• buggs sfdc
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Hi ,

I need help on the following requirement as follows

1) I have a campaign member object associated to a campaign , I have a custom field called as "No of calls" 
2) I have to get the count of all the no of calls for all campiagn members and show that count in the campaign associated to it

can it be achieved using a roll up summary field
Kindly help me on this regard

Thanks in Advance,
Based on Annual revanue(Reports) Top 10 Accounts should display in Home Page.

Can any one help me on this.

Thanks & Regards,
Here is my email manager class
public class EmailManager {
    public static void sendMail(String Address,string subject, string body)
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        string [] toaddress = new string[]{address};
            //Avoid to hit the max number of emails
        //email.saveAsActivity = false;
        Messaging.sendEmail( new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { email } );

If I uncomment 'email.saveAsActivity = false' then also its working as expected then why do we use it? Thanks in advance.
I have successfully used Process Builder and Flow to set Lead Status when a Task is created with a specific Subject - so I hope this means I have the basics down. :)

Now I have a second process where I need to set Lead Status when an Event is created with Type of "First Call". I can't for the life of me figure out how to reference the Event's Type field in either Process Builder or Flow. Would someone please help me out here? Thanks so much!
I am working on the trailhead Dev Beginner, but get stuck in the Creating Validation Rules Section. I get the error: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The validation rule failed to enforce the business logic". I am an experienced coder (HTML, php, pascal etc) so I might think i have the logic correct. Still I keep getting these errors. Any known issues with this challenge? I made these assumptions:
- the rule should be on the Contacts object
- to verify if there is an associated account, I am validating if AccountId is not blank.
User-added image
I am too confused in trigger.new and trigger.old.I fyou could give scenario based trigger example.
  • September 09, 2016
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HI All

How to prevent duplicates in to the standard name field?
HI Everybody,

Need your suggestions and help on this request.
I have 2 custom fields :--
1)Total Revenue 

Whenever my TotalRevenue is $150000k and Duration is set 8 weeks and start date July-1-2020.I need to create to show monthly and quarterly budget from the total revenue,please suggest me the best solution

I appreciate your quick response.

HI All,

Here iam trying to merg one Org with Another Org.

For example : -- I have a ABC Prouction Org  && DEF Prodution Org.
Here Iam Merging DEF Org to ABC Org.
So i dont want loose any of the features what i had previously(DEF Org).And merg as it is to Existing Org(ABC),So what are the notable Points(Do's & UnDo's) i have to consider here and best practices to follow.
I really appreciate your quick response.

Thanks In Advance! 

I have to count business hours between two dates,below is formula which is working fine.
But on addition i have to count down every hour or minute on the same field.
I really appreciate your quick responses.
8 *
( (5*FLOOR(( DATEVALUE( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) ) -DATE(1996,01,01))/7) 
        MOD(DATEVALUE( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
        MIN(1, 24/ 8 *(MOD( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 08:30:00am'), 1)))


        (5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) )-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
        MOD(DATEVALUE( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
        MIN(1, 24/ 8 *(MOD( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 08:30:00am'), 1)))))


Need help covering test class for below Apex Batch class,i really appreciate if someone respond me quickly.
Thanks In Advance!
global class UpdateBatch_Usr_login implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
    String query;
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        query = 'SELECT Id, isActive, Status__c FROM User';

        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<User> scope) {    

        List<Id> usrLogLst = new List<Id>();

        for(UserLogin ul : [SELECT UserId, isFrozen from UserLogin where isFrozen = true and UserId IN: scope]){

        for(User usr : scope){


                usr.status__c = 'Frozen';



                    usr.status__c = 'Active';

                    usr.status__c = 'Inactive';




        update scope;

