• Glenn Soden 9
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I've got my flow launching and  cpatuing most info.  And it is ready to create a related record but heres where i'm spinng my wheels.

I'm grabbing the Oppty ID from the link attached to the button.  Flow starts, my screen entries are fine but the next step fails as there is a required field is missing.

My opportunity has a related record - RecordA
I'm trying to create another related record (RecordB) that is related to the Opportunity and the RecordA.
The required field error is coming from missing RecordA name that needs to populate the new RecordB being created by the flow.

I've tried creating a formula pulling the RecordA name off the Opportunity  as part of "create New RecordB" but can't seem to get that to work.   Any thoughs what I'm missing?  Thanks in advance!
I'm having problems with process builder stopping when a value(s) is blank.   I have 6 fields that then update fields on a different object in pairs of item and QTY.

Item1 (2 and 3), and Item1QTY  (2 and 3)  -  If I fill out Just Item 1 and Item1QTY as only process and send its fine.   If I make the process all 6 and fill out all six its fine also.  Its when Item2 and Item2QTY are blank and/or Item3 and Item3QTY are blank.  Setting the process to stop if null.

Error - "The flow failed to access the value for myVariable  Item_2 because it hasn't been set or assigned".  I did find a formula for this error but it isn't working or I can't get it to work.  Whats the best way to stop process on step two if item2 and itemQTY2 are blank  (3 also if "2" is filled out) which im sure is the same filter criteria.

Thanks for any input! 
Is there a way to create a task on an opportunity, automatically, when sending an email (template) from that opportunity.  Assuming would trigger off template or subject line?  I see solutions for creating email after task but this is the direction we need to take.

Example - send email to SFDC user about opportunity and additional info etc.  At same time, create a task for that user for them to be able to follow up on.

Thanks in advance! 
We have a validation rule on Opportunity Stage that does not allow most users to change to stage to "Closed Won".  There is a dependent picklist field "Sales Status" that has values which are aligned to "Closed Won" values/answers that we need those blocked users to be able to select even though they are not allowed to change Opportunity stage to "Closed Won"  ie; allow for the pick list values without changing Stage.   Would it be easier to have a pre-"closed won" stage without validation where the dependant fields that resides on Closed Won can be set prior to the fianl setting of closed won by those users that can modify stage?
Can someone help me with this?  I have a trigger that a member made for me to checc the lead box Do Not Call  "true" if a task subject has words "Do Not Call"  Having problem writing the test class for the trigger for the check box in particular.  Does test class need to make a new lead?  I get Boolean errors etc.  I'm a bit new to the coding so could use some help.   Here is the trigger I need test class for.   And my beginnings of the test class.

trigger trgDoNotCall on Task (after update, after insert) {


    List<Id> lstLeadIds = new List<Id>();

    for (Task task : trigger.new){

        system.debug('task.WhoId : ' + task.WhoId);

        system.debug('task.Who.Type : ' + task.Who.Type);

        if(task.WhoId != null){

            String sSubject = task.subject;

            System.debug('sSubject ' +  sSubject);

            System.debug('sSubject.indexOf ' + sSubject.indexOf('Do Not Call'));

            if((sSubject.indexOf('Do Not Call') > -1) || (sSubject.indexOf('DoNotCall') > -1)){

                lstLeadIds .add(task.WhoId);

                system.debug('task.WhoId : ' + task.WhoId);





    if(lstLeadIds.size() > 0){

        List<Lead> lstLeads = [SELECT Id, DoNotCall FROM Lead WHERE Id =: lstLeadIds];

        for( Lead lead : lstLeads){

            lead.DoNotCall = true;

            //lead.Description += 'Do Not Call';

            System.debug('lead : ' + lead);

        update lstLeads;

And the test class start

public class DoNotCallTest  {

    static testmethod void validateDoNotCall () { 
   Task t = new Task(); 
    t.Subject = 'Do Not Call'; 
    t.Priority = 'Normal';
    insert t;
I'm new to Apex coding and trying to create a simple trigger off an Activty Subject.  On the Lead object, if the Activity subject mentions "Do Not Call" (though not the only text of subject) the trigger needs to tag the Lead record's check box field called Do Not Call.   Basically tagging the lead as a do not call off the words Do Not Call on the subject line of the Activity.  Any tips will be great! 

Thanks in Advance
Trying to use entries from one objec to another but stuck.  I have one object "Project" and another object "Equipment".  Equipment is a container for various items, details, type model# etc.  Like a catalog.    On the project I would like to use these entries as a "picklist" on object and pull some of the fields over from the peice of equipment that has been selected.  What would be the best way to acheive this?  Would process builder work or other?  Not a coder so trying to find solution without code. But if requires code may have to go that route somehow.  Thanks in advance
We have 5 picklist fields with the same name "modules__c" (and one is a similar name module__c).  Apparently these are being changed throughout various processes/objects but would like to automate this more so that this field is always matching across all objects - as long as all picklist values are in each picklist ofcourse.   Is there an easy way to do this?  Will this require ONE of the object's fields being the controlling field for the other 4?  Thanks in advance!
Really don't want create another dev org using another email as I already have a primary one.  But chal;lage says get new org before trying for superbadge.  would like to associate my tail head org but its dirty
Not sure but I cannot find a clear answer to this.  I have a status__c picklist value we want changed from "Installing" to "installed".   This should change based on a separate field that we created that has an "install_date__c" entry (date field). When system date matches this date field we have we would like the picklist value to change on status__c.   Any help would be appreciated!
Is there a way to create a task on an opportunity, automatically, when sending an email (template) from that opportunity.  Assuming would trigger off template or subject line?  I see solutions for creating email after task but this is the direction we need to take.

