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Retrieving more than 100.000 records using select statement in visual force how can it possible?pls help me with exact soql query?  but soql support only 50000 rows please hlp me.
I have a Parent Object called "Treatement" and a child object "Infusion". For a particular treatement we have to create infusion records. the 1st Infusion record should have infusion number (a field in Infusion) as 1 and 2nd record should have infusion number as 2 , and the count should continue. 

How to achive this..


We've managed to get the trigger working fine in our production system although our processes have recently changed which means that we only want the trigger to fire when certain conditions are met. Please see below the working trigger with the IF statement placed where we believe it should be however it still fires even when these conditions are met. We've tried a couple times to place the IF statement in other areas and either hit errors and we are a little lost.
trigger UpdateAccountLookup on Opportunity (before insert,before update){

Set<id> setSiteids=new set<id>();
map<Id, String> mapsiteIdToopptId = new map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, String> mapOpptIdToAccId = new Map<Id, String>();

list<account> acclst = new list<account>();

    For(Opportunity o : trigger.new){  
        mapsiteIdToopptId.put(o.Site_Location__c, o.Id);
    for(Site__c objSite : [Select Id , Parent_Account__c from Site__c where Id IN :setSiteids ])
        mapOpptIdToAccId.put(mapsiteIdToopptId.get(objSite.Id), objSite.Parent_Account__c);
    for(Opportunity o : trigger.new){
        if(o.New_Site__c == false  || o.Takeover__c == false){
        o.AccountId = mapOpptIdToAccId.get(o.Id);

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.



Hi Champs,

Recently I got a business requirement where I need to generate a complex pdf file. PDF file format is static (logo, signature, few static questions) but it has some dynamic content that needs to be replaced by real-time values (stored in Salesforce object). 

I thought about a few approaches as listed below - 

1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24944404/fill-pdf-form-with-javascript-client-side-only

this is my preferred option but couldn't work out in my scenario - I uploaded my pdf file into static resource and read in the Javascript code but couldn't pass the content to the method listed on the above link to replace the content. I'm getting error - 'parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob''

Let me know if anyone of you has tried this approach and have a workable solution?

 2. http://santanuboral.blogspot.com/2020/10/lwc-generate-pdf.html 

this is my second approach but it sounds complex as pdf is very complex to generate in HTML form plus end-user can modify the content which I don't want.

 3. https://medium.com/@ToAnshulVerma/lightning-generate-pdf-within-lightning-experience-with-salesforce-data-cd82ae626cc3 

the Third option is the traditional Vf page with render as pdf option, but again it's time-consuming and required a lot of front-end work.

I'm still keen to get my first solution working as it required less front-end work and can replace few values on the pdf file and regenerate the pdf file.

Let me know what you guys think? 

  • February 14, 2021
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While Deploying components from one salesforce org(Sandbox) to another salesforce org(Sandbox) using migration tool, I am getting below errors,
1. package.xml (settings/LeadConvert.settings) -- Error: settings/LeadConvert.settings is not a valid metadata object. Check the name and casing of the file.
2. objects/Event.object -- Error: SaveEdit is not a standard action and cannot be overridden.
3. objects/Order.object -- Error: Activate is not a standard action and cannot be overridden.

Note : I am getting this errors while deploying components using migration tool (Bamboo) from one sandbox to other sandboxes. fortunately, I am able to deploy component from sandbox to production org, so one possible reason could be the recent update of a sandbox with Spring ’17 Release. 

Any response would be graciously appreciated!

Thank you.


  • January 11, 2017
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I am getting this error while saving the case record, its pretty obvious that this error is due to the process builder, but I have cross checked the condition, everything seems to be perfect,

User-added image

Process builder is updating the ralated case record, if all the emtry condition satisfy the criteria.I have also added all the null checks in process builder.
Any one please help me in identifying the issue ?
  • June 11, 2016
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Hi Champs,

Recently I got a business requirement where I need to generate a complex pdf file. PDF file format is static (logo, signature, few static questions) but it has some dynamic content that needs to be replaced by real-time values (stored in Salesforce object). 

