• GoJoy
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I would like to create a validation rule so that only Sales Rep and Systems Admins can modify a picklist field not inside Sales or any others.
Field name is:  Did meeting happen?
Picklist choices are: Yes, No

Here is my validation rule and it's not working correctly.  Can you help?

OR (
ISPICKVAL( Did_meeting_happen__c, "Yes"),
ISPICKVAL(Did_meeting_happen__c, "No")),
$Profile.Name = "Sales User")||
$Profile.Name = "Systems Admin")
  • October 26, 2016
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We have one account (IBM), the ownership cann't be change by anyone, incluidng System Admin.
How can I restrict?  
  • October 25, 2016
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I would like to create a validation rule that Planned Installation Date cannot be less than 7 days from record creation date.
Can you please help?

Planned Installation Date (Date Field)
Planned_Installation_Date__c (API)

  • September 16, 2016
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I would like to track opportunity stage movement from 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6 or 7 but not closed won or closed lost.
When it happens, i would like to check a box.
  • September 09, 2016
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I need your help.
On Opportunity page, there is a "Contact" lookup field.
Based on Contact person, we want a Text "A" field to be populated.

Text "A" field is displayed as a Text field on the opportunity and "PickList" on the Contact Page.

Since there is a relationship between Contact and Opportunity record on "A" field, I would like to have this field duplicated.

How do you do this?

  • August 28, 2016
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I have a google document I would like users to view when clicking on the link on the record.
This document contains helpful materials for users to read.
I was thinking of creating a URL field and then adding a link next to the field name.
When I do that, it gives me an error message. 

HYPERLINK https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0By-Tx8sdfjklj_3sdfjkljdlfjlsdjf
  • August 26, 2016
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We have a Lead Source and Campaign tied to a Lead Record.  These two fields are mapped when its converted to the Contact Record. 

What i'm trying to do is, create "Contact Name" on the opportunity page (Lookup on Contact)
When a Contact Name is filled in, I would like the Lead Source and Campiagn fields to be auto populated in on the opportunity record as well.

New Fields I will be creating are:
- Contact Name (Look-up)
- Campaign Fields (Text)
- Lead Source (Text)

How do I do this?

  • August 25, 2016
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I need help creating a validation rule on a picklist fields.
When Opportunity Stage is Best Case, Pipeline, and Commit, when Performance picklist is NOT none, Result picklist field is required.

ISPICKVAL(StageName,'Best Case') ||
ISPICKVAL(StageName,'Pipeline') ||
ISPICKVAL( Performance__c,<>"None")
ISPICKVAL( Result__c,"")
  • August 24, 2016
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I would like to track opportunity stage movement from 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6 or 7 but not closed won or closed lost.
When it happens, i would like to check a box.
  • September 09, 2016
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I would like to create "Age" field to know how long opportunity sits from creation date until move away to Stage 1.
When a new opportunity is created, it auto defaults to Stage 1 then statge 2 or more...

Is this possible?

To start off, I will need to create a formula (Number) field and I started tto write this but don't think it will accomplish what I am achiving for. 

IF(IsClosed, CloseDate-DATEVALUE(CreatedDate), TODAY()-DATEVALUE(CreatedDate))

I need your help.
On Opportunity page, there is a "Contact" lookup field.
Based on Contact person, we want a Text "A" field to be populated.

Text "A" field is displayed as a Text field on the opportunity and "PickList" on the Contact Page.

Since there is a relationship between Contact and Opportunity record on "A" field, I would like to have this field duplicated.

How do you do this?

  • August 28, 2016
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I need help creating a validation rule on a picklist fields.
When Opportunity Stage is Best Case, Pipeline, and Commit, when Performance picklist is NOT none, Result picklist field is required.

ISPICKVAL(StageName,'Best Case') ||
ISPICKVAL(StageName,'Pipeline') ||
ISPICKVAL( Performance__c,<>"None")
ISPICKVAL( Result__c,"")
  • August 24, 2016
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