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Batchsync Class Statuses are not updating when push from integrated system ('Lucity') to SalesForce
Batchsync Class Statuses are not updating when push from integrated system to SalesForce error message received 'You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Public Group 311 Lucity Failure Notifications.\n\r Unable to update the cases given below due to errors. Please Find the Error Details Below\n'; The only thing that I can think that may be going on in the code is that the batch id identifier changes when push back to Salesforce, meaning no match is found in Salesforce to update the statues. Another developer wrote the below code, and I am still new to apex code. So I am not able to interpret everything that is going on in the code. Does anyone have an idea of what could be stopping the update of statues between the integrated app (Lucity) and SalesForce.. Code is attached. Thanking you in advance for any assistance that you may be able to give me. Frances
/* The batch class that is used to get the lucity records, verify for changes and update * salesforce records accordingly. Also triggers LucitySfCaseUpdate and LucitySfOwnerUpdate. * Implements BRULE 16 and BRULE 24 */ global class BatchSync implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful { public String query = 'Select Id,CaseNumber,status,Lucity_Status_code__c ,Lucity_Returned_Date__c,Lucity_Status_Type__c ,Lucity_Category_Code__c,Lucity_Prob_Code__c,Lucity_Dept_Code__c ,Lucity_Cause_Code__c,Lucity_WR_ID__c,Lucity_public_works__c,Lucity_parks__c from case where Lucity_WR_ID__c != NULL and status!=\'Closed\''; global Map<String,String> M = new Map<String,String>(); global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global class GetLucityRequests{ public string StatusCode; public string StatusType; public string DepartmentCode; public string ProblemCode; public string CauseCode; public string CategoryCode; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> records) { String endpoint = null; String stat2 = null; List<Case> temp = new List<Case>(); List<Authorization__c> authzn = Authorization__c.getall().values(); String uname,pwd,works,parks; if(authzn != null && authzn.size() > 0) { for(Authorization__c au : authzn) { uname=au.username__c; pwd=au.password__c; works=au.Public_works__c; parks=au.Parks__c; } } String before = uname+':'+pwd; for ( integer i = 0; i< records.size(); i++ ) { if(records[i].Lucity_public_works__c == TRUE) endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; else endpoint = parks+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; System.debug('End Point '+endpoint + 'Record size '+records.size()); if(Test.isRunningTest()) { GetLucityRequests r = new GetLucityRequests(); endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; } try { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); Blob beforeblob = Blob.valueOf(before); //encode String paramvalue = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(beforeblob); System.debug(before + ' is now encoded as: ' + paramvalue); String auth = 'Basic '+ paramvalue ; req.setHeader('Authorization',auth); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); String sJson = null; Integer statCode=null; String stat=null; // req.setCompressed(true); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { req.setEndpoint(endpoint); req.setMethod('GET'); res = http.send(req); statCode = res.getStatusCode(); if(statCode == 200 || statCode == 201) { sJson = res.getBody(); System.debug('Str:' + res.getBody()); sJson = sJson.replace('[',''); sJson = sJson.replace(']',''); System.debug('String JSON: ' + sJson); // Parse response. GetLucityRequests aResponse = (GetLucityRequests) Json.Deserialize(sJson, GetLucityRequests.class); if((records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c != Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode)) || (records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c != aResponse.StatusType)) { records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c = Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode); records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c = aResponse.StatusType; if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c != aResponse.DepartmentCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c = aResponse.DepartmentCode; } if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c!= aResponse.ProblemCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c= aResponse.ProblemCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c!= aResponse.CauseCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c= aResponse.CauseCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c!