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {



Iam trying to pull the data from salesforce to redshift using python API,and i dont have any custom columns on Emailmessage Table.But iam getting the below error?Here i checked with all the field permissions and everything is accessable to my profile. on Metadata API i was not able to see any columns on EmailMessage Table,so its really strange why iam getting this error.can anyone help me out to resolve it?
query_result = service.queryAll(sqlQuery)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/python_client.py", line 311, in queryAll
   res = BaseClient.queryAll(self, queryString)
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/_beatbox.py", line 79, in queryAll
   return QueryAllRequest(self.__serverUrl, self.sessionId, self.batchSize, soql).post(self.__conn)
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/_beatbox.py", line 346, in post
   raise SoapFaultError(faultCode, faultString)
_beatbox.SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_FIELD' "INVALID_FIELD: IsDeleted,ReplyToEmailMessageId,IsExternallyVisible from EmailMessage ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:264 No such column 'IsExternallyVisible' on entity 'EmailMessage'. If you are attemptin


Can we pass the token in JSON body request?


i have a lookup to contact on a standard table,so when i populate the contact email address on lookup search,i need to get the contact.owner.name is it possible?


I have a inline visualforce page on the Standard Account page,so when i click on the side bar(below image of side bar),the inline visualforce page size is varying,i mean am geeting an extra whitespace at the end of the section,how can i fix this??

size of inline visualforce page is varying when i click on the sidebar


Here i merged Lead Records for avoiding duplication,now can i know which Fields are merged exactly while merging from one lead to another lead.Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks In Advance!

Here am attaching an image which one is an inline visualforce page,am getting an extra whitespace(which ismarked in oval shape) on the section, i used <apex:outputPanel> <div> tag,that resolves my problem it perfectly fits my extra spaces,but if i login with some other user still i can see those extra space,and other user which i logged belongs to same profile of which am using now,can anyone help me out to fix it.please check my visualforce page code attached below.

Page with extra spaces
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="controller" showChat="false">

    <apex:form >
        <div id="my-timeline">
            <apex:pageBlock >
                <apex:pageBlockSection >
                   <apex:outputPanel >
         <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1100px;">

                    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sales}" var="sub" >
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.Name}"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.Date__c}"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.firsrname__c}"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.plan_c}"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.rate__c}"/>
                            <apex:column value="{!sub.startdate__c}"/>
                            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sub.child__r}" var="con1" >
                                    <apex:column value="{!con1.Name}"/>
                                    <apex:column value="{!con1.samp1__c}"/>
                                    <apex:column value="{!con1.Prod__c}"/>
                                    <apex:column value="{!con1.check__c}"/>
                                    <apex:column value="{!con1.final__c}"/>








Am trying to paginate the below class,somehow hasprevioius & hasNext methods are not working as expected,is my code went some thing wrong please help me out
public class activeaccountscont {
public acccont(ApexPages.StandardController controller){}
public list<acccont> zsubLst{get;set;}
public ApexPages.StandardSetController cont {
get {
if(cont == null) {
cont = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select,id,name(Select id,Firstname from Contacts) From Account where Accountid = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Status__c = 'Active']));
return cont;
public List< acccont > zqu{
return (List<acccont>) cont.getRecords();
// returns the first page of records
public void first() {
// returns the last page of records
public void previous() {
public void last() {
public void next() {
public Boolean hasNext {
get {
return cont.getHasNext();
// indicates whether there are more records before the current page set.
public Boolean hasPrevious {
get {
return cont.getHasPrevious();



can anyone help me to cover the test class for the following class.i keep on getting an error like:
"Error: Compile Error: Constructor not defined: [acccont].<Constructor>(ApexPages.StandardSetController) at line 5 column 34"

public class acccont {
public acccont(ApexPages.StandardController controller){}
public list<acccont> zsubLst{get;set;}
public ApexPages.StandardSetController cont {
get {
if(cont == null) {
cont = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select,id,name(Select id,Firstname from Contacts) From Account where Accountid = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Status__c = 'Active']));
return cont;
public List< acccont > samp{
return (List<acccont>) cont.getRecords();
// returns the first page of records
public void first() {
// returns the last page of records
public void previous() {
public void last() {
public void next() {
public Boolean hasNext {
get {
return cont.getHasNext();
// indicates whether there are more records before the current page set.
public Boolean hasPrevious {
get {
return cont.getHasPrevious();

