• abhinav Kr
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Hi All,

I have a query over the trigger area.
Is it possible to create a User through trigger.
As we can write trigger on Account and we are able to create an Opportunity. In the same way can we create a User on writing trigger on any standard or custom object.

Please guide me in this area.
Hi Everyone,

I have a query over the validation rule execution place.
I know that validation rule varifies a record before the record is saved.

For Ex:
I am creating a Custom Object named as "NewYear" with a field "Name Please" and applied a validation rule as " ISBLANK( Name_Please__c ) ".
Now when i will create a record for the "NewYear" object without specifying the "Name Please" field and hits the save button then my request goes to the Salesforce Application Server and verifes if the record request fullfills all the validation rules.
And If all the validation rules are passed then only my request will be sent to the Salesforce Database Server to create the Record for "NewYear" object.

Please comment whether my understanding is correct and do comment if i am wrong and there is some different flow is present. 

Scenario I have tired:
I have created custom object (School) with a custom field (Address) and checked it as required.
Now the message is displayed as “Error: You must enter a value“ .
Instead of this message I want to display the message as “Address Is Compulsory”.
Please suggest how to do this.
Scenario I have tried:
I have created a Master (School) and Detail (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10), now I have deleted the children (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10) and finally the Master (School).
When I undelete the Master (School) and Detail (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10) the new relationship between Master and Detail is Lookup Relationship.
Could anyone comment on this, as why is it so?
Hi All,

I have a query on the recyle bin:-

I have created a custom object (Country), when i delete my custom object (Country) that object is listed on the Object Mangement Page and not in the Recycle bin.
I would like to know when would an object be moved to Recycle bin. That would be a grt help.
Hi Everyone,

I have a question on Master-Detail Relationship;-

I have created a Master (as School) and Detail as (Class8, Class 9, Class 10)

Is it possible to delete the Master (School) ?
When I am trying out this scenario is shows as "Your attempt to delete School could not be completed because it is associated with the following relationships with other objects." and below that displays a table with two column as "Object Type" (Class8, Class 9, Class 10) and "Relationship" (School).
Please reply as asap.
Scenario I have tried:
I have created a Master (School) and Detail (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10), now I have deleted the children (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10) and finally the Master (School).
When I undelete the Master (School) and Detail (Class 8, Class 9, Class 10) the new relationship between Master and Detail is Lookup Relationship.
Could anyone comment on this, as why is it so?
Hi Everyone,

I have a query over the validation rule execution place.
I know that validation rule varifies a record before the record is saved.

For Ex:
I am creating a Custom Object named as "NewYear" with a field "Name Please" and applied a validation rule as " ISBLANK( Name_Please__c ) ".
Now when i will create a record for the "NewYear" object without specifying the "Name Please" field and hits the save button then my request goes to the Salesforce Application Server and verifes if the record request fullfills all the validation rules.
And If all the validation rules are passed then only my request will be sent to the Salesforce Database Server to create the Record for "NewYear" object.

Please comment whether my understanding is correct and do comment if i am wrong and there is some different flow is present. 

Scenario I have tired:
I have created custom object (School) with a custom field (Address) and checked it as required.
Now the message is displayed as “Error: You must enter a value“ .
Instead of this message I want to display the message as “Address Is Compulsory”.
Please suggest how to do this.
Hi Everyone,

I have a question on Master-Detail Relationship;-

I have created a Master (as School) and Detail as (Class8, Class 9, Class 10)

Is it possible to delete the Master (School) ?
When I am trying out this scenario is shows as "Your attempt to delete School could not be completed because it is associated with the following relationships with other objects." and below that displays a table with two column as "Object Type" (Class8, Class 9, Class 10) and "Relationship" (School).
Please reply as asap.