• Ahilya Srivastava
  • 30 Points
  • Member since 2015

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I have a VisualForce page where I'm trying to display a standard related list by using the <apex:relatedList /> tag. It seems like this should be simple, but I can't seem to find any way to choose which columns are displayed in the related list; the only column being displayed is the "Name" column.

I've tried editing the related list layout on the custom object's page layout, but this didn't affect my VisualForce page.

Is there any way I can display more than just the "Name" column with an <apex:relatedList />?
I'd think this would work just fine, but it seems to prevent the action function from firing regardless of the confirm response
<apex:commandButton value="Remove All" action="{!removeAll}" rerender="form"
     status="LoadingStatus" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"/>

I have used the following cod to render as PDF, but website is not render when using the render as PDF/ but if I remove the PDF, the webpage is loading.

Code: <apex:page render="pdf"> // external webstie link (ex: bing.com) </apex:page>

I have used the following cod to render as PDF, but website is not render when using the render as PDF/ but if I remove the PDF, the webpage is loading.

Code: <apex:page render="pdf"> // external webstie link (ex: bing.com) </apex:page>