@isTest(seealldata = true)
private class acccontTest {
static testMethod void testsub(){
List<acccont> lst =[select,id,name(Select id,Firstname from Contacts) From Account where Accountid = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Status__c = 'Active']);
acccont sc = new acccont(new ApexPages.StandardSetController( lst ));


Can any one help me out with the pagination on standardcontroller,here is my code,am getting below error.
Error: Unknown property 'ApexPages.StandardSetController.Name'
public with sharing class ShowRelatedSubscription {

  private final Account acct;
  public list<Zuora__Subscription__c> conLst{get;set;}
  public List<Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c> subLst {get;set;}

    public ShowRelatedSubscription(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
      //this.acct = (Account)Controller.getRecord();
   Zuora__Subscription__c zsub  = [select name, Zuora__InitialTerm__c,Zuora__RenewalTerm__c, Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c, Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c,Current_Term__c,(select name, Zuora__Type__c,Zuora__Price__c, Zuora__Quantity__c, Zuora__RatePlanName__c from Zuora__Subscription_Product_Charges__r) from Zuora__Subscription__c  where Zuora__Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Zuora__Status__c = 'Active'];
   // subLst = zsub.Zuora__Subscription__c;
     public ApexPages.StandardSetController con {
        get {
            if(con == null) {
                con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([select name, Zuora__InitialTerm__c,Zuora__RenewalTerm__c, Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c, Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c,Current_Term__c,(select name, Zuora__Type__c,Zuora__Price__c, Zuora__Quantity__c, Zuora__RatePlanName__c from Zuora__Subscription_Product_Charges__r) from Zuora__Subscription__c  where Zuora__Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Zuora__Status__c = 'Active']));
                // sets the number of records in each page set
            return con;
     public List< Zuora__Subscription__c > zqu{
         // return [select id, Zuora__InitialTerm__c,Zuora__RenewalTerm__c, Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c, Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c,Current_Term__c from Zuora__Subscription__c WHERE Zuora__Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Zuora__Status__c = 'Active'];
       return [select name, Zuora__InitialTerm__c,Zuora__RenewalTerm__c, Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c, Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c,Current_Term__c,(select name, Zuora__Type__c,Zuora__Price__c, Zuora__Quantity__c, Zuora__RatePlanName__c from Zuora__Subscription_Product_Charges__r) from Zuora__Subscription__c where Zuora__Account__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Zuora__Status__c = 'Active'];

    // returns the first page of records
     public void first() {

     // returns the last page of records
       public void previous() {

    public void last() {

      public void next() {
 public Boolean hasNext {
        get {
            return con.getHasNext();

    // indicates whether there are more records before the current page set.
    public Boolean hasPrevious {
        get {
            return con.getHasPrevious();
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="ShowRelatedSubscription" showChat="false"  label="width :1000px" >
    <apex:form >
    <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1100px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
       <apex:pageBlock >
         <apex:pageBlockSection >
           <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!zqu}" var="sub" width="10000%">
           <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1500px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Name}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c}"/>         
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c}"/> 
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Zuora__InitialTerm__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Current_Term__c}"/> 
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Zuora__RenewalTerm__c}"/>
           <apex:column headerValue="Subscription Product & Charge">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sub.Zuora__Subscription_Product_Charges__r}" var="con" width="10000%">
            <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1500px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
            <apex:column value="{!con.Name}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!con.Zuora__Type__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!con.Zuora__Price__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!con.Zuora__Quantity__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!con.Zuora__RatePlanName__c}"/> 
    <apex:panelGrid columns="4" cellpadding="5">
    <apex:commandLink action="{!first}">1</apex:commandlink>
    <apex:commandLink action="{!previous}" rendered="{!hasPrevious}">2</apex:commandlink>
    <apex:commandLink action="{!next}" rendered="{!hasNext}">3</apex:commandlink>
    <apex:commandLink action="{!last}">4</apex:commandlink>


