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Currently we have an application with much data in the oracle database, and we are going to migrate our applicatoin to salesforce, e.g. with lightning app, lightning component, but we can't import our data into salesforce due to our company policy, so I would like to ask, could we just make a jdbc connection to our oracle database from salesforce lightning compoent?

I'm a beginner to salesforce platform, now I have an application built with java script+java+oracle, it's a web application.
May I know is there any fast way to move my application to salesforce as a lightning component instead of developing it again in the salesforce platform?
e.g. can I upload my application as a jar or war to the salesforce platform and make it available as a lightning component?

After the prelimary study on salesforce data modelling, it uses object to store the data, could I just simply make a jdbc connection to my existing oracle database so that I don't have to define the data model again?

Currently we have an application with much data in the oracle database, and we are going to migrate our applicatoin to salesforce, e.g. with lightning app, lightning component, but we can't import our data into salesforce due to our company policy, so I would like to ask, could we just make a jdbc connection to our oracle database from salesforce lightning compoent?

I'm a beginner to salesforce platform, now I have an application built with java script+java+oracle, it's a web application.
May I know is there any fast way to move my application to salesforce as a lightning component instead of developing it again in the salesforce platform?
e.g. can I upload my application as a jar or war to the salesforce platform and make it available as a lightning component?

After the prelimary study on salesforce data modelling, it uses object to store the data, could I just simply make a jdbc connection to my existing oracle database so that I don't have to define the data model again?


My task is to integrate salesforce with externl website using REST. & they have given me JSON Response code for fields in external website.

I am able to hit the External system URL. I was Struct here...!  and how we can get data from external website & how to code for that...?
Like whenever a user enter their account details in external website, those data should also get into salesforce accounts.

How we can achieve this...?
can anyone help for this scenario...!

  • March 22, 2016
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