• Ramu Veligeti 5
  • 10 Points
  • Member since 2015

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When trying to execute the below SOQL query in Anonymous window under developer console, the query is failing with some Oracle exceptions. Based on the error, I can understand that this has to do something with datetime fields, so when I remove Call_Back_Time__c from the where clause of the query it executes fine. And the same SOQL executes absolutely fine in Summer 15 sandbox org.

List<Work_Item__c> wi = [Select Id, Priority__c, Response__r.Contact__c, Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c, Response__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c from Work_Item__c where Status__c = 'New' and Delivery_Mode__c = 'Call' and Response__r.RecordType.Name = 'Business Response' and Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c = false and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c != NULL and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c = false  and Call_Back_Time__c  != NULL and Call_Back_Time__c <= :system.now() and ownerId = '005q0000001JFyJAAW' order by Call_Back_Time__c limit 1];

System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c",
t_c41_6.name "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9,
sales.contact t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
14:11:43.102 (102006532)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[26]|Bytes:2473
14:11:43.102 (102053402)|METHOD_EXIT|[8]|01pq0000000Ad4T|WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem()
14:11:43.102 (102068549)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
14:11:43.102 (102162687)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c",
t_c41_6.name "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9,
sales.contact t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
When trying to execute the below SOQL query in Anonymous window under developer console, the query is failing with some Oracle exceptions. Based on the error, I can understand that this has to do something with datetime fields, so when I remove Call_Back_Time__c from the where clause of the query it executes fine. And the same SOQL executes absolutely fine in Summer 15 sandbox org.

List<Work_Item__c> wi = [Select Id, Priority__c, Response__r.Contact__c, Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c, Response__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c, Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c from Work_Item__c where Status__c = 'New' and Delivery_Mode__c = 'Call' and Response__r.RecordType.Name = 'Business Response' and Response__r.Contact__r.Assigned__c = false and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__c != NULL and Response__r.Unit_of_Interest__r.Assigned__c = false  and Call_Back_Time__c  != NULL and Call_Back_Time__c <= :system.now() and ownerId = '005q0000001JFyJAAW' order by Call_Back_Time__c limit 1];

System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c",
t_c41_6.name "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9,
sales.contact t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?
14:11:43.102 (102006532)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[26]|Bytes:2473
14:11:43.102 (102053402)|METHOD_EXIT|[8]|01pq0000000Ad4T|WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem()
14:11:43.102 (102068549)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
14:11:43.102 (102162687)|FATAL_ERROR|System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

select /*Apex.Class.WorkItemQueue.fetchWorkItem: line 26*/ *
from (select "Id",
from (select /*+ ordered index(t iecustom_entity_data_owner) use_nl(t_c41) use_nl(t_c41_6) use_nl(t_c41_c9) use_nl(t_c41_c5) use_nl(cft_c41_c5) index(cft_c41_c5 PKCONTACT_CFDATA) */
t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1",
t_c41.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_2",
t_c41_c5.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_3",
t_c41_c9.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_4",
t.val7 "Status__c",
t.val48 "Delivery_Mode__c",
t_c41_6.name "t_c41_6_Name",
cft_c41_c5.val59 "t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",
t_c41.val9 "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c",
t_c41_c9.val156 "t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",
TO_DATE(t.val58) "Call_Back_Time__c",
t.owner "OwnerId",
t.custom_entity_data_id "Id",
TO_NUMBER(t.val4) "Priority__c",
t.val41 "Response__c"
from core.custom_entity_data t,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41,
core.record_type t_c41_6,
core.custom_entity_data t_c41_c9,
sales.contact t_c41_c5,
sales.contact_cfdata cft_c41_c5
where (t.val41 = t_c41.custom_entity_data_id)
and (t_c41.record_type_id = t_c41_6.record_type_id)
and (t_c41.val9 = t_c41_c9.custom_entity_data_id(+))
and (t_c41.val5 = t_c41_c5.contact_id(+))
and (t_c41_c5.contact_id = cft_c41_c5.contact_cfdata_id(+))
and (t.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000')
and (t_c41.key_prefix = ?)
and (t_c41_6.organization_id = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_6.deleted = '0')
and (t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id not in ('Idea', 'Question', 'Reply')
or t_c41_6.table_enum_or_id is null)
and (t_c41_c9.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (t_c41_c9.key_prefix(+) = ?)
and (t_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k')
and (cft_c41_c5.organization_id(+) = '00Dq0000000Ai3k'))
where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0')
AND ("IsDeleted_gen_2" = '0')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_3",'0') <> '1')
AND (nvl("IsDeleted_gen_4",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Status__c" = ?)
AND ("Delivery_Mode__c" = ?)
AND (upper("t_c41_6_Name") = ?)
AND (nvl("t_c41_c5_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" is not null and "t_c41_Unit_of_Interest__c" > '000000000000000')
AND (nvl("t_c41_c9_Assigned__c",'0') <> '1')
AND ("Call_Back_Time__c" <= to_date(?))
AND ("OwnerId" = ?))
order by "Call_Back_Time__c" asc nulls first)
where rownum <= ?