• rnatraj
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I have a workflow rule to send an email reminder. I need a rule criteria with a formula that evaluates if a date field is empty or not, in order to send the email. If the field date is empty, send the email.

Using the rule criteria builder, the rule is supposed to run if the formula evaluates to true, but I tried many formulas with no luck. Examples of what I tried are:
c4g_Contact__r.c4g_Primary_Enrollment__r.c4g_Actual_Discharge_Date__c  =  NULL
ISBLANK(  c4g_Contact__r.Primary_Enrollment_Discharged_Date__c   )
ISBLANK(  c4g_Contact__r.Primary_Enrollment_Discharged_Date__c   ) = TRUE

Any idea what I could be missing here? Thanks for any help.

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hi All,
 I am working on test class every day, but by end of the day, i need to prepare xls sheet, like which class pass or failed, if pass what is code coverage like that,  so is there ant tool or easy methodalogy to get all class list with their code coverage and lines of covered .
please let me know if know any one, it's greate help to me.

  • December 16, 2014
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