• SunilKumar
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I have a picklist field called entry__C with 5 values in account object so whenever user create the new record it is editable mode and once record gets saved then it is readonly mode so user cannot edit that record.Here i am not using any customization like vf page and all
So i have to do it through configuration.

Thanks in advance.
I have a vf charts in a vf page those are i need to download in theexcel format but when try to download the using contenttype its downloaded only the values but i need to downlod the vf charts in the form of graphs wise 

thanks for all
I have created a vf page and in that i added the dashboard withhelp of iframe tag upto now its ok
But the problem is in that vf page based on account id some data display in page So Now i need to display the only this page data not entire the database records only this particular accountid like wise based on accountid it will be display 

Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,

I need to creeat the report with two fields 1. Name 2. Score  and name is Y- axis and Score is X -axis So I creat the report without having any sumaary and matrix report the in that case i am unable to show the score on X- axis because without summary and matrix i think its not posible to avoid record count. Ok Suppose if create the summary report(sum) then in that case the Score will be showing sum of score But i nned to display exactly score only not with SUm

So anybody having any idea on this.

I have a dashboard which is presented in the vf page So When i am trying to download the dashboard from that it is downloaded but 
it is not display in the chart format it is downloaded in the form values

<apex:page sidebar="false" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel#mycontacts.xls" >
 <apex:iframe src="https://fujitsumohan572-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ChartServer?rsid=0FL28000000vWWi&ruid=00528000000JJTn&did=01Z28000000OQgb&s=7&fs=10&tfg=12&tfs=-16777216&explode=0&c=pie&cs=0&title=&eh=yes&compo=yes&fg=-16777216&bg1=-1&bg2=-1&bgdir=2&dl1=Type&dl2=&l=2&sax=yes&Yman=no&nc=0&actUrl=%2F00O2800000ACeyW&sd=1&scv=yes&sct=no&spt=yes&bd=yes&cu=INR&ab=X&u=0&vt=0&ab2=Y&u2=0&vt2=0&vl0=Record+Count&spoc=no&topn=no&gc0=-1&gc1=-1&gc2=-1&sona=0&refreshts=1507802992000" height="1000" />

I need to collapse the html table whenver user click on particular header in the table then only display the that header records like wise there is 4 headers

HI All,

I need to show the salesforce classic visuvalforce page into IOS and Android with same look and feel 

So please suggest anyone how to achieve this
Thanks in advance
Hi all,

I got the related to changeset issue like 
This change set requires the "41.0" or later platform version.
 i have all components like custome objects , fields, pagelayouts etc ...... not any coding part.

So How can i deployee from sandbox to production
we click on the convert button then there is some required field is subject(picklist) its is a required field but without selecting any picklist values also it is saved it is a out of box functinality my question is without selecting the subject it should not saved. and it shows error

Please help on this thanks in advance
How to make fields are required on task object the fields are subject and comment while converting a lead it shown. and these two are fields are availble on task object
I need to display the same look and view in salesforce classic as well as salesforce1 for this i wrote the vf page  But in salesforce1 the page layout section the fields are over written

Please help on this Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,

I need support on salesforce wave analytics if anybody Please Comment

I will comment
I am new to wave analytics ,
How to bind two datasets in a single dashboards
 have an account object it having self relationship with account only(i.e create lookup relation with for account only)
in the account object create picklist value with the name as Pstatus(parent status) it contains values
1. inprogress

again take one more picklist values with the name as  Cstaus(means child status) it contains values
1. inprogress

now create the 10 sample records in account and in  cstatus picklist value select any one value But in Pstaus dynamically populate the completed only it is fixed
Update the New Leads button on Case Related List for Lead. 
This should autopopulate 
The record type as Sales Lead , 
 Contact on Lead should be populated with Account Name from Case 
 Assigned Dealer should be populated with Primary Case Dealer from Case.
Hi Friends

I am inserting contacts record through dataloader but there is lookup fields are there for account 

Please help me how can i insert contacts records 

Thanks Friends

It is github and running an apex class when the sanbox refresh it should change 

Hi  I Have a requirement

I have Account object and B  is the custom object  , Here My question is Account having the self lookup relation with the name of city(its a lookup field) and in Account object only state(picklist ) is there with few values a,b ,c, I want when ever user insert or update the record and by selecting the picklist value a , Automatically the a is populate in the city (i mean in lookup filed),
I don't want do this one with pointand click , Do this one trigger only

Please give me reply

I am new to wave analytics ,
How to bind two datasets in a single dashboards
Hi Friends,

I need to creeat the report with two fields 1. Name 2. Score  and name is Y- axis and Score is X -axis So I creat the report without having any sumaary and matrix report the in that case i am unable to show the score on X- axis because without summary and matrix i think its not posible to avoid record count. Ok Suppose if create the summary report(sum) then in that case the Score will be showing sum of score But i nned to display exactly score only not with SUm

So anybody having any idea on this.