= aResponse.CategoryCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c= aResponse.CategoryCode; } if(aResponse.StatusCode == '952') { records[i].Lucity_Returned_Date__c= System.NOW(); } System.debug('Lucity Status code '+ records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c); temp.add(records[i]); System.debug('TEMP '+temp); } System.debug('Status code '+aResponse.StatusCode + 'Status Type ' +aResponse.StatusType + 'Department code ' + aResponse.DepartmentCode); } else { stat = 'Status Code: ' + statCode + '. \n Status: ' + res.getStatus() + '. \n Cause of Error might be: Invalid URL/Server Down/Case doesn\'t exist in Lucity Server.\n\r'; M.put(records[i].CaseNumber,stat); system.debug('STAT ' + stat + ' MAP ' + M + ' CaseNumber ' + records[i].CaseNumber); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } if(temp.size() > 0) { Database.SaveResult[] srList = null; try { srList = Database.update(temp,false); } catch(Exception ex) { for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) { if (!sr.isSuccess()) { // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); stat2 = 'Error occurred during updation.Details are as follows \n Status code: ' + err.getStatusCode() + '\n Error Message ' + err.getMessage() + '\nCase fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields(); String cNum = sr.getId(); List<Case> casNum = [Select CaseNumber from Case where Id=: cNum]; M.put(casNum[0].CaseNumber,stat2); } sendErrorEmail(M); } } } } System.debug('Updated and Future boolean is '+ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext ); } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext = false; system.debug('MAP AT FINISH ' + M + ' SIZE' + M.size()); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) sendErrorEmail(M); } public void sendErrorEmail(Map<String,String> M) { String[] toAddresses = getMailAddresses(); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setUseSignature(false); mail.setBccSender(true); mail.setSaveAsActivity(false); Authorization__c aut = Authorization__c.getValues('Lucity'); String sub = aut.Email_Subject__c; System.debug(sub); mail.setSubject('Batch Sync Job Error Summary '+ sub); String mailBody = ''; system.debug('MAP ' + M + ' Size ' + M.size()); if(M.size() > 0) { mailBody = 'You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Public Group 311 Lucity Failure Notifications.\n\r Unable to update the cases given below due to errors. Please Find the Error Details Below\n'; for(String str : M.KeySet()) { mailBody += 'Case Number : ' + str + '\n ERROR \n ' + M.get(str); } system.debug('Mail Body ' + mailBody); mail.setPlainTextBody(mailBody); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } public List<String> getMailAddresses() { List<String> mailList = new List<String>(); List<String> mailAddresses = new List<String>(); Group g = [SELECT (select userOrGroupId from groupMembers) FROM group WHERE name = '311 Lucity Failure Notifications']; for (GroupMember gm : g.groupMembers) { mailList.add(gm.userOrGroupId); } User[] usr = [SELECT email FROM user WHERE id IN :mailList]; for(User u : usr) { mailAddresses.add(u.email); } return mailAddresses; } }
- Salesforce Admin2
- September 03, 2015
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How to update data category of existing articles
Hi, unfortunately in the orginial import of articles to salesforce the data categories wasn't included in the import.
Is there a way to programatically only update data categories with the imported articles?
I know it can be done manually but it would take a while.
The relationship that ties the article tables with the datacategory tables that I see is Knowledge Article Version ID field.
FYI, For all new articles the process will be for users to always select a data category for the new created article.
P.S. I am fimilar with the dataloader.io. Any assistance would be much aprreciated.
Is there a way to programatically only update data categories with the imported articles?
I know it can be done manually but it would take a while.
The relationship that ties the article tables with the datacategory tables that I see is Knowledge Article Version ID field.
FYI, For all new articles the process will be for users to always select a data category for the new created article.
P.S. I am fimilar with the dataloader.io. Any assistance would be much aprreciated.
- Salesforce Admin2
- May 14, 2015
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I need help in improving code coverage test class for batchsync class
hi I am only receiving 31% code coverage for following batch class (batchsyn) and i do not understand how to write test code that tests the API requests.
