• Valerie Assous
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  • Member since 2016

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i am making the trailhead "start routing with onmi-channel". For me i have properly done all the set up and i don't see the omni-channel widget
Who can help me ?
i have several developer edition env but i want to use the one linked to my salesforce mail 
When i enter my credentials linked to my SF mail i can't launch the dev edition env
i have already opened a ticket through concierge a week ago but i have no feedback 
and that's the org where i have made all my current trailhead and where i want to move pon with trailhead and my certification training
Please can you help me ?
i am almost there but i can't move on as i have an error message saying that "The process did not set the correct Type value on submitting for approval"
Who can help me ?
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i am new at salesforce and i need to prepare the admin certification. so yesterday i created a prifile to start the training. I started to have badges . Then i realised that i was NT using my salesfroce account so i ahve asked that we move to my saledsforce accounts the badges
The problem is i can't connect anymore to all set up i have done to the org linked to the original profile. What can i do ?
i am almost there but i can't move on as i have an error message saying that "The process did not set the correct Type value on submitting for approval"
Who can help me ?
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