• Anil JAdhav 14
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Hi Everyone,
Hope you are doing well!!
I ran into strange issue but not able to resolve it.
We have integrated with PowerBI to show reports and dashboards in Salesforce. But whenever we are try to access it with Chrome, getting login issue - working fine with Mozilla and Edge browsers.
Also we have noted that for Chrome Version 79 it is working but we have latest browser versions now 83 and above there we are getting this issue.
Anyone facing the same issue? 
Thanks in advance.
I am using lighting out. when I preview my vf page, its working fine.
When I am trying same vf page running using site. I am getting bellow error.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

Could someone help me out. Thank you in advance.
Hi Guys,
Anyone implemented Snap-ins successfully??
Please need help on this. I have done all the configuration still not able to chat with consumer.
Even though agent is online, on website it always showing offline.

Thanks in advance
If possible via Apex, the end user should be able to add a value to the picklist. The user should also be able to select the record type too so that that picklist value gets tagged to the record type selected. (Multiple record type selection should be possible). I know there is a tooling API that can do this, but not sure if we can call the API using Apex. Off course, if it is Apex then UI would be VF
 I know the one way intergrating salesforce with active directories using sso. But without sso is it possible to fetct data from active directories into salesforce. I have urgent requirement help out ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi all, So I wrote code in my sandbox but must deploy it to our live environment, so its 1 apex class, two visual force pages and a static component. But when I try to validate it keep saying it only has a 68% code coverage and I need 75%. What can I do? Thanks 
Hi Experts,

Please let me know whenever i am  inserting or updating records on Account object using batch apex after complition of this, i will send an email to users , how to write the example logic ,,request you  needful.

I have generated HTML for a form, with the native web-to-case feature. The form will be posted on several different websites, so I need to add another, hidden, element (field?) to the form, which captures the information of the web page from which the form was filled in. Can anyone assist? Thank you. 
What can an Administrator use to determine different levels of team member access to an Account?
a)Visualforce Pages
b)Export Account Teams
c)Account team hierarchy
d)Report on account teams
Hello Developers 

I am new to the Apex Development, we have multiple triggers on a Opportunity, So i have been Given a Task to create a OpportunityHelper Class where all the Logic has to be Implemented in a Single Class, i am getting some errors where i am not able to resolve it

This is my below Trigger Logic
trigger opportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after delete,after update,after insert,after undelete) {
    set<ID>QtaIds = new set<ID>(); 
    if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isundelete){
        for(opportunity opp : trigger.new){
        for(opportunity opp : trigger.old){
        for(opportunity opp:trigger.new){
            if(trigger.oldmap.get(opp.id).Quota__c != opp.Quota__c && trigger.oldmap.get(opp.id).Quota__c != null ){
    map<id,double> amtmap = new map<id,double>();
    for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum,Quota__c FROM Opportunity where Quota__c in :QtaIds and ClosedDate_Checkbox__c ='True' and StageName = 'Closed Won' group by Quota__c ]){
        amtmap.put((ID)ag.get('Quota__c'), double.valueof(ag.get('SUM')));
    list<Quota__c>Qtalist = new list<Quota__c>();
    for(id iid : QtaIds){
        Quota__c quot = new Quota__c(id=iid); 
            quot.Inside_Sales_Roll_up__c = amtmap.get(iid);
            quot.Inside_Sales_Roll_up__c = 0;
        update Qtalist;

Below is My OpportunityTrigger
trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after insert,after update) {
    IF(Trigger.isafter && Trigger.isupdate){ 

This is My OpportunityHelper
public class OpportunityHelper {
    public static Map<Id, Quota__c> QuotaMap =new Map<Id, Quota__c>();
    public static Map<String, List<Opportunity>> OpportunityListMap = new Map<String, List<Opportunity>>();
    public static set<ID>QtaIds = new set<ID>(); 
    public static void MMCountRollUpAmount(set<id> QuotaIdSet){
        set<ID>QtaIds = new set<ID>(); 
        if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isundelete){
            for(opportunity opp : trigger.new){
            for(opportunity opp : trigger.old){
            for(opportunity opp:trigger.new){
                if(trigger.oldmap.get(opp.id).Quota__c != opp.Quota__c && trigger.oldmap.get(opp.id).Quota__c != null ){
        map<id,double> amtmap = new map<id,double>();
        for(aggregateresult ag : [SELECT SUM(Amount) sum,Quota__c FROM Opportunity where Quota__c in :QtaIds and Closed_Date_Checkbox__c ='True' AND StageName = 'Closed Won' group by Quota__c ]){
            amtmap.put((ID)ag.get('Quota__c'), double.valueof(ag.get('SUM')));
        list<Quota__c>Qtalist = new list<Quota__c>();
        for(id iid : QtaIds){
            Quota__c quot = new Quota__c(id=iid); 
                quot.Inside_Sales_Roll_up__c = amtmap.get(iid);
                quot.Inside_Sales_Roll_up__c = 0;
            update Qtalist;

I have a class 'Tabu_Controller' and it has method  getMDMSResult. I have another class "CreateAccount" and merthod name ''CreateUser".
Now i want to use getMDMSResult method in CreateUser method. How to call it.

I am trying to configure Service Cloud chat with our website. To correlate the chat session with a user in our own internal system I would like to pass our own user ID to the contact object in Salesforce. 

Here's the code I have so far: 

liveagent.addCustomDetail("user id", 123);


    .map('user id', 'user id, true, true, true)



I am certain the field "user id" exists in our salesforce object.

Any help would be much appreciated! 

