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    It would be great if some one can suggest me a way to develop Logger class that will log all my apex messages to a local file.

    This would greatly help me, as this would give me an ability to go through the failure messages, and debug the application             more effectively. 
    I created an apex class that logs into Salesforce Document object, but it would create 2 additional calls to Salesforce and is lot     of overhead for each request. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

public class Logger {
 private static final Document log = [Select d.Body From Document d where d.Name='LogFile'][0];
 private String logMessage = '';
 public void addToLog(String message){
  logMessage = logMessage + System.now() + '::' +message + '\n';
 public void logmessage(){
  log.body= Blob.valueOf(log.body.toString()+ logMessage);
  update log;
  logMessage = '';



    Girish S
Hi Folks,
                Is it possible to create a file and write in to that file using apex code?

Hi is there any tutorials or articles in which shows how you can use apex to communicate with other apis?

Is there a timer functionality in Apex?  I want