• Luigi Maurano
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi all,
I'm trying to create a pdf file from a LWC component showing a graph.
 any Ideas?
thank you!
Hi all,
I need help for a tricky problem. We are triyng the document share fuctionality and the conseguent message sent to the user.
Does anybody know if is possible to conficure the automatic message sent form salesforce to the shared user?

thanks Luigi 
Hi All,
i'm investigating about caching record change data event.
I can catch this event with a trigger on the onject_changeEvent where i can put my logic, but I can't understand why I should do it instead use a normal trigger on the object.
could some one help me to understand the differences?

thank you!
Hi All,
I have a quite simple queston; using salseforce DX is still necessary run the test classes to deploy in production?
thank you all.
Hi everybody,
I'm having some trouble getting the header of the response invoking a Soap WebServices:I should read some paramethers that the receiver put inside the header (for example the result code). Does anybody know if there is a way to get the full header of the response?

thank you 

Hi everybody,
i'm tryng to udate a relationship from an opportunity and a cutom object inside a trigger using an external id to link each other.
if I use a code like this it works and the relation is created corretly, but using it ina before trigger (so without the dml) it doesn't work. 
opportunity op = [select id, relatedobj__c from opportunity where id='xxxxxxxxxxx'];
relatedobj__c aa =new relatedobj__c ( iEXTERNALID__c='34567');
database.SaveResult res=database.update(op);
Do anybody can explain me why? 
thank you

Hi everybody,

i'm developing a Lightning application that will be hosted in salesforce 1 mobile app; in particular, one of the Component of the application has to expose a visualforce page with a iframe inside. So, here comes out my problem. When I open the app in SalesForce1 the iframe isn't rendered, showing a blank space. When I use the app from descktop or the web version of SalesForce 1 everything works correctly. 

Thanks for your help,



Hi everybody,

i'm developing an app in lightning for salesforce 1. My need is to interact with the device, for example, getting information like the gps position or use the camera. Is there anyway to make the salesforce 1 app use the device api?

Many thanks,


Hi everybody,

i'm working on a lightning app that will be hosted on the Salesforce 1 app. this app will show some videos, there is anyway to make the salesforce 1 app interact with exernal device (like an smart tv) and push the vidoplay out?

thank you,


Hello everybody, 
I need your help, thanks for your time and help.
In a comunity site i have VS page with code smipped like this:

   <time >                                                   
             <apex:outputtext lang="{!lang}" value="{0,date,dd' 'MMMM' 'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!lista.LastModifiedDate}"/></apex:outputtext>

which return a date in this format: "01 december 2016".
Now I'm trying to use the traslation and have the month write in a different linguage. Could everbody suggest me how I can make this work?
Thank you so much
Hi everybody,
I'm in tuble using a picklist in a visualforce page.
I'm tryng to show some cases record information in a custom visualForce Page.
my code is something like this:
<apex:outputPanel id="CaseList" >
		            <ul class="sf-chistory-list list-unstyled">
		            	<apex:form >		            		
			                    <!--<apex:repeat value="{!listaCasi}" var="lista"  id="bloccoRepeat" >-->
                          <apex:variable var="cnt" value="{!caseIndex}" /> 
                          <apex:repeat value="{!viewedCaseList}" var="lista"  id="bloccoRepeat" >
article class="sf-chistory-post" id="post">
					                        <div class="sf-chistory-post-cell cell-1 sf-hidden-xs">
					                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(lista.Status != 'Closed',true,false)}">
					                            	<i class="icon-webform-open"><span class="sr-only">open</span></i>
					                        	<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(lista.Status = 'Closed',true,false)}">
					                            	<i class="icon-webform-closed"><span class="sr-only">closed</span></i>
<apex:outputtext id="categoria" value="{!lista.category__C}"/></span>
my problem is i'm not able to render the category__C attribute which is a Picklist. I'm not having any error message, simly it's not rendered.
Could anybody please help me?
thank you all,
Good morning every body,
I need your help. I'm having troulbe calling a SOAP web service. 
Some times the invoke metod goes in exception, giving this message: "System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unexpected element. Parser was expecting element 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/:Envelope' but found 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml:html'"
After some tests we noticed this exception appens when one field of the soap call is too big (the field is an string and goes in error when is more than 16384 charater). Does anybod noticed this or can help us?
thank you, 
Hello everybody,
I need your help. I need to connect my sandbox to my eclise but for security reason i can't reset my security token and the conection from the two ambients doesn't work. Does anybody know a different way to make the connection? My Ip should be a safe ip .
Thanks every body
Hello everybody,
I need your help. I need to connect my sandbox to my eclise but for security reason i can't reset my security token and the conection from the two ambients doesn't work. Does anybody know a different way to make the connection? My Ip should be a safe ip .
Thanks every body