• Meenu sharma 10
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Can we store files and attachments in external storage from SFDC. We are storing our file on NAS(net wotk storge). SInce size of files is very big , so we store file on NAS and keep the storage link in sfdc.Please let me know how can we achieve this.


Is it possible to use external storage to store Attachments? 

As a company we have large files that sales need to upload and associate documents to opportunities. We also want to save on the Salesforce storage costs.

To the sales user it would appear that the attachment is being uploaded into SFDC but behind the scenes it would saved on something like Sharepoint, or Dropbox. SFDC Links to Edit/View/Del the attachment would be redirected to do the operation on the file in external storage.
Can we store files and attachments in external storage from SFDC. We are storing our file on NAS(net wotk storge). SInce size of files is very big , so we store file on NAS and keep the storage link in sfdc.Please let me know how can we achieve this.


Is it possible to use external storage to store Attachments? 

As a company we have large files that sales need to upload and associate documents to opportunities. We also want to save on the Salesforce storage costs.

To the sales user it would appear that the attachment is being uploaded into SFDC but behind the scenes it would saved on something like Sharepoint, or Dropbox. SFDC Links to Edit/View/Del the attachment would be redirected to do the operation on the file in external storage.

I have seen things like File Connect but it looks like it syncs with an external storage rather than use it store documents, file, attachments etc.

Hi All,


I have 2 custom objects by name 'Customer__c' and 'Address__c'.

Address object has a look up field of customer. It also has a picklist field 'Type__c' with values 'Primary' and 'Secondary' indicating the primary and secondary addresses for the customer object.


Now I want to restrict the customer to have only one 'Primary' address record but it can have multiple 'Secondary' address records. 


I have written the following trigger to accomplish this.

trigger primaryAddressDupPreventionV2 on Address__c (before insert, before update) {

	List<Address__c> Addr_List = new List<Address__c>();
	List<Address__c> addr_temp = System.Trigger.new;
    Customer__c cust = [select Id,Name from Customer__c where id=:addr_temp[0].Customer__c];

		for (Integer i=0;i<trigger.new.size();i++) {
			Addr_list = [Select Id, Name, Customer__c, Type__c from Address__c 
		                                where Customer__c =: cust.Id and Address__c.Type__c = 'Primary' and Id != null limit 1];
			system.debug('Addr List Size: '+Addr_list.size());
			system.debug('Addr List: '+Addr_list);
			if(Addr_List.size()== 0 && trigger.new[i].Type__c == 'Secondary'){
				trigger.new[i].Type__c.addError('Primary Address does not exist');
			if(trigger.isInsert && Addr_List.size()>0 && Addr_List.get(0).Type__c == 'Primary' && trigger.new[i].Type__c == 'Primary'){
				trigger.new[i].Type__c.addError('Only one Primary Address should exist');
	}catch (DmlException e1) {
     	System.debug(e1.getMessage() );     
    }catch (TypeException e2) {
     	System.debug(e2.getMessage() );     

 The trigger is working fine while inserting records. But fails during update operation.


Could anyone please let me know where I have gone wrong or any workaround to accomplish the same.

Any help will be highly appreciated.



I have an intersting  task. As we know sf provids uploading document function.


we want to mock this function. Supposing user logins to SF and select file from local matchine (in the intranet network) to upload, after the save button is clicked, instead of uploading file to SF, the file, in fact, is moved from local matchine to another file server(in the same domain  in intranet network).


in addition, user can click the link in the document record to view the file's content.


Any guys have any ideas to make this happen?


I am planning to run an web service to move files in the intranet, and expose the function to SF.


Is it available?