Hi Experts,

On Account Page i wants to embed a new inline visual force page,which needs to show 2 custom objects ((entity__c,features__c) information(i mean need to show few columns from each table) on that inline visual force page.And here i written some basic code which is working,but now i wanted to add pagination for it because if the records are lot on prod environment,i need to show them on 10 records per page,also please help me out to increase my Page width its not fitting to the session which i created on account page.

for example:

Account1 record
 (entity__c,features__c) object columns(on Inline Visual Force Page)
<apex:page standardController="account" extensions="ShowRelatedrecords" showChat="false"  label="width :1000px" >
    <apex:form >
    <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1100px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
       <apex:pageBlock >
         <apex:pageBlockSection >
           <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!zqu}" var="sub" width="10000%">
           <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1500px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
              <apex:column value="{!sub.Name}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!sub.field1__c}"/>         
              <apex:column value="{!sub.field12__c}"/> 
              <apex:column value="{!sub.field123__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!sub.field1234__c}"/> 
              <apex:column value="{!sub.field12345__c}"/>
           <apex:column headerValue="child records">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sub.child__r}" var="con" width="10000%">
            <div id="my-timeline" style="width:1500px; border: 1px solid #aaa">
            <apex:column value="{!con.cfield1__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!con.cfield12__c}"/>
            <apex:column value="{!con.cfield123__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!con.cfield1234__c}"/>
              <apex:column value="{!con.cfield12345__c}"/> 
public with sharing class ShowRelatedrecords {
public ShowRelatedrecords(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

     public List<parent> zqu{
        return [select name, field1,field12,field123,field1234,field12345,(select name, cfield12,cfield123, cfield1234, cfield12345 from child) from Parent where Accountid = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Status__c = 'Active'];
 string qry = 'select name, field1,field12,field123,field1234,field12345,(select name, cfield12,cfield123, cfield1234, cfield12345 from child) from Parent where Accountid = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') AND Status__c = 'Active'';
         public ApexPages.StandardSetController con {
        get {
            if(con == null) {
                con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(qry));

                // sets the number of records in each page set
            return con;
        public Boolean hasNext {
        get {
            return con.getHasNext();

    // indicates whether there are more records before the current page set.
    public Boolean hasPrevious {
        get {
            return con.getHasPrevious();

    // returns the page number of the current page set
    public Integer pageNumber {
        get {
            return con.getPageNumber();

    // returns the first page of records
     public void first() {

     // returns the last page of records
     public void last() {

     // returns the previous page of records
     public void previous() {

     // returns the next page of records
     public void next() {

     // returns the PageReference of the original page, if known, or the home page.
     public void cancel() {


Please help me out with any similar code if anyone had.

Thanks In Advance!

Please help me to write a test class for the below apex class method.

Thanks In Advance!
public void CallJsonmethod(){
            JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
            gen.writeStringField('Name', acc.Name);
            gen.writeBooleanField(’Stream__c', acc. Stream__c);
            gen.writeBooleanField(‘Q1', acc.Q1);
            gen.writeBooleanField(’Theatre__c', acc.Theatre__c);
            gen.writeBooleanField(‘MRR__C', acc.MRR__C);
            gen.writeBooleanField(‘CRR__c', acc.CRR__c);
            gen.writeBooleanField(‘Event__c', acc.Event__c);
            Http h = new Http();
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            req.setHeader('x-api-key', xapiKey);
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            res = h.send(req);
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM, 'Account ' + acc.Name + ‘ changed please notify to your admin'));
        }catch(Exception ex){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, ex.getMessage()));

Hi Experts,

On Account Page i wants to embed a new inline visual force page,which needs to show 2 custom objects ((entity__c,features__c) information(i mean need to show few columns from each table) on that inline visual force page.

for example:

Account1 record
 (entity__c,features__c) object columns(on Inline Visual Force Page)

Please help me out with any similar code if anyone had.

Thanks In Advance!