Example - send email to SFDC user about opportunity and additional info etc.  At same time, create a task for that user for them to be able to follow up on.

Thanks in advance! 
I've got my flow launching and  cpatuing most info.  And it is ready to create a related record but heres where i'm spinng my wheels.

I'm grabbing the Oppty ID from the link attached to the button.  Flow starts, my screen entries are fine but the next step fails as there is a required field is missing.

My opportunity has a related record - RecordA
I'm trying to create another related record (RecordB) that is related to the Opportunity and the RecordA.
The required field error is coming from missing RecordA name that needs to populate the new RecordB being created by the flow.

I've tried creating a formula pulling the RecordA name off the Opportunity  as part of "create New RecordB" but can't seem to get that to work.   Any thoughs what I'm missing?  Thanks in advance!
I'm having problems with process builder stopping when a value(s) is blank.   I have 6 fields that then update fields on a different object in pairs of item and QTY.

Item1 (2 and 3), and Item1QTY  (2 and 3)  -  If I fill out Just Item 1 and Item1QTY as only process and send its fine.   If I make the process all 6 and fill out all six its fine also.  Its when Item2 and Item2QTY are blank and/or Item3 and Item3QTY are blank.  Setting the process to stop if null.

Error - "The flow failed to access the value for myVariable  Item_2 because it hasn't been set or assigned".  I did find a formula for this error but it isn't working or I can't get it to work.  Whats the best way to stop process on step two if item2 and itemQTY2 are blank  (3 also if "2" is filled out) which im sure is the same filter criteria.

Thanks for any input! 
Is there a way to create a task on an opportunity, automatically, when sending an email (template) from that opportunity.  Assuming would trigger off template or subject line?  I see solutions for creating email after task but this is the direction we need to take.

Example - send email to SFDC user about opportunity and additional info etc.  At same time, create a task for that user for them to be able to follow up on.

Thanks in advance! 
I recently signed up for a developer site, and was able to successfully make one extra admin, but cannot make any more admins.   Normally the 'Salesforce' User License shows, which gives the user admin permissions.  In the attached image, you can see it is not listed.

I was hoping to make an account for each developer we are putting on the project, about 10.  Is this an issue with the number of seats the developer accounts are given?  If so, how do I request more seats?

User-added image
We have a validation rule on Opportunity Stage that does not allow most users to change to stage to "Closed Won".  There is a dependent picklist field "Sales Status" that has values which are aligned to "Closed Won" values/answers that we need those blocked users to be able to select even though they are not allowed to change Opportunity stage to "Closed Won"  ie; allow for the pick list values without changing Stage.   Would it be easier to have a pre-"closed won" stage without validation where the dependant fields that resides on Closed Won can be set prior to the fianl setting of closed won by those users that can modify stage?
Can someone help me with this?  I have a trigger that a member made for me to checc the lead box Do Not Call  "true" if a task subject has words "Do Not Call"  Having problem writing the test class for the trigger for the check box in particular.  Does test class need to make a new lead?  I get Boolean errors etc.  I'm a bit new to the coding so could use some help.   Here is the trigger I need test class for.   And my beginnings of the test class.

trigger trgDoNotCall on Task (after update, after insert) {


    List<Id> lstLeadIds = new List<Id>();

    for (Task task : trigger.new){

        system.debug('task.WhoId : ' + task.WhoId);

        system.debug('task.Who.Type : ' + task.Who.Type);

        if(task.WhoId != null){

            String sSubject = task.subject;

            System.debug('sSubject ' +  sSubject);

            System.debug('sSubject.indexOf ' + sSubject.indexOf('Do Not Call'));

            if((sSubject.indexOf('Do Not Call') > -1) || (sSubject.indexOf('DoNotCall') > -1)){

                lstLeadIds .add(task.WhoId);

                system.debug('task.WhoId : ' + task.WhoId);





    if(lstLeadIds.size() > 0){

        List<Lead> lstLeads = [SELECT Id, DoNotCall FROM Lead WHERE Id =: lstLeadIds];

        for( Lead lead : lstLeads){

            lead.DoNotCall = true;

            //lead.Description += 'Do Not Call';

            System.debug('lead : ' + lead);

        update lstLeads;

And the test class start

public class DoNotCallTest  {

    static testmethod void validateDoNotCall () { 
   Task t = new Task(); 
    t.Subject = 'Do Not Call'; 
    t.Priority = 'Normal';
    insert t;
I'm new to Apex coding and trying to create a simple trigger off an Activty Subject.  On the Lead object, if the Activity subject mentions "Do Not Call" (though not the only text of subject) the trigger needs to tag the Lead record's check box field called Do Not Call.   Basically tagging the lead as a do not call off the words Do Not Call on the subject line of the Activity.  Any tips will be great! 

Thanks in Advance
Trying to use entries from one objec to another but stuck.  I have one object "Project" and another object "Equipment".  Equipment is a container for various items, details, type model# etc.  Like a catalog.    On the project I would like to use these entries as a "picklist" on object and pull some of the fields over from the peice of equipment that has been selected.  What would be the best way to acheive this?  Would process builder work or other?  Not a coder so trying to find solution without code. But if requires code may have to go that route somehow.  Thanks in advance
Really don't want create another dev org using another email as I already have a primary one.  But chal;lage says get new org before trying for superbadge.  would like to associate my tail head org but its dirty
Not sure but I cannot find a clear answer to this.  I have a status__c picklist value we want changed from "Installing" to "installed".   This should change based on a separate field that we created that has an "install_date__c" entry (date field). When system date matches this date field we have we would like the picklist value to change on status__c.   Any help would be appreciated!