global class BatchSync implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful { public String query = 'Select Id,CaseNumber,status,Lucity_Status_code__c ,Lucity_Returned_Date__c,Lucity_Status_Type__c ,Lucity_Category_Code__c,Lucity_Prob_Code__c,Lucity_Dept_Code__c ,Lucity_Cause_Code__c,Lucity_WR_ID__c,Lucity_public_works__c,Lucity_parks__c from case where Lucity_WR_ID__c != NULL and status!=\'Closed\''; global Map<String,String> M = new Map<String,String>(); global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global class GetLucityRequests{ public string StatusCode; public string StatusType; public string DepartmentCode; public string ProblemCode; public string CauseCode; public string CategoryCode; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> records) { String endpoint = null; String stat2 = null; List<Case> temp = new List<Case>(); List<Authorization__c> authzn = Authorization__c.getall().values(); String uname,pwd,works,parks; if(authzn != null && authzn.size() > 0) { for(Authorization__c au : authzn) { uname=au.username__c; pwd=au.password__c; works=au.Public_works__c; parks=au.Parks__c; } } String before = uname+':'+pwd; for ( integer i = 0; i< records.size(); i++ ) { if(records[i].Lucity_public_works__c == TRUE) endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; else endpoint = parks+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; System.debug('End Point '+endpoint + 'Record size '+records.size()); if(Test.isRunningTest()) { GetLucityRequests r = new GetLucityRequests(); endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; } try { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); Blob beforeblob = Blob.valueOf(before); //encode String paramvalue = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(beforeblob); System.debug(before + ' is now encoded as: ' + paramvalue); String auth = 'Basic '+ paramvalue ; req.setHeader('Authorization',auth); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); String sJson = null; Integer statCode=null; String stat=null; // req.setCompressed(true); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { req.setEndpoint(endpoint); req.setMethod('GET'); res = http.send(req); statCode = res.getStatusCode(); if(statCode == 200 || statCode == 201) { sJson = res.getBody(); System.debug('Str:' + res.getBody()); sJson = sJson.replace('[',''); sJson = sJson.replace(']',''); System.debug('String JSON: ' + sJson); // Parse response. GetLucityRequests aResponse = (GetLucityRequests) Json.Deserialize(sJson, GetLucityRequests.class); if((records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c != Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode)) || (records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c != aResponse.StatusType)) { records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c = Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode); records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c = aResponse.StatusType; if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c != aResponse.DepartmentCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c = aResponse.DepartmentCode; } if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c!= aResponse.ProblemCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c= aResponse.ProblemCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c!= aResponse.CauseCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c= aResponse.CauseCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c!= aResponse.CategoryCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c= aResponse.CategoryCode; } if(aResponse.StatusCode == '952') { records[i].Lucity_Returned_Date__c= System.NOW(); } System.debug('Lucity Status code '+ records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c); temp.add(records[i]); System.debug('TEMP '+temp); } System.debug('Status code '+aResponse.StatusCode + 'Status Type ' +aResponse.StatusType + 'Department code ' + aResponse.DepartmentCode); } else { stat = 'Status Code: ' + statCode + '. \n Status: ' + res.getStatus() + '. \n Cause of Error might be: Invalid URL/Server Down/Case doesn\'t exist in Lucity Server.\n\r'; M.put(records[i].CaseNumber,stat); system.debug('STAT ' + stat + ' MAP ' + M + ' CaseNumber ' + records[i].CaseNumber); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } if(temp.size() > 0) { Database.SaveResult[] srList = null; try { srList = Database.update(temp,false); } catch(Exception ex) { for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) { if (!sr.isSuccess()) { // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); stat2 = 'Error occurred during updation.Details are as follows \n Status code: ' + err.getStatusCode() + '\n Error Message ' + err.getMessage() + '\nCase fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields(); String cNum = sr.getId(); List<Case> casNum = [Select CaseNumber from Case where Id=: cNum]; M.put(casNum[0].CaseNumber,stat2); } sendErrorEmail(M); } } } } System.debug('Updated and Future boolean is '+ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext ); } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext = false; system.debug('MAP AT FINISH ' + M + ' SIZE' + M.size()); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) sendErrorEmail(M); } public void sendErrorEmail(Map<String,String> M) { String[] toAddresses = getMailAddresses(); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setUseSignature(false); mail.setBccSender(true); mail.setSaveAsActivity(false); Authorization__c aut = Authorization__c.getValues('Lucity'); String sub = aut.Email_Subject__c; System.debug(sub); mail.setSubject('Batch Job Error Summary '+ sub); String mailBody = ''; system.debug('MAP ' + M + ' Size ' + M.size()); if(M.size() > 0) { mailBody = 'You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Public Group 311 Lucity Failure Notifications.\n\r Unable to update the cases given below due to errors. Please Find the Error Details Below\n'; for(String str : M.KeySet()) { mailBody += 'Case Number : ' + str + '\n ERROR \n ' + M.get(str); } system.debug('Mail Body ' + mailBody); mail.setPlainTextBody(mailBody); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } public List<String> getMailAddresses() { List<String> mailList = new List<String>(); List<String> mailAddresses = new List<String>(); Group g = [SELECT (select userOrGroupId from groupMembers) FROM group WHERE name = '311 Lucity Failure Notifications']; for (GroupMember gm : g.groupMembers) { mailList.add(gm.userOrGroupId); } User[] usr = [SELECT email FROM user WHERE id IN :mailList]; for(User u : usr) { mailAddresses.add(u.email); } return mailAddresses; } }TestBatchSync class that is only covering 31% code coverage for the upon batchsync class
@isTest public with sharing class TestBatchSync { static testmethod void m1() { List<Case> ca = new List<Case>(); DateTime dt = System.now(); for(integer i = 0; i<10; i++){ Case c = new Case(Subject='testCase',Service_Request_Type__c = 'Alarms: City Offices',Lucity_Returned_Date__c=dt,Lucity_Public_Works_Valid__c='yes',Lucity_WR_ID__c ='99999',status='New',Street_Number__c='230',Street_Name__c='Lincoln st'); ca.add(c); } Test.StartTest(); insert ca; BatchSync sync = new BatchSync(); sync.query = 'Select Id,CaseNumber,status,Lucity_Public_Works__c,Lucity_Parks__c,Lucity_WR_ID__c from case where Lucity_WR_ID__c != NULL'; ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(sync); Test.StopTest(); } }Any assistance would be much appreciated.
