• Amit Kumar Singh 19
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  • Member since 2016

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We have multiple communities in our org.Say for example. c1,c2...cn
User is trying to login via community "c1" portal and wants to navigate to "c2" community portal.
Is this possible to switch the community portal using single login?
global CommunitiesLoginController(){
        returnURL = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('returnURL');
        if(returnURL <> null){
            startURL = '/'+returnURL.substring((returnURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1));
        System.debug('RETURN URL>>>>>>>.'+returnURL);
    global PageReference login() {
        //Check Whether is already existing or Not
        if(returnURL <> null){
            PageReference authorized = Site.login(login_Username,login_Password,startURL);
            if(authorized <> null){
                List<User> userList = [Select Id,ContactId FROM User Where Username=:login_Username];
                System.debug('Result user>>>>>>.'+USERLIST.SIZE()+'Contact Id>>>>>>>'+userList[0].ContactId+'User Id>>>>>>'+userlist[0].id);
                if(userList.size() > 0){
                    List<Navigator_Contact__c> nc = [Select Account_Info__r.Order_Access__c FROM Navigator_Contact__c Where Parent_Contact__c=:UserList[0].ContactId];
                    sYSTEM.DEBUG('nAVIGATOR RESULT>>>>>'+nc);
                    if(nc.size() > 0){
                        if(nc[0].Account_Info__r.Order_Access__c == true){
                            system.debug('I am User but I have Order Navigator Access'+returnURL);
                            return authorized;

Hi Team,

I want to send email to number of users, for this I am storing 'toaddress' in custom label.
here is the code,
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

        List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();
        List<String> ccTo = new List<String>();
        String Sub = 'Application Submitted for Group : ' + groupname;

        String body = 'An application for group membership has been submitted with the following information:<br />';
        body += '<p><b>Name</b>: ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Company:</b> ' + company + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Address:</b> ' + streetAddress + ' ' + streetAddressLine2 + '<br>';
        body += '<b>City:</b> ' + city + '<br>';
        body += '<b>State/Province/Region:</b> ' + stateProvinceRegion + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Postal/Zip Code:</b> ' + postalZip + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Country:</b> ' + country + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Email:</b> ' + email + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Job Title:</b> ' + jobTitle + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Regional Account Manager Name:</b> ' + AMFirstName + ' ' + AMLastName + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Disributor:</b> ' + Dist + '<br></p>';

I am getting test class error shown below:-

System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Email address is invalid: amit@abc.com;sudeep@abc.com: [toAddresses, amit@abc.com;sudeep@abc.com] 
Stack Trace: Class.GroupRegistrationController.registerUser: line 95, column 1 Class.GroupRegistrationControllerTest.testGroupRegistrationController: line 40, column 1

Please help me to resolve this issue.


Hello Everyone,

I want to export knowledge Articles but i am not getting option "Export Articles for Translation" from setup.
System Admin profile is assigned to me which has all the access, where as I created a permission set too and assigned to me. But No luck :(

Permission set has all the setting required like "“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export”", "Manage Salesforce Knowledge" and “Manage Articles”.

Can anyone help me to resolve this.

Amit Singh
Dear All,

I have a Web delivery version of the course which I would like to test in Salesforce.
There will be no tracking of the module possible unless Salesforce has some site tracking tools available. 

Can anyone help me how can I do this in Salesforce Customer community?

Please note that Knowledge base is enabled in organizaion, also Artilces.

Amit Singh
Dear All,

I have a Web delivery version of the course which I would like to test in Salesforce.
There will be no tracking of the module possible unless Salesforce has some site tracking tools available. 

Can anyone help me how can I do this in Salesforce Customer community?

Please note that Knowledge base is enabled in organizaion, also Artilces.

Amit Singh 
Dear All,

I have created a customer community where an visualforce page is created to display chatter group funcationality,.
In this page I am displaying Recently Talking about topics using connect API. It works fine, but while writing test class for this I am getting below error message.

System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: No matching test result found for Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId). Before calling this, call Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId, ConnectApi.TopicPage result) to set the expected test result.

