• Sanjay Mulagada 11
  • 155 Points
  • Member since 2015

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How do I show the campaign name in the opportunity record under lead information fields, Other fields that I wanted I mapped them and they are visible

Here, I want the campaign name to be in the lead information section on the opportunity page when the lead is converted

Any suggestions here
Hello everyone,
I jusr read the document 'Tips for Reducing Formula Size'; Still I can't find a way to reduce the size of my custom formula fied. Any idea will be helpful. The goal is to present to the user the 'Duration' of an event based on the DateStart and DateFinish, in the shortest possible way, meaning:
Mon. May 18, 2015, Fri. Jun. 17, 2016 -  Year is different
Mon. May 18, Wed. Jun. 17, 2015 – same year, but monthis  different
Mon. 18-Wed. 20, May 2015 – same year and month, but day is different
Mon. May 18, 2015 – same day
Below my current formula that exceed the Compiled 4,000 bytes allowance. below DS__c is DateStart__c, DF__c is DateFinish, D1-7 is day in the week (Mon-Sun), M1-12 is month in the year (Jan-Dec)
Again, thanks for any idea (but doing a Workflow which I would like to avoid).

If (DS__c = DF__c,  /* Mon. Apr. 17, 2015 */
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH(DF__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
IF (YEAR(DS__c) == YEAR(DF__c),     /* Same year: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015,  */
IF (MONTH(DS__c) == MONTH(DF__c), /* same year, same month: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
,                                                  /* Same year, different months: Mon. Apr. 17-Wed. May 20, 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
,                                                     /* Different year, month irrelevant: Mon. Apr. 17, 2015-Wed. May 20, 2016 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
Criteria: User should not be able to change the stage of an oppty to anything but unqualified except if these conditions are true.

Division does not contain sales or finance
lead score > 0
type = renewal
total = 0.00

I have it working, but now I need to add the following to not include in the validation:
If the division contains sales and total  <= 10000

I'm not sure how to add that portion, since the current is looking for not contains 'Sales'
Score__c > 0, 
Total__c = 0.00)))

I am not even sure if this is possible, I am slightly new to the coding world, but I have a validation rule as follows:
Name = UPPER(Name) 
I need to place an IF statment to allow Lettered companies to be added with all caps. Such as we have a company called TRG, so it will not allow us to add this as all caps with the above rule. Is there way to make it allow all caps for companies that need it.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I wrote two trigger, on dev sconsole its showing me version 35.0

when i am trying to upload it to partial sandbox or production,
It gives me below error
All components failed Version Compatibility Check.
Every component in this change set requires the "35.0" or higher platform version. Please select an organization with a platform version of "35.0" or higher.

  • October 08, 2015
  • Like
  • 0
How do I show the campaign name in the opportunity record under lead information fields, Other fields that I wanted I mapped them and they are visible

Here, I want the campaign name to be in the lead information section on the opportunity page when the lead is converted

Any suggestions here
My scenario is ,If the user edit the opportunity after three business days from the closed date it should throw the error message.
MOD( CloseDate - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7),
0, CloseDate+3, 
1, CloseDate+3, 
2, CloseDate+3, 
3, CloseDate+5, 
4, CloseDate+5, 

CloseDate))<=  TODAY()

It throwing an error but if i edit the Closed_Date at that time also its throwing an error. Can anyone help me out to solve this issue.

Thanks In Advance

Please help, I need to update the following formula for Parent IDN field:
IF (ISBLANK(GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c), "", 
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "REGSURG"), "REGSURG",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "SPOG"),  "SPOG",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "SUTTER"), "SUTTER",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "YANKEE"), "YANKEE",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROV2"), "PROV",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROVAFF"), "PROV",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROVAFF2"), "PROV",GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c))))))))))))

Currently if my GP Roll Up Sub Type field contains one of the above, the correct response is placed in the Parent IDN field, if blank, then both remain blank, I would like to add if the value is different from blank or any of the above, to put the same data in Parent IDN field. Ex., if the GP Roll Up Sub Type field contains MED, I want MED to display in the Parent IDN field.
In our organization, we have older contacts who pass away.  We want to retain their historical records, but want to avoid accidentally contacting contacts who've passed away.  I've read that a workflow rule can be created to append or prepend their name field but I lack the ability to write the code required to make this happen.

I have inserted a custom field with a checkbox that indicates that the contact is inactive, but what would the next steps in the workflow rule look like?  Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I'm trying to create a case function instead of using a logic function and am running into an issue. "Profile_Completeness_Percent__c" is a percentage and I am trying to return a score based on that percentage range. Am I missing something obvious? I keep getting a "Error: Incorrect argument type for function 'CASE()'." error.

CASE( Profile_Completeness_Percent__c ,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c >= 0 && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (55/100), 1,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (55/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (59/100), 1.5,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (59/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (64/100), 2,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (64/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (69/100), 2.5,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (69/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (74/100), 3,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (74/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (80/100), 3.5,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (80/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (89/100), 4,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (89/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= (95/100), 4.5,
Profile_Completeness_Percent__c > (95/100) && Profile_Completeness_Percent__c <= 1, 5, 0)
Hey developer
I have one requirment and for that i want to check one validation rule but in the system i have system administrator right ,,, so for checking that validation rule i dnt want have system adm right i want to change it but system did not allow me to do it how to solve this problem...
  • November 04, 2015
  • Like
  • 0
Hello everyone,
I jusr read the document 'Tips for Reducing Formula Size'; Still I can't find a way to reduce the size of my custom formula fied. Any idea will be helpful. The goal is to present to the user the 'Duration' of an event based on the DateStart and DateFinish, in the shortest possible way, meaning:
Mon. May 18, 2015, Fri. Jun. 17, 2016 -  Year is different
Mon. May 18, Wed. Jun. 17, 2015 – same year, but monthis  different
Mon. 18-Wed. 20, May 2015 – same year and month, but day is different
Mon. May 18, 2015 – same day
Below my current formula that exceed the Compiled 4,000 bytes allowance. below DS__c is DateStart__c, DF__c is DateFinish, D1-7 is day in the week (Mon-Sun), M1-12 is month in the year (Jan-Dec)
Again, thanks for any idea (but doing a Workflow which I would like to avoid).