Here am embeding a visualforce page on a standard table Account,so when some user selects the required information on inline visualforce page and clicks on the custom button "Check",that particular information has to be triggered to a webservice?
for this am trying to create some RestAPI with Post Action.
but some how my apex code is not working,can any one please look into it.Here is the code please go through it.
<apex:page standardController="Account">
    <apex:outputText id="myId" />
    .alignfontright {
<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock title="Email Subscriptions">
<apex:panelGrid width="350px">
 <apex:pageBlockSection >

 <apex:outputText value="SPSS_ID" style="font-weight:800" />
<apex:inputText /> 
         <apex:outputText value="BNP Name" style="font-weight:800"/>
         <apex:inputText />
         <apex:outputText value="info"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
         <apex:outputText value="ESI"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
         <apex:outputText value="Quote"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
        <apex:outputText value="PBNN"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
         <apex:outputText value="EMI"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
          <apex:outputText value="totaluncheck"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />

&nbsp;<apex:commandButton action="{!unisub}" value="check" style="font-weight:800"/>

global with sharing class subscrip
 private Account A1;
 public EmailOptOut(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.A1 = (Account)stdController.getRecord();
  global static Account unisub()
      String Name;
      String SPSS_ID;
      string info;
      string ESI;
      string Quote;
      string PBNN;
      string EMI;
      string totaluncheck;
  Account acc = new Account();
    List<Account> accounts = [Select Name,SPSS_ID__C From Account Where SPSS_ID__C = : SPSS_ID];
        insert acc;
    return acc;


Is it possible to display custom button on section,here am trying to display one custom button on some seprate session on Account Page layout.

Thanks in Advance

is there any tags to display the outputtext & input text values in the center of the page,i tried &nbsp, to get those values to the center of the page,but its not happening,please help me out to resolve this issue,even i need to display the button exactly below those values and in center of the page.

Thanks in Advance!
<apex:page >
    <apex:outputText id="myId" />
    .alignfontright {
<apex:form >

<apex:pageBlock title="HERE YOU GO">
<apex:panelGrid width="350px">
 <apex:pageBlockSection >

 <apex:outputText value="quotation Name" style="font-weight:800" />
<apex:inputText /> 
         <apex:outputText value="BNP Name" style="font-weight:800"/>
         <apex:inputText />
         <apex:outputText value="info"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
         <apex:outputText value="ESI"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
         <apex:outputText value="Quote"/>
         <apex:inputCheckbox />
&nbsp;<apex:commandButton value="check" style="font-weight:800"/>



I have a different products(prod1,prod2,prod3,prod4),so here i have to know which product is assigned to which opportunity,can i know which is the best approach i can follow to reslove this?And for sure i wanted to make the opportunity is tagged to some opportunity.

Thanks In Advance!
HI Experts,

I have a requirment where i have to find useless columns on all tables in my org,and wants to remove it,actually am working on some JUNK org they created huge columns on each and every table so now i just wanted to find out which are not using by any one in my org and remove them permenantly,can anyone adivise me is there any tools we can use to do it?Or any other way?

Thanks In Advance!
HI Everybody,

Need your suggestions and help on this request.
I have 2 custom fields :--
1)Total Revenue 

Whenever my TotalRevenue is $150000k and Duration is set 8 weeks and start date July-1-2020.I need to create to show monthly and quarterly budget from the total revenue,please suggest me the best solution

I appreciate your quick response.


I have to count business hours between two dates,below is formula which is working fine.
But on addition i have to count down every hour or minute on the same field.
I really appreciate your quick responses.
8 *
( (5*FLOOR(( DATEVALUE( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) ) -DATE(1996,01,01))/7) 
        MOD(DATEVALUE( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
        MIN(1, 24/ 8 *(MOD( IF(ISNULL(SLA_Date__c), NOW(), SLA_Date__c) -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 08:30:00am'), 1)))


        (5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) )-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
        MOD(DATEVALUE( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
        MIN(1, 24/ 8 *(MOD( CreatedDate+ MAX(DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)) & " 08:30:00am") - CreatedDate,0) -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 08:30:00am'), 1)))))