Here is my code  :-

Apex Class :-
public ConnectApi.TopicPage feedItemPage{get;set;}

public CommunityGroupPage()
   // Chatter Group Id
   Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

   / pull all chatter groups, faster than individual queries + 1 SOQL
   chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];
   String comid;
   String grpid;
   if(chatterGroups.Size() > 0)
   comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
   grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   
   //This will be used to fetch Recently Talking about topics for current chatter group
   feedItemPage = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);

Test Class
 * An apex page controller that exposes the Chatter Group Page functionality
@IsTest global with sharing class CommunityGroupPageTest {
    @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) global static void testCommunityGroupPage () {
        // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page

   Network community;
   String communityId;

   Id currentUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();    
        User usr = [select id,Name from User where id =: currentUserId];
        System.runAs(usr) {
        community = [SELECT id, Name,OptionsReputationEnabled FROM Network where name =: 'Customer Community'];
        communityId = community.id;
        collaborationgroup cg = new collaborationgroup(name ='ChatterGroupPage',CollaborationType='Public',OwnerId=currentUserId,NetworkId=communityId);
        insert cg;
       PageReference pageRef = Page.CommunityChatterPage;
        Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);//Applying page context here
        // Add parameters to page URL
        ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', cg.id);//Observe how helpful it was to set the parameters in your page from Unit test 
        CommunityGroupPage controller = new  CommunityGroupPage ();
        controller.groupid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');

        ConnectApi.TopicPage testPage = new ConnectApi.TopicPage();
        List<ConnectApi.Topic> testItemList = new List<ConnectApi.Topic>();
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testPage.topics = testItemList;

        ConnectApi.Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(communityId, cg.id, testPage);


Please help me to fix this issue.

AMit Singh
Dear All,

I have created a customer community where an visualforce page is created to display chatter group funcationality,.
In this page I am displaying Recently Talking about topics using connect API. It works fine, but while writing test class for this I am getting below error message.

System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: No matching test result found for Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId). Before calling this, call Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId, ConnectApi.TopicPage result) to set the expected test result.

Here is my code  :-

Apex Class :-
public ConnectApi.TopicPage feedItemPage{get;set;}

public CommunityGroupPage()
   // Chatter Group Id
   Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

   / pull all chatter groups, faster than individual queries + 1 SOQL
   chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];
   String comid;
   String grpid;
   if(chatterGroups.Size() > 0)
   comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
   grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   
   //This will be used to fetch Recently Talking about topics for current chatter group
   feedItemPage = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);

Test Class :-
 * An apex page controller that exposes the Chatter Group Page functionality
@IsTest global with sharing class CommunityGroupPageTest {
    @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) global static void testCommunityGroupPage () {
        // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page

   Network community;
   String communityId;

   Id currentUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();    
        User usr = [select id,Name from User where id =: currentUserId];
        System.runAs(usr) {
        community = [SELECT id, Name,OptionsReputationEnabled FROM Network where name =: 'Customer Community'];
        communityId = community.id;
        collaborationgroup cg = new collaborationgroup(name ='ChatterGroupPage',CollaborationType='Public',OwnerId=currentUserId,NetworkId=communityId);
        insert cg;
       PageReference pageRef = Page.CommunityChatterPage;
        Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);//Applying page context here
        // Add parameters to page URL
        ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', cg.id);//Observe how helpful it was to set the parameters in your page from Unit test 
        CommunityGroupPage controller = new  CommunityGroupPage ();
        controller.groupid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');

        ConnectApi.TopicPage testPage = new ConnectApi.TopicPage();
        List<ConnectApi.Topic> testItemList = new List<ConnectApi.Topic>();
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testPage.topics = testItemList;

        ConnectApi.Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(communityId, cg.id, testPage);


Hi Everyone,

I am implementing customer community where I am getting an issue with Login Page.
On Login page I want to display my chatter logo but it is not getting displayed.
Internally it is working fine but whle accessing it externally I am not getting any logo.

Please note that all the chatter groups are private

global with sharing class CustomLoginController {
    global String username{get;set;}
    global String password{get;set;}
    global List<Network> community;
    global String communityId;
    global List<CollaborationGroup> cgroup{get;set;}
    global CustomLoginController ()
        community = [SELECT id, Name FROM Network where name =: 'Customer Community'];
        if(community.size() > 0)
            communityId = community[0].id;
            cgroup = [SELECT Id,Name,NetworkId,MemberCount,SmallPhotoUrl,FullPhotoUrl FROM CollaborationGroup where NetworkId =: communityId];
     global List<CollaborationGroup> getcgroup() {
        return cgroup;

     global void setcgroup(List<CollaborationGroup> l) {
         this.cgroup = l;
    global PageReference forwardToCustomAuthPage() {
        return new PageReference( '/ExternalLanding');
    global PageReference login() {
        return Site.login(username, password, null);


Dear All,

How to develop a menu which will populate popular/Trending discussion topic (using visualforce page).

