• Chandrashekhar Goud
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  • Member since 2016

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I had executed a soql query and put the query output in  a list. Now I want to add a custom coloumn in the list.

Following is the way I am used it in code :

List<CustomObject> mylist = [select id,name,ipaddress from CustomObject];

I want to add a custom coloumn and display this all list in a table 

Can anyone suggest me how to achive this???

Hi, so I have an existing VF page which comes up when the custom button is clicked on the Account object. I've also checked the "Available for Lightning Experience, Lightning Communities, and the mobile app" box.

The page is a Calendar view. Here's the VF code before and after:

<apex:page action="/00U/c">
    <apex:ListViews type="Event"/>


<apex:page action="/00U/c" lightningStylesheets="true">
    <apex:ListViews type="Event"/>

It let me save the pages but doesn't work!
Here is the custom link button:

It's working perfectly fine in Classic, just not in Lightning.

Any help is much appreciated!!
How to retrieve deleted components from salesforce org using Any API ?


How to know how many Deployments are initiated in Salesforce Org before the deploymnet is failed or succeceed ?
Is there any api call using metadata API with org Id or any query releated to it ?

hi Friends,

   I am created workflow rule for ending emails..my critiria is every tiime created And Edited..but when i am creting a record the email was not send to the emails ...
what is the reason....
rule critiria is: AND(NOT( ISBLANK(Focus_ID__c )), 
NOT(ISNULL(Focus_ID__c )))
means when  foccus_ID__C created my workflow sshold be triggerd..
what is the reason....
how can i call relationship object fields in trigger?
How to retrieve deleted components from salesforce org using Any API ?
How to display how many records are associate with the parent record when the both objects are in lookup relationship?
Use Case: if certain field values on a User record changes, I want that change to appear in corresponding fields on all the Contact records that this user owns.

I figure I need to create this trigger on the User object, but how do I call that User's Contact records to update their values?
I create a Public folder allow Guest upload image into salesforce.
How many is Limit memory of folder? 


I had executed a soql query and put the query output in  a list. Now I want to add a custom coloumn in the list.

Following is the way I am used it in code :

List<CustomObject> mylist = [select id,name,ipaddress from CustomObject];

I want to add a custom coloumn and display this all list in a table 

Can anyone suggest me how to achive this???

Hi all,
I have a <apex:commandLink> in visualforce page and the link has below property.
 <apex:commandLink action="{!URLFOR($Action.ObjectName.edit, Object.id) }">Edit</apex:commandLink>
And I need to refresh page after standard edit action, and I have searched but still have no idea?
I would like to know whether there is a way to refresh a page by using commandLink or other methods?
  • July 31, 2018
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Hi Everyone

I have a child object 'Revenue Class' for my opportunity.I want to display the related revenue claases along with the opportunity in opportunity subpage of forecast page.

Is there a way to display the revenue class beside the opportunity?


I want to create a tab for Standard object User. Can I do so, if yes then how to do so?

Thanks in advance.

Hi guys,

I created a visualforce page which displays the content of a field called 'Description'. This field can be several rows long and I want to add a whitespace with &nbsp; at the beginning of every row.

At the moment it looks like that:
&nbsp;<apex:outputField value="{!Rapport__c.Description__c}"/>

But obviously I will only have a whitespace in the first row and not in the following ones. So how do I ensure that at the beginning of every row, there is a whitespace before the text begins?

Thanks for your help.