I have a field in a custom object named Closing Report which opens up a VF page with a list of addresses contained in another custom object. Now I want as soon as any address is selected, the address fields of Closing Report to be auto populated. How to achieve this? Please help me
with the class User-added image
Hi All,
I'm getting the below error while I try to insert an opportunity split record via apex.
System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, You can't create an Opportunity Split for a user unless they're part of the opportunity team.: [SplitOwnerId]

I have a trigger on opportunity Team Member which when deactivated the above code works.
Not sure what is the link between the Opportunity Team Member trigger and Opportunity Split creation.

Usually the team member gets automatically added/created while creating a opportunity split record.
But in this case, when opportunity team member trigger is active, It doesn't seem to work.

Any suggestions/pointers are most welcome.
Many thanks in advance
Hi Friends ,

I have one trigger. In my trigger i wrote some condition insert records into conatct / lead object while importing CSV file into Custom object. . I am importing CSV file into Custom object . In my custom object state field type is Text . Contact object state field type is Picklist. In picklist i have multble state. But in CSV file state names are replaced with their state codes . Like  California = CA ,
For this reason when i import csv file into custom objects rescords are inserted in custom object only. They didn't insert / update in contacts object
. CLient is not rady to change the field data type  & not ready to insert CA into picklist field .How to write a code ?How to overcome this issue ?

I am giving my inserting code below. Here i am written code for one state . I think this is not proper issue.

Code :

contact c4 = new contact();
                        c4.AccountId = a.Id;
                        c4.LastName = customObjRecord.Name;
                        c4.FirstName = customobjrecord.First_Name__c;
                        c4.OtherPhone = customObjRecord.Other_Phone__c;
                        c4.Email = customObjRecord.Email_Address__c;
                        c4.Phone = customObjRecord.Phone__c;
                        c4.Contact_Status__c = customObjRecord.Contact_Status__c;
                        c4.LeadSource = customObjRecord.Lead_Source__c;
                        c4.Lead_Subsource__c = customObjRecord.Lead_Subsource__c;
                        c4.Lead_Channel__c = customObjRecord.Lead_Channel__c;  
                       // c4.MailingState=customObjRecord.Mailing_Address_State__c;
                              ||  customObjRecord.Primary_Address_Country__c.equalsIgnoreCase('usa') ){
                                c4.MailingCountry='United States';
                        } else 
                        if(customObjRecord.Mailing_Address_State__c.equalsIgnoreCase('CA')  ){
                        } else 
I have a custom field 'number_of_contact__c' in Account. I am trying to set the value of this custom field to zero before deleting the record.
I am getting an error at line ' loopAccount.number_of_contact__c = 0;'.
trigger RemoveNumberofcontact on Account (after undelete, before delete) 
if (Trigger.isDelete == true)
{	List <Account> ListAccount = new List<Account>(Trigger.old);
	for (Account LoopAccount : ListAccount)    
        loopAccount.number_of_contact__c = 0;


I have build a lightning component. But i am getting error when clicking on the tab as below
Unfortunately, there was a problem. Please try again. If the problem continues, get in touch with your administrator with the error ID shown here and any other related details. Error ID: 1271114469-82162 (618636730).

I have given field pemissions and all. Can anyone please suggest me?
I am facing this issue from one month ago. I have raisen a case, but they closed the case by telling that it is out of scope. 
Hi EveryOne,

I implemented prechat form and used it in the force.com site and updated this force.com site url in the prechat form URL while creating the Chat Button.

The issue is when ever customer fills the form and starts the chat then, some time case is getting created and some times not. Can anyone please help me out how can i resolve this issue

Thanks, In Advance

we've successfully integrated liveagent chat into our own app (using the JavaScript library).

We would now like to use a pre chat form to collect some customer data before the chat starts. The pre chat form would not be hosted on a force.com but it would be a custom form on our own website.
Is this possible? The documentation is quite confusing for someone who does not regularly deal with Salesforce terminology, and I'm getting the impression one has to host the pre chat form on Salesforce.

Thanks in advance for any help.
I have a custom field called "My Question" on the pre-chat form on our website for the customer.  When this is filled in, it does not appear in the chat box for the Agent to see.

How would I get the content entered into this field to show in the Chat Box for the Agent to see and prevent our customers from having to repeat their question.

I was given a lead that there are APIs on the visitor side that can be leveraged to 'send a message' through the chat window.  After capturing the question, the string could be sent via the APIs and would show up for both the agent and the customer in the chat window.

How would I go about setting this up?


Hi i have a website and would like implement Salesfoce live chat into it.


I have configured everything and able to click a button and chat window will prompt.


now i wanted the vistor to enter their email & phone before starting the chat so our agent will able to see thier profile. i found the sample code online is using apex. will it possible to be put in HTML?


this is button code.


<img id="liveagent_button_online_57390000000PN1b" style="display: none; border: 0px none; cursor: pointer" onclick="liveagent.startChat('57390000000PN1b')" src="https://testitapps.force.com/support/resource/1381204692000/pkb_search_icon" /><img id="liveagent_button_offline_57390000000PN1b" style="display: none; border: 0px none; " src="https://testitapps.force.com/support/resource/1381204692000/pkb_close_icon" />
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window._laq) { window._laq = []; }
window._laq.push(function(){liveagent.showWhenOnline('57390000000PN1b', document.getElementById('liveagent_button_online_57390000000PN1b'));
liveagent.showWhenOffline('57390000000PN1b', document.getElementById('liveagent_button_offline_57390000000PN1b'));

<script type='text/javascript' src='https://c.la1t1.salesforceliveagent.com/content/g/js/29.0/deployment.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
liveagent.init('https://d.la1t1.salesforceliveagent.com/chat', '57290000000PMpr', '00D90000000nI1C');