I thought about a few approaches as listed below - 

1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24944404/fill-pdf-form-with-javascript-client-side-only

this is my preferred option but couldn't work out in my scenario - I uploaded my pdf file into static resource and read in the Javascript code but couldn't pass the content to the method listed on the above link to replace the content. I'm getting error - 'parameter 1 is not of type 'Blob''

Let me know if anyone of you has tried this approach and have a workable solution?

 2. http://santanuboral.blogspot.com/2020/10/lwc-generate-pdf.html 

this is my second approach but it sounds complex as pdf is very complex to generate in HTML form plus end-user can modify the content which I don't want.

 3. https://medium.com/@ToAnshulVerma/lightning-generate-pdf-within-lightning-experience-with-salesforce-data-cd82ae626cc3 

the Third option is the traditional Vf page with render as pdf option, but again it's time-consuming and required a lot of front-end work.

I'm still keen to get my first solution working as it required less front-end work and can replace few values on the pdf file and regenerate the pdf file.

Let me know what you guys think? 

  • February 14, 2021
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  • 1

While Deploying components from one salesforce org(Sandbox) to another salesforce org(Sandbox) using migration tool, I am getting below errors,
1. package.xml (settings/LeadConvert.settings) -- Error: settings/LeadConvert.settings is not a valid metadata object. Check the name and casing of the file.
2. objects/Event.object -- Error: SaveEdit is not a standard action and cannot be overridden.
3. objects/Order.object -- Error: Activate is not a standard action and cannot be overridden.

Note : I am getting this errors while deploying components using migration tool (Bamboo) from one sandbox to other sandboxes. fortunately, I am able to deploy component from sandbox to production org, so one possible reason could be the recent update of a sandbox with Spring ’17 Release. 

Any response would be graciously appreciated!

Thank you.


  • January 11, 2017
  • Like
  • 3
Retrieving more than 100.000 records using select statement in visual force how can it possible?pls help me with exact soql query?  but soql support only 50000 rows please hlp me.

I am getting this error while saving the case record, its pretty obvious that this error is due to the process builder, but I have cross checked the condition, everything seems to be perfect,

User-added image

Process builder is updating the ralated case record, if all the emtry condition satisfy the criteria.I have also added all the null checks in process builder.
Any one please help me in identifying the issue ?
  • June 11, 2016
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  • 0
I have a Parent Object called "Treatement" and a child object "Infusion". For a particular treatement we have to create infusion records. the 1st Infusion record should have infusion number (a field in Infusion) as 1 and 2nd record should have infusion number as 2 , and the count should continue. 

How to achive this..


We've managed to get the trigger working fine in our production system although our processes have recently changed which means that we only want the trigger to fire when certain conditions are met. Please see below the working trigger with the IF statement placed where we believe it should be however it still fires even when these conditions are met. We've tried a couple times to place the IF statement in other areas and either hit errors and we are a little lost.
trigger UpdateAccountLookup on Opportunity (before insert,before update){

Set<id> setSiteids=new set<id>();
map<Id, String> mapsiteIdToopptId = new map<Id, String>();
Map<Id, String> mapOpptIdToAccId = new Map<Id, String>();

list<account> acclst = new list<account>();

    For(Opportunity o : trigger.new){  
        mapsiteIdToopptId.put(o.Site_Location__c, o.Id);
    for(Site__c objSite : [Select Id , Parent_Account__c from Site__c where Id IN :setSiteids ])
        mapOpptIdToAccId.put(mapsiteIdToopptId.get(objSite.Id), objSite.Parent_Account__c);
    for(Opportunity o : trigger.new){
        if(o.New_Site__c == false  || o.Takeover__c == false){
        o.AccountId = mapOpptIdToAccId.get(o.Id);

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.



User-added image
here when I input unit price and quantity total price should populate automatically.

Thanks in advance!!