Dear All,

I have developed an visualforce  page to display chatter group details.
In this page I am displaying top topics using connect API. this is working fine.

On the same page I want to display top members of that specific group (may be on the basis of reputation point).
How to do that ? 

Here is the code :
public class CommunityGroupPage 
public ConnectApi.TopicPage topicforgroup{get;set;}
List<CollaborationGroup> chatterGroups = new List<CollaborationGroup>();

public CommunityGroupPage()

Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];

String comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
String grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   

topicforgroup = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);


<apex:repeat value="{!topicforgroup.topics}" var="topicItem">
    <div class="media">
        <a href = "/customer/_ui/core/chatter/topics/TopicPage?id={!topicItem.id}">

Dear All,

I have developed a vf page to display chatter group. In this page I am displaying top topics using connect API.
Here is the code :

Apex Class :-
public class CommunityGroupPage 
public ConnectApi.TopicPage topicforgroup{get;set;}
List<CollaborationGroup> chatterGroups = new List<CollaborationGroup>();

public CommunityGroupPage()

Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];

String comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
String grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   

topicforgroup = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);


Visualforce Page :-
<apex:repeat value="{!topic.topics}" var="topicItem">
    <div class="media">
        <a href = "/customer/_ui/core/chatter/topics/TopicPage?id={!topicItem.id}">

On the same page I want to display top members of that specific group (may be on the basis of reputation point).
How to do that ? 

Hi Team,

I want to send email to number of users, for this I am storing 'toaddress' in custom label.
here is the code,
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

        List<String> sendTo = new List<String>();
        List<String> ccTo = new List<String>();
        String Sub = 'Application Submitted for Group : ' + groupname;

        String body = 'An application for group membership has been submitted with the following information:<br />';
        body += '<p><b>Name</b>: ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Company:</b> ' + company + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Address:</b> ' + streetAddress + ' ' + streetAddressLine2 + '<br>';
        body += '<b>City:</b> ' + city + '<br>';
        body += '<b>State/Province/Region:</b> ' + stateProvinceRegion + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Postal/Zip Code:</b> ' + postalZip + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Country:</b> ' + country + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Email:</b> ' + email + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Job Title:</b> ' + jobTitle + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Regional Account Manager Name:</b> ' + AMFirstName + ' ' + AMLastName + '<br>';
        body += '<b>Disributor:</b> ' + Dist + '<br></p>';

I am getting test class error shown below:-

System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Email address is invalid: amit@abc.com;sudeep@abc.com: [toAddresses, amit@abc.com;sudeep@abc.com] 
Stack Trace: Class.GroupRegistrationController.registerUser: line 95, column 1 Class.GroupRegistrationControllerTest.testGroupRegistrationController: line 40, column 1

Please help me to resolve this issue.


Hello Everyone,

I want to export knowledge Articles but i am not getting option "Export Articles for Translation" from setup.
System Admin profile is assigned to me which has all the access, where as I created a permission set too and assigned to me. But No luck :(

Permission set has all the setting required like "“Manage Knowledge Article Import/Export”", "Manage Salesforce Knowledge" and “Manage Articles”.

Can anyone help me to resolve this.

Amit Singh
Dear All,

I have a Web delivery version of the course which I would like to test in Salesforce.
There will be no tracking of the module possible unless Salesforce has some site tracking tools available. 

Can anyone help me how can I do this in Salesforce Customer community?

Please note that Knowledge base is enabled in organizaion, also Artilces.

Amit Singh
Dear All,

I have created a customer community where an visualforce page is created to display chatter group funcationality,.
In this page I am displaying Recently Talking about topics using connect API. It works fine, but while writing test class for this I am getting below error message.

System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: No matching test result found for Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId). Before calling this, call Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId, ConnectApi.TopicPage result) to set the expected test result.