If (DS__c = DF__c,  /* Mon. Apr. 17, 2015 */
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH(DF__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
IF (YEAR(DS__c) == YEAR(DF__c),     /* Same year: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015,  */
IF (MONTH(DS__c) == MONTH(DF__c), /* same year, same month: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
,                                                  /* Same year, different months: Mon. Apr. 17-Wed. May 20, 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
,                                                     /* Different year, month irrelevant: Mon. Apr. 17, 2015-Wed. May 20, 2016 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
Criteria: User should not be able to change the stage of an oppty to anything but unqualified except if these conditions are true.

Division does not contain sales or finance
lead score > 0
type = renewal
total = 0.00

I have it working, but now I need to add the following to not include in the validation:
If the division contains sales and total  <= 10000

I'm not sure how to add that portion, since the current is looking for not contains 'Sales'
Score__c > 0, 
Total__c = 0.00)))

I would like a formula field to return the Currency Code (USD, EUR, JPY) from a field with datatype "Currency" on a custom object.  How can I do this?

Thank you
Hi All,

I have two objects like Event and Registration. In both objects are having invoice as related list. From both objects, i want to create new Invoice. 
So that i want to create new custom button on invoice using URL with help of IF condition. because depending on object clicking that value should be auto populate field in new invoice page.
getting error like " URL No Longer Exists " and Address Bar showing like this: https://na16.salesforce.com/servlet/if(a04j0000009RESq)%7Bwindow.alert(You%20must%20populate%20the%20Field%20before%20using%20this%20button);%7Delse%7B/a0o/e?CF00Nj0000000OfdG=R-00103&CF00Nj0000000OfdG_lkid=a04j0000009RESq&retURL=%2Fa04j0000009RESq}

i tried like this 


I appreciate your help.

Thank you.
In our organization, we have older contacts who pass away.  We want to retain their historical records, but want to avoid accidentally contacting contacts who've passed away.  I've read that a workflow rule can be created to append or prepend their name field but I lack the ability to write the code required to make this happen.

I have inserted a custom field with a checkbox that indicates that the contact is inactive, but what would the next steps in the workflow rule look like?  Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Hello everyone,
I jusr read the document 'Tips for Reducing Formula Size'; Still I can't find a way to reduce the size of my custom formula fied. Any idea will be helpful. The goal is to present to the user the 'Duration' of an event based on the DateStart and DateFinish, in the shortest possible way, meaning:
Mon. May 18, 2015, Fri. Jun. 17, 2016 -  Year is different
Mon. May 18, Wed. Jun. 17, 2015 – same year, but monthis  different
Mon. 18-Wed. 20, May 2015 – same year and month, but day is different
Mon. May 18, 2015 – same day
Below my current formula that exceed the Compiled 4,000 bytes allowance. below DS__c is DateStart__c, DF__c is DateFinish, D1-7 is day in the week (Mon-Sun), M1-12 is month in the year (Jan-Dec)
Again, thanks for any idea (but doing a Workflow which I would like to avoid).

If (DS__c = DF__c,  /* Mon. Apr. 17, 2015 */
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH(DF__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
IF (YEAR(DS__c) == YEAR(DF__c),     /* Same year: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015,  */
IF (MONTH(DS__c) == MONTH(DF__c), /* same year, same month: Mon. 17-Tue. 18, Apr. 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
,                                                  /* Same year, different months: Mon. Apr. 17-Wed. May 20, 2015 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
,                                                     /* Different year, month irrelevant: Mon. Apr. 17, 2015-Wed. May 20, 2016 */
CASE( MOD(DS__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DS__c), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
CASE( MOD( DF__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ), 0, $Label.D7, 1, $Label.D1, 2, $Label.D2, 3, $Label.D3, 4, $Label.D4, 5, $Label.D5, $Label.D6 )
+'. '+
CASE (MONTH( DF__c ), 1, $Label.M1, 2, $Label.M2, 3, $Label.M3, 4, $Label.M4, 5, $Label.M5, 6, $Label.M6, 7, $Label.M7, 8, $Label.M8, 9, $Label.M9, 10, $Label.M10, 11, $Label.M11, $Label.M12)
+'. '+
+', '+
Hi all,
 I have downloaded Eclipse on my windows 8.1 64 bit PC. I then tried to install force.com IDE but as it progress I get the following error. when i tried to install new software in eclipse kepler using force.com ide, this error msg comes. please help me.
please anybody explain me the process how to install force.com ide in eclipse kepler in windows 8.1 64bit operating system.

Unable to read repository at http://media.developerforce.com/force-ide/eclipse42/content.xml.
Unable to read repository at http://media.developerforce.com/force-ide/eclipse42/content.xml.
Address family not supported by protocol family: connect