Hi all,

I got the related to changeset issue like 
This change set requires the "41.0" or later platform version.
 i have all components like custome objects , fields, pagelayouts etc ...... not any coding part.

So How can i deployee from sandbox to production
we click on the convert button then there is some required field is subject(picklist) its is a required field but without selecting any picklist values also it is saved it is a out of box functinality my question is without selecting the subject it should not saved. and it shows error

Please help on this thanks in advance
first off, thanks to the community for getting me this far.  I am attempting to create an outbound change set for a test class that will give me code coverage.  I have the test class and it's giving proper coverage.  however, I am now recieving an error that "changeset requires 38.0 or higher platform version".  is this because I am attempting a changeset from winter '17 sandbox to summer '16 prod?  is there a fix or workaround for this? 
Update the New Leads button on Case Related List for Lead. 
This should autopopulate 
The record type as Sales Lead , 
 Contact on Lead should be populated with Account Name from Case 
 Assigned Dealer should be populated with Primary Case Dealer from Case.
Hi Friends

I am inserting contacts record through dataloader but there is lookup fields are there for account 

Please help me how can i insert contacts records 

Thanks Friends
Hi  I Have a requirement

I have Account object and B  is the custom object  , Here My question is Account having the self lookup relation with the name of city(its a lookup field) and in Account object only state(picklist ) is there with few values a,b ,c, I want when ever user insert or update the record and by selecting the picklist value a , Automatically the a is populate in the city (i mean in lookup filed),
I don't want do this one with pointand click , Do this one trigger only

Please give me reply

 I am using new  interface SandboxPostCopy which is newly released in spring 16 , and write some script with dml operation  AND  email sending code  in method  called   runApexClass
 After that i added that class Name  in   Sandbox Template Apex class   which suppose to run  on sandbox after sandbox created/refreshed 
 See the release link -> https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/spring16/release-notes/rn_deployment_sandbox_postcopy_script.htm

 Below is my code , but it is not doing any change in sandbox which being created/refreshed  while i checked using test class the code is having 100% coverage with no error . Please let me know if any body has any solution 

global  without Sharing class SandBoxAfterRefreshHandler implements SandboxPostCopy { 
  //Method which Run Post-Copy Script for Sandboxes
    global void runApexClass(SandboxContext context){
     System.debug('Hello  ' + context.organizationId() + 
           + context.sandboxId() + context.sandboxName());    
      String Status = '';
      List<User> Ulist  =  [Select id from User where name='Test' and IsActive = True];
      List<RecordType> rtlist = [Select id from RecordType where SObjectType = 'Account' And DeveloperName = 'Test' And isActive = True];
      Account acc = new Account(Name ='TestSandbox'); 
      acc.OwnerId = Ulist[0].id;
      acc.RecordTypeId = rtlist[0].id;
      insert acc;
      Status = acc.id;
      catch(Exception de){
        Status = 'fail'+de.getMessage();
        system.debug('insert account failed' + Status);

//sending email 
      messaging.Singleemailmessage mail = new  Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'ANY EMAIL'}; 

                mail.setSenderDisplayName('Coming from Refreshed Sandbox');
                mail.setSubject('Coming from Refreshed Sandbox');
                mail.setPlainTextBody('Hello Saurabh ' + context.organizationId() + 
      '' + context.sandboxId() + context.sandboxName()+'Current Sandbox Organization Id '+ Userinfo.getOrganizationId() + ' Current sandbox Name '+ UserInfo.getOrganizationName() +' and DML Status '+ Status  );
                List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> sendEmailResults =  new List<Messaging.SendEmailResult>{};   
                // Send the email you have created.
                sendEmailResults = new list<Messaging.SendEmailResult>() ;
                Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }, false);
                catch(Exception e)
