• Clare Langley
  • 35 Points
  • Member since 2016
  • Operations Manager
  • ITHouse Solutions Limited

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I am just at the last part of Challenge to Create a Community Called Partners & the link povided to complete the initial setup, replacing the logo on the login page with the one provided in the Git repository. Go to https://github.com/salesforceidentity/IdentityTrail-Module3 and download identity_external_logo.png. - Doesnt actually work, Does anyone know if this challenge can be completed successfully?
I'm new to Chatter & have searched but cannot identify the correct one! Can anyone provide the link to the correct page please?
I am currently working my way through Trailhead (Create a report and dashboard to show Cases by status.) & created a report but selected the wrong type so deleted it. Now I cannot create the report with the correct name to complete the challenge. What can I do?? 
I am just at the last part of Challenge to Create a Community Called Partners & the link povided to complete the initial setup, replacing the logo on the login page with the one provided in the Git repository. Go to https://github.com/salesforceidentity/IdentityTrail-Module3 and download identity_external_logo.png. - Doesnt actually work, Does anyone know if this challenge can be completed successfully?
I am just at the last part of Challenge to Create a Community Called Partners & the link povided to complete the initial setup, replacing the logo on the login page with the one provided in the Git repository. Go to https://github.com/salesforceidentity/IdentityTrail-Module3 and download identity_external_logo.png. - Doesnt actually work, Does anyone know if this challenge can be completed successfully?
I'm new to Chatter & have searched but cannot identify the correct one! Can anyone provide the link to the correct page please?
I am currently working my way through Trailhead (Create a report and dashboard to show Cases by status.) & created a report but selected the wrong type so deleted it. Now I cannot create the report with the correct name to complete the challenge. What can I do?? 
I don't know where contact support, so I will post this here.
The Challenge for Reports & Dashboards : Sharing and Notifications was unable to complete.

The Error message:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: SUILXNRM. Error: Faraday::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: The requested resource does not exist

can anyone know how to follow  the 'Opportunities Dashboard' in Chatter. (*Feed Tracking enabled)