Need help covering test class for below Apex Batch class,i really appreciate if someone respond me quickly.
Thanks In Advance!
global class UpdateBatch_Usr_login implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
    String query;
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        query = 'SELECT Id, isActive, Status__c FROM User';

        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<User> scope) {    

        List<Id> usrLogLst = new List<Id>();

        for(UserLogin ul : [SELECT UserId, isFrozen from UserLogin where isFrozen = true and UserId IN: scope]){

        for(User usr : scope){


                usr.status__c = 'Frozen';



                    usr.status__c = 'Active';

                    usr.status__c = 'Inactive';




        update scope;

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {



My client created Professional Edition Sandbox but i want to create Coding stuff on this account. I want to change my existing Professional Edition Org into enterprise Edition. Is there any way to upgrade Professional edition org to Enterprise Edition?

Thanks & Best Regards,

Iam trying to pull the data from salesforce to redshift using python API,and i dont have any custom columns on Emailmessage Table.But iam getting the below error?Here i checked with all the field permissions and everything is accessable to my profile. on Metadata API i was not able to see any columns on EmailMessage Table,so its really strange why iam getting this error.can anyone help me out to resolve it?
query_result = service.queryAll(sqlQuery)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/python_client.py", line 311, in queryAll
   res = BaseClient.queryAll(self, queryString)
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/_beatbox.py", line 79, in queryAll
   return QueryAllRequest(self.__serverUrl, self.sessionId, self.batchSize, soql).post(self.__conn)
 File "/home/etl/common/beatbox/src/beatbox/_beatbox.py", line 346, in post
   raise SoapFaultError(faultCode, faultString)
_beatbox.SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_FIELD' "INVALID_FIELD: IsDeleted,ReplyToEmailMessageId,IsExternallyVisible from EmailMessage ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:264 No such column 'IsExternallyVisible' on entity 'EmailMessage'. If you are attemptin


  I am little bit confuse.
  which one execute first validation rule or before trigger.
The apex trigger was created a few years back and it currently updates the contact owner when the account owner is updated. It is no longer valid. Can I have some steps to action please? 

I have no experience with Apex classes and need help building one...

I have a custom object called Orders_and_Invoices__c
I have processes built in the process builder that need to be ran daily, so I need something to kick off the updates (as you can't schedule these).
There are around 30k worth of records so a time based work flow is no good. From my googling it looks like I need and Scheduled Apex Class to update all records in this object which in turn will run my processes.

Can someone help me build the code to do this?
Hello guys,
I need to copy a value from one recordtype to another, can i do it?
With a formula field or a workflow... i don´t really know.
HI All,
 I have an object that is lead one in that I need to count the lead picklist values. let say we have 100 records in the lead , 10 records status are lead = open, another 10 are closed like this I need to display using soql.

Thanks & Regards
Hi ,

I need help on the following requirement as follows

1) I have a campaign member object associated to a campaign , I have a custom field called as "No of calls" 
2) I have to get the count of all the no of calls for all campiagn members and show that count in the campaign associated to it

can it be achieved using a roll up summary field
Kindly help me on this regard

Thanks in Advance,

I am getting following error on the production. We haven't changed anything on production.

"__MISSING LABEL__ PropertyFile - val EnvironmentCreation not found in section Setup_NavBETA"

This occurs on left side bar in set up. This is between "Installed packages" and "Appexchange Marketplace".
It appears a link and onclick of it takes to "Setup Dev hub" page
I see this error all of sudden in just production. All the sandboxes look normal.
Please help.


 I have lead assignment rule where the leads are assigned to the buckets depending upon the region.
So when Sales rep select the leads and put the lead under their name, due to assignment rule it gets changed to the bucket again. Not sure why this is happening. 
I am working on getting a field that tracks the picklest values of another field. I want it to tell me what is the highest value that the picklist field has ever acheived. This is for a lead/contact field. In this example, I am tracking a lifecycle of a lead/contact.

My picklist values, in the order of achievement, are:


Any help on this would be appreciated. I am currently tracking the field history of this field in both the contact and lead. 

Thank you in advance!