Here is my code  :-

Apex Class :-
public ConnectApi.TopicPage feedItemPage{get;set;}

public CommunityGroupPage()
   // Chatter Group Id
   Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

   / pull all chatter groups, faster than individual queries + 1 SOQL
   chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];
   String comid;
   String grpid;
   if(chatterGroups.Size() > 0)
   comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
   grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   
   //This will be used to fetch Recently Talking about topics for current chatter group
   feedItemPage = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);

Test Class
 * An apex page controller that exposes the Chatter Group Page functionality
@IsTest global with sharing class CommunityGroupPageTest {
    @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) global static void testCommunityGroupPage () {
        // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page

   Network community;
   String communityId;

   Id currentUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();    
        User usr = [select id,Name from User where id =: currentUserId];
        System.runAs(usr) {
        community = [SELECT id, Name,OptionsReputationEnabled FROM Network where name =: 'Customer Community'];
        communityId = community.id;
        collaborationgroup cg = new collaborationgroup(name ='ChatterGroupPage',CollaborationType='Public',OwnerId=currentUserId,NetworkId=communityId);
        insert cg;
       PageReference pageRef = Page.CommunityChatterPage;
        Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);//Applying page context here
        // Add parameters to page URL
        ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', cg.id);//Observe how helpful it was to set the parameters in your page from Unit test 
        CommunityGroupPage controller = new  CommunityGroupPage ();
        controller.groupid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');

        ConnectApi.TopicPage testPage = new ConnectApi.TopicPage();
        List<ConnectApi.Topic> testItemList = new List<ConnectApi.Topic>();
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testPage.topics = testItemList;

        ConnectApi.Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(communityId, cg.id, testPage);


Please help me to fix this issue.

AMit Singh
Dear All,

I have created a customer community where an visualforce page is created to display chatter group funcationality,.
In this page I am displaying Recently Talking about topics using connect API. It works fine, but while writing test class for this I am getting below error message.

System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: No matching test result found for Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId). Before calling this, call Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(String communityId, String groupId, ConnectApi.TopicPage result) to set the expected test result.

Here is my code  :-

Apex Class :-
public ConnectApi.TopicPage feedItemPage{get;set;}

public CommunityGroupPage()
   // Chatter Group Id
   Id groupid = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');

   / pull all chatter groups, faster than individual queries + 1 SOQL
   chatterGroups = [SELECT id, Name, NetworkId FROM CollaborationGroup where id =: groupid Limit 1];
   String comid;
   String grpid;
   if(chatterGroups.Size() > 0)
   comid = chatterGroups[0].NetworkId;
   grpid = chatterGroups[0].Id;   
   //This will be used to fetch Recently Talking about topics for current chatter group
   feedItemPage = ConnectApi.Topics.getRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(comId,grpid);

Test Class :-
 * An apex page controller that exposes the Chatter Group Page functionality
@IsTest global with sharing class CommunityGroupPageTest {
    @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) global static void testCommunityGroupPage () {
        // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page

   Network community;
   String communityId;

   Id currentUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();    
        User usr = [select id,Name from User where id =: currentUserId];
        System.runAs(usr) {
        community = [SELECT id, Name,OptionsReputationEnabled FROM Network where name =: 'Customer Community'];
        communityId = community.id;
        collaborationgroup cg = new collaborationgroup(name ='ChatterGroupPage',CollaborationType='Public',OwnerId=currentUserId,NetworkId=communityId);
        insert cg;
       PageReference pageRef = Page.CommunityChatterPage;
        Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef);//Applying page context here
        // Add parameters to page URL
        ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', cg.id);//Observe how helpful it was to set the parameters in your page from Unit test 
        CommunityGroupPage controller = new  CommunityGroupPage ();
        controller.groupid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');

        ConnectApi.TopicPage testPage = new ConnectApi.TopicPage();
        List<ConnectApi.Topic> testItemList = new List<ConnectApi.Topic>();
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testItemList.add(new ConnectApi.Topic());
        testPage.topics = testItemList;

        ConnectApi.Topics.setTestGetRecentlyTalkingAboutTopicsForGroup(communityId, cg.id, testPage);


I have a video of 200MB, since single static resource file size should not be greater than 5MB I have uploaded the file through chatter.  How do I display the video in a VF page?'

Through Static Resource
<video width="75%" controls="controls">
      <source src="{!URLFOR($Resource.Video)}" type="video/mp4" />        
      Your browser does not support the video tag.

we are strugglisng for almost 2 days to accomplish the below request.


we have a video to post on our portal , so end user can see it on click.

we have been provided with a html code, which plays perfect, we are not sure how to embed this in visualforce or for that matter any where in salesforce, from where we can get an url and can be posted as a link.


Please help...


can i play some thing like below from salesforce


<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm">
<object data="movie.mp4" width="320" height="240">
  <embed width="320" height="240" src="movie.swf">



  • October 22, 2012
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