• Rohit Ammanamanchi
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  • Member since 2015

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I have created fields in teh Resume Object and tried to insert in the VF page and got this error "Unknown property 'Resume.Professional_Experience__c'". Can you please tell me where did I go wrong?

<apex:page  controller="Resume" renderAs="pdf">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Resume">
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Professional_Experience__c}" var="con">
I have created a Customer-media object and I created the fields "Books checked out" and "return date". I want to calculate the "due date" of the formula type where it is supposed to be 14 days after the "book checked out". What is the formula used to this?

I have tried this formula
IF( Book_Checked_out__c  , Book_Checked_out__c ,   Book_Checked_out__c() <> 15 ) and its throwing me an error.
Hi All,

I have created a summary report named "Cases by Status" and included Case Owner and Account Name fields as columns. But still I am getting an error saying...
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  The 'Cases by Status' report does not include the Owner and Account Name columns. Where am I going wrong?