• ssheikh
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  • Member since 2015
  • Software Engineer
  • Paragyte Technologies

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Hi, my challange is ok but I get this error
User-added image
the report I created is this
User-added image
and the dashboard is this
User-added image

I need badge for the challange to win the rare Cloak of Adventure (aka a limited edition sweatshirt)


External key is giving compile time error when using in Test class on sandbox2 while on sandbox1 it is working.
I have created an search functionality in lightning which fetches records and display it in table format(6 columns).
In iPhone 5,6,6+ this table is displaying only 3-4 columns and I want to show all columns.If I decrease table's font size then in Ipad/Desktop it looks bad. Please guide.

Getting ReferenceError: PublisherCKEditorAutoComplete" is not defined on account detail page on Chrome & Mozilla Browser(I have checked in both getting same issue).Please help me out.I have attached snapshot of it below.

User-added image

 java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException  while running after updating report Please help.
I want to create a report which will show todays sales by product class vs sales by product class on the same day last year.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Getting ReferenceError: PublisherCKEditorAutoComplete" is not defined on account detail page on Chrome & Mozilla Browser(I have checked in both getting same issue).Please help me out.I have attached snapshot of it below.

User-added image

<apex:page standardController="Lead" >
  <apex:form >
  <apex:pageblock >
  <apex:pageblockSection >
  <apex:pageblocksectionItem >
   <apex:outputLabel >Lead Name</apex:outputLabel>
   <apex:inputfield value="{!Lead.name}" rendered="{!if(Lead.Status='Closed-Converted',true,false)}" id="Leadname"/>
  <apex:inputfield value="{!Lead.status}">
  <apex:actionSupport event="Onselect"  reRender="Leadname"/>

i am not getting any errors , even though  its not working
I have created an search functionality in lightning which fetches records and display it in table format(6 columns).
In iPhone 5,6,6+ this table is displaying only 3-4 columns and I want to show all columns.If I decrease table's font size then in Ipad/Desktop it looks bad. Please guide.

Getting ReferenceError: PublisherCKEditorAutoComplete" is not defined on account detail page on Chrome & Mozilla Browser(I have checked in both getting same issue).Please help me out.I have attached snapshot of it below.

User-added image


Hi, my challange is ok but I get this error
User-added image
the report I created is this
User-added image
and the dashboard is this
User-added image

I need badge for the challange to win the rare Cloak of Adventure (aka a limited edition sweatshirt)


I want to create a report which will show todays sales by product class vs sales by product class on the same day last year.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.