• Aires Borras Joao Paulo
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Hi, I am using OpenCTI for telephony integration and for screen pop-up, I am using the function sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop(callerid,'','inbound', searchAndGetScreenPopUrl_callback).
I have 2 contacts set for tests.
ContactA has only 1 telephone number and it is registered in the "Phone" field.
ContactB has 2 telephone numbers, 1 in the "telephone" field and the other in the "Mobile" field.
When ContactA calls, the application recognizes it and pops up its page.
But when ContactB calls from its mobile number, the application does not recognize the number even it being in the "Mobile" field.

Could you, please, help me in figuring out how to make the sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop function lookup in all possible telephone number fields(phone, mobile, other phone and home phone)?

I am using the version 30.0 of the api.
<script src="https://c.na1.visual.force.com/support/api/30.0/interaction.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Thank you for your help.
Joao Paulo
Hi, I am using OpenCTI for telephony integration and for screen pop-up, I am using the function sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop(callerid,'','inbound', searchAndGetScreenPopUrl_callback).
I have 2 contacts set for tests.
ContactA has only 1 telephone number and it is registered in the "Phone" field.
ContactB has 2 telephone numbers, 1 in the "telephone" field and the other in the "Mobile" field.
When ContactA calls, the application recognizes it and pops up its page.
But when ContactB calls from its mobile number, the application does not recognize the number even it being in the "Mobile" field.

Could you, please, help me in figuring out how to make the sforce.interaction.searchAndScreenPop function lookup in all possible telephone number fields(phone, mobile, other phone and home phone)?

I am using the version 30.0 of the api.
<script src="https://c.na1.visual.force.com/support/api/30.0/interaction.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Thank you for your help.
Joao Paulo