• Kim Stanfield
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I was able to create a successful process/flow that updates a custom lookup field with the primary contact name on the Opportunity when a Contact Role is marked as "Primary." The problem is that the custom field will not populate unless you click Edit and Save on the Opportunity record. Could someone tell me how I could automate the edit/save process since I have read that this is necessary for my process to work. It would be great if the custom field could just automatically populate without clicking edit. 

I am new to Clicklink rules. Can you use clicklink rules to pull information from FFA (invoice payments) directly into a report in salesforce/PSA, or does there need to be a field to map this information to before a report can be created with this information?
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Any idea for this table?
I have to create this table and data will come dynamically. Stage is a field in Opportunity and it is picklist field and values as as shown in row. Record should come on the basis of columns condition. Please give some idea for this.
  • August 19, 2016
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I was able to create a successful process/flow that updates a custom lookup field with the primary contact name on the Opportunity when a Contact Role is marked as "Primary." The problem is that the custom field will not populate unless you click Edit and Save on the Opportunity record. Could someone tell me how I could automate the edit/save process since I have read that this is necessary for my process to work. It would be great if the custom field could just automatically populate without clicking edit.