• Venu Vaddella
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In sandbox when I am creating new folder it is asking for permission type ( read only/ read/write). But in Production I can not see that option and below options while creating new folder in production. Plese help how to fix this issue.

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Hi Team, 
My requirement is how to import  lookup fileds, Date and check box fields using apex code. 
Good day, 

I have a visual force page included with another two visual force pages using apex:include .


Page A is the main page. Page B & Page C are included in Page A.  Page B has separate class and Page C has separate class. 

These 2 pages are  rendering on Page A using onselect function. Page B is default page on Page A. 

If  Page B has no data, i am displaying messages & also  if Page C has no data , i am displaying messages. 

Now my problem is , 

If Page B has data & Page C has no data messages are working fine. In vice versa also working fine.  But when these 2 pages has no data, then two pages messages diplaying on page A at time. 

My requirement is when we select page B , only page b messages should display, similarlly for page C also. 

Please help. 
Hi all,

I have a problem with all my workflow in Sandbox: when the "Immediate Workflow Action" is an "E-Mail alert", it doesn't work in SandBox, even if I click on the test button: "Send test and verify merge fields" in the HTML Email template.
It works in Production Environnment.

Could you please help me to solve it?


Vianney Bancillon

Hi Team, 
My requirement is how to import  lookup fileds, Date and check box fields using apex code.