• Ankush02
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I created a scratch orgs without problems and now I am trying to push the source from the local branch.
I am getting 68 errors of this type:
An object 'Account.ParentId' of type CustomField was named in package.xml, but was not found in zipped directory
All the mentioned fields are in the sfdx project source under main/default/objects/Account/fields and the scratch org API version matches the project one. 
Could anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong, please?

Many thanks!
I am trying to learn about SFDX and have installed Visual Studio Code + Salesforce Extensions.
I skiped the step that says "Make sure you have the latest version of the Salesforce CLI installed, and that your system meets the necessary requirements." because, before installing VS Code + the SF Extensions, I reviewed the list of extensions includeded in SF Extensions and saw that it included CLI.
It was a confusion moment and... I think I also read out there that it was better to installed CLI as part of SF Extension (which includes a set of extensions).

Eventually, because I was not able to create new Project from VS Code (Ctrl+Shift+P), I decided to revisite the steps to set up SF DX with VS Code, and decided to intall SF CLI by downloading a file (win64) from here (https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/sfdxcli ) and execute installation of that file.

Right now, my laptop has the following installed:
- Visual Studio Code + Salesforce Extensions (look at screenshot below)
- Salesforce CLI (win64) dowloaded from the above link

User-added image

How can I verify if Salesforce CLI works fine? I have tried executing cmd.exe the following command: sfdx --version
... but I am getting this error message:
User-added image

Do you think that the fact that I installed SF CLI after installing VS Code is the reason for the above command line not being recognized?

How can I make sure that I have all the SFDX tools correctly installed?

Thank you very much.

  • December 09, 2018
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I keepg getting this error for form submittions from my website..

No such column 'InformalName' on entity 'Contact'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

I have added 'InformalName' in Contact but still no resolution. Can any one here help ?
Hi. I'm having problems with login to salesforce 1. Keep getting this 'Oauth_app_blocked invalid session security level' error message. 
Any ideas how to solve this really appreciated. User-added image