- Salesforce Admin2
- May 06, 2015
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- 0
Deploying test classes, classes, triggers in a change set to production to increase code coverage in production
I wrote test classes to test my triggers and classes that reach 100 percent code coverage in the test environment. So I created a change set that included the test classes for my triggers and classes but when I deployed the change set to production my code coverage still was only 67 percent. It appears that the deployment did not test my test classes that was in the change set. What are the steps in getting your new test scripts into production>?
- Salesforce Admin2
- April 24, 2015
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How to write a trigger test class to help get my code coverage up to 75%
trigger CaseCommentValidate on CaseComment (before delete, before update) {
Id profileId=userinfo.getProfileId();
String profileName=[Select Id,Name from Profile where Id=:profileId].Name;
if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.old) {
Case parentCase = [Select Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be deleted on cases being integrated with ...');
else {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.new) {
CaseComment oldCaseComment = Trigger.oldMap.get(caseComment.ID);
Case parentCase = [Select status , Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
if(caseComment.CommentBody != oldCaseComment.CommentBody)
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be changed on cases being integrated with ...');
I need a test class for the above trigger but not sure how to write it to help get my code cover upto 75%. Right now my code coverage is at 67% when trying to deploy to production.
Id profileId=userinfo.getProfileId();
String profileName=[Select Id,Name from Profile where Id=:profileId].Name;
if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.old) {
Case parentCase = [Select Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be deleted on cases being integrated with ...');
else {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.new) {
CaseComment oldCaseComment = Trigger.oldMap.get(caseComment.ID);
Case parentCase = [Select status , Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
if(caseComment.CommentBody != oldCaseComment.CommentBody)
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be changed on cases being integrated with ...');
I need a test class for the above trigger but not sure how to write it to help get my code cover upto 75%. Right now my code coverage is at 67% when trying to deploy to production.
- Salesforce Admin2
- April 09, 2015
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- 0
How to update data category of existing articles
Hi, unfortunately in the orginial import of articles to salesforce the data categories wasn't included in the import.
Is there a way to programatically only update data categories with the imported articles?
I know it can be done manually but it would take a while.
The relationship that ties the article tables with the datacategory tables that I see is Knowledge Article Version ID field.
FYI, For all new articles the process will be for users to always select a data category for the new created article.
P.S. I am fimilar with the dataloader.io. Any assistance would be much aprreciated.
Is there a way to programatically only update data categories with the imported articles?
I know it can be done manually but it would take a while.
The relationship that ties the article tables with the datacategory tables that I see is Knowledge Article Version ID field.
FYI, For all new articles the process will be for users to always select a data category for the new created article.
P.S. I am fimilar with the dataloader.io. Any assistance would be much aprreciated.
- Salesforce Admin2
- May 14, 2015
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- 1
I need help in improving code coverage test class for batchsync class
hi I am only receiving 31% code coverage for following batch class (batchsyn) and i do not understand how to write test code that tests the API requests.
global class BatchSync implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful { public String query = 'Select Id,CaseNumber,status,Lucity_Status_code__c ,Lucity_Returned_Date__c,Lucity_Status_Type__c ,Lucity_Category_Code__c,Lucity_Prob_Code__c,Lucity_Dept_Code__c ,Lucity_Cause_Code__c,Lucity_WR_ID__c,Lucity_public_works__c,Lucity_parks__c from case where Lucity_WR_ID__c != NULL and status!=\'Closed\''; global Map<String,String> M = new Map<String,String>(); global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global class GetLucityRequests{ public string StatusCode; public string StatusType; public string DepartmentCode; public string ProblemCode; public string CauseCode; public string CategoryCode; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Case> records) { String endpoint = null; String stat2 = null; List<Case> temp = new List<Case>(); List<Authorization__c> authzn = Authorization__c.getall().values(); String uname,pwd,works,parks; if(authzn != null && authzn.size() > 0) { for(Authorization__c au : authzn) { uname=au.username__c; pwd=au.password__c; works=au.Public_works__c; parks=au.Parks__c; } } String before = uname+':'+pwd; for ( integer i = 0; i< records.size(); i++ ) { if(records[i].Lucity_public_works__c == TRUE) endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; else endpoint = parks+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; System.debug('End Point '+endpoint + 'Record size '+records.size()); if(Test.isRunningTest()) { GetLucityRequests r = new GetLucityRequests(); endpoint = works+'/Work/Request.svc/?format=json&Filter=WKREQ%20WHERE%20RQ_ID%3D'+records[i].Lucity_WR_ID__c; } try { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); Blob beforeblob = Blob.valueOf(before); //encode String paramvalue = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(beforeblob); System.debug(before + ' is now encoded as: ' + paramvalue); String auth = 'Basic '+ paramvalue ; req.setHeader('Authorization',auth); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); String sJson = null; Integer statCode=null; String stat=null; // req.setCompressed(true); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { req.setEndpoint(endpoint); req.setMethod('GET'); res = http.send(req); statCode = res.getStatusCode(); if(statCode == 200 || statCode == 201) { sJson = res.getBody(); System.debug('Str:' + res.getBody()); sJson = sJson.replace('[',''); sJson = sJson.replace(']',''); System.debug('String JSON: ' + sJson); // Parse response. GetLucityRequests aResponse = (GetLucityRequests) Json.Deserialize(sJson, GetLucityRequests.class); if((records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c != Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode)) || (records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c != aResponse.StatusType)) { records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c = Integer.ValueOf(aResponse.StatusCode); records[i].Lucity_Status_Type__c = aResponse.StatusType; if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c != aResponse.DepartmentCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Dept_Code__c = aResponse.DepartmentCode; } if((aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c!= aResponse.ProblemCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Prob_Code__c= aResponse.ProblemCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c!= aResponse.CauseCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Cause_Code__c= aResponse.CauseCode; } if((records[i].Lucity_Parks__c == TRUE) && (aResponse.StatusCode == '10') && (records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c!= aResponse.CategoryCode)) { records[i].Lucity_Category_Code__c= aResponse.CategoryCode; } if(aResponse.StatusCode == '952') { records[i].Lucity_Returned_Date__c= System.NOW(); } System.debug('Lucity Status code '+ records[i].Lucity_Status_code__c); temp.add(records[i]); System.debug('TEMP '+temp); } System.debug('Status code '+aResponse.StatusCode + 'Status Type ' +aResponse.StatusType + 'Department code ' + aResponse.DepartmentCode); } else { stat = 'Status Code: ' + statCode + '. \n Status: ' + res.getStatus() + '. \n Cause of Error might be: Invalid URL/Server Down/Case doesn\'t exist in Lucity Server.\n\r'; M.put(records[i].CaseNumber,stat); system.debug('STAT ' + stat + ' MAP ' + M + ' CaseNumber ' + records[i].CaseNumber); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } if(temp.size() > 0) { Database.SaveResult[] srList = null; try { srList = Database.update(temp,false); } catch(Exception ex) { for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) { if (!sr.isSuccess()) { // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) { System.debug('The following error has occurred.'); System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage()); System.debug('Case fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields()); stat2 = 'Error occurred during updation.Details are as follows \n Status code: ' + err.getStatusCode() + '\n Error Message ' + err.getMessage() + '\nCase fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields(); String cNum = sr.getId(); List<Case> casNum = [Select CaseNumber from Case where Id=: cNum]; M.put(casNum[0].CaseNumber,stat2); } sendErrorEmail(M); } } } } System.debug('Updated and Future boolean is '+ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext ); } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ CaseFieldUpdate.inLucityFutureContext = false; system.debug('MAP AT FINISH ' + M + ' SIZE' + M.size()); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) sendErrorEmail(M); } public void sendErrorEmail(Map<String,String> M) { String[] toAddresses = getMailAddresses(); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setUseSignature(false); mail.setBccSender(true); mail.setSaveAsActivity(false); Authorization__c aut = Authorization__c.getValues('Lucity'); String sub = aut.Email_Subject__c; System.debug(sub); mail.setSubject('Batch Job Error Summary '+ sub); String mailBody = ''; system.debug('MAP ' + M + ' Size ' + M.size()); if(M.size() > 0) { mailBody = 'You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Public Group 311 Lucity Failure Notifications.\n\r Unable to update the cases given below due to errors. Please Find the Error Details Below\n'; for(String str : M.KeySet()) { mailBody += 'Case Number : ' + str + '\n ERROR \n ' + M.get(str); } system.debug('Mail Body ' + mailBody); mail.setPlainTextBody(mailBody); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } public List<String> getMailAddresses() { List<String> mailList = new List<String>(); List<String> mailAddresses = new List<String>(); Group g = [SELECT (select userOrGroupId from groupMembers) FROM group WHERE name = '311 Lucity Failure Notifications']; for (GroupMember gm : g.groupMembers) { mailList.add(gm.userOrGroupId); } User[] usr = [SELECT email FROM user WHERE id IN :mailList]; for(User u : usr) { mailAddresses.add(u.email); } return mailAddresses; } }TestBatchSync class that is only covering 31% code coverage for the upon batchsync class
@isTest public with sharing class TestBatchSync { static testmethod void m1() { List<Case> ca = new List<Case>(); DateTime dt = System.now(); for(integer i = 0; i<10; i++){ Case c = new Case(Subject='testCase',Service_Request_Type__c = 'Alarms: City Offices',Lucity_Returned_Date__c=dt,Lucity_Public_Works_Valid__c='yes',Lucity_WR_ID__c ='99999',status='New',Street_Number__c='230',Street_Name__c='Lincoln st'); ca.add(c); } Test.StartTest(); insert ca; BatchSync sync = new BatchSync(); sync.query = 'Select Id,CaseNumber,status,Lucity_Public_Works__c,Lucity_Parks__c,Lucity_WR_ID__c from case where Lucity_WR_ID__c != NULL'; ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(sync); Test.StopTest(); } }Any assistance would be much appreciated.
- Salesforce Admin2
- May 06, 2015
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Deploying test classes, classes, triggers in a change set to production to increase code coverage in production
I wrote test classes to test my triggers and classes that reach 100 percent code coverage in the test environment. So I created a change set that included the test classes for my triggers and classes but when I deployed the change set to production my code coverage still was only 67 percent. It appears that the deployment did not test my test classes that was in the change set. What are the steps in getting your new test scripts into production>?
- Salesforce Admin2
- April 24, 2015
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How to write a trigger test class to help get my code coverage up to 75%
trigger CaseCommentValidate on CaseComment (before delete, before update) {
Id profileId=userinfo.getProfileId();
String profileName=[Select Id,Name from Profile where Id=:profileId].Name;
if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.old) {
Case parentCase = [Select Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be deleted on cases being integrated with ...');
else {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.new) {
CaseComment oldCaseComment = Trigger.oldMap.get(caseComment.ID);
Case parentCase = [Select status , Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
if(caseComment.CommentBody != oldCaseComment.CommentBody)
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be changed on cases being integrated with ...');
I need a test class for the above trigger but not sure how to write it to help get my code cover upto 75%. Right now my code coverage is at 67% when trying to deploy to production.
Id profileId=userinfo.getProfileId();
String profileName=[Select Id,Name from Profile where Id=:profileId].Name;
if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.old) {
Case parentCase = [Select Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be deleted on cases being integrated with ...');
else {
for (CaseComment caseComment : Trigger.new) {
CaseComment oldCaseComment = Trigger.oldMap.get(caseComment.ID);
Case parentCase = [Select status , Id, Parks__c, Works__c, Returned_Date__c from Case where Id =:caseComment.parentId];
if((parentCase.Works__c== TRUE || parentCase.Parks__c == TRUE) && parentCase.Returned_Date__c == null && profileName != 'System Administrator') {
if(caseComment.CommentBody != oldCaseComment.CommentBody)
caseComment.addError('Comments cannot be changed on cases being integrated with ...');
I need a test class for the above trigger but not sure how to write it to help get my code cover upto 75%. Right now my code coverage is at 67% when trying to deploy to production.
- Salesforce Admin2
- April 09, 2015
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