dylan.com');
    Merchant_To_Contact__c merchantToAccount1 = new Merchant_To_Contact__c(Merchant_Name__c = account.id, email__c = 'dilyan@dilyan.com'); 

    insert merchantToAccount;
    insert merchantToAccount1;

    ApexPages.StandardController c = new ApexPages.StandardController(record);
    LeadToMerchantController ltmc = new LeadToMerchantController(c);
    String leadStatusExistingDeal = ltmc.leadStatusExistingDeal(record);
    System.debug('leadStatusExistingDeal ' + leadStatusExistingDeal);
Instead I get the following error Field is not writeable: Merchant_To_Contact__c.Email__c

Could you please advise what am I doing wrong and how to execute this test class without such error?




There is the following custom field called Url__c of type Account and the data added to the field is mainly urls and websites.
The problem is that the field is rich text and the data entered in the field Url__c is not the proper format. What I mean by not a proper format is: <span style="color: #5f604b;"><span style="font: signacondcolumn-book;"><span style="font-size: 8.0pt;">https://www.merchant.com/store</span></span></span><br><a href'="www.account.com">Account</a>.
Could you please advise what can be done in order to be able to get the urls in the proper format. I'll only need to use the urls for instance www.merchant.com or www.account.com. I was wondering if I can use a parser but I can't find an appropriate one in Salesforce. Could you please advise if you came across to such problem and how it can be resolved?

I need an advice regaring the following implementation. I need to normalize large set of user generated company names for instance 'Derby International LLC', and I need the company name without its extension. In this case the extension is 'LLC'. I use an algorithm which I wrote myself in order to remove the extensions from the name of the company which is working ok. However, in order to get the extesnsions I used a list to store each company extension. Here is the code:List<String> companyExtensionsList = new List<String>(); private static void initCompanyExtensions() { companyExtensionsList.add('ltd'); companyExtensionsList.add('inc'); companyExtensionsList.add('group'); companyExtensionsList.add('corp'); companyExtensionsList.add('llc'); companyExtensionsList.add('llp'); companyExtensionsList.add('lp'); }The company extensions are actually a list of constants.

What I need to know is whether there is a better approach to store the extensions instead of storing the them into a list strings?



I would like to know how to be able to display a warning message in a page.

I have created my own custom visual force page:

and in the LeadToMerchConvertController I added the following piece of code.

ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'There is an existing Merchant: ' + buildAccountTemplate() + ' for this Lead: ' + buildLeadTemplate()); ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg);

The problem is that the above code is placed inside the constructor:

public LeadToMerchConvertController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
objLead = (Lead)controller.getRecord(); // System.debug('objLead ' + objLead.Id); ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.WARNING,'There is an existing Merchant: ' + buildAccountTemplate() + ' for this Lead: ' + buildLeadTemplate()); ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg);

and if I move the code outside the constructor the warning message disappear from the page.

What I would like to know is it possible to move and use the code outside the constructor and how to make the warning message visible again when the code is outside the constructor?

I will strongly appreciate if you can also, give additional examples/code of how to display warning message in salesforce.



I would like to know How to stop converting Lead to Account in before insert trigger without addError() method?

To be more precise what I need to acheve:
1. Stop the process of converting Lead to Account.
2. Display message in the convert Lead to Account page that the respective Lead is not converted.
3. Set and Update the Lead.Status__c field to 'Existing Deal'.

I've tried to achieve the above in before insert trigger and I used addError() method in order to stop the process of converting Lead to Account as well as to dispaly message that the Lead is not converted but the problem is that the addError() method is making a rollback of my changes and I can neither save nor update my changes and records into the Lead database table.
I used @future method as well as a savepoint because I thought it will help me to set and update my changes but that did not help at all. Therefore I decided to start investigating and searching for a feasible way to achive what I want via VF by using controller.

Could you please advise how achive what I want either by using trigger or controller?



Because I'm new to VF could you please give an example how to create custom Convert Lead VF page and Lead Conversion Process and to integrate it in Salesforce?

To be more precise what I need to acheve:
1. Stop the process of converting Lead to Account.
2. Display message in the convert Lead to Account page that the respective Lead is not converted.
3. Set and Update the Lead.Status__c field to 'Existing Deal'.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved using VF?


I still can't find solution to the following issue https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F00000005JXnIAM. 

Could someone please help. It is really urgent.

PS: I don't know how and why pcon https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsProfile?communityId=09aF00000004HMGIA2&userId=005F0000003Fg0aIAC has decided that the issue is 'SOLVED' because it is far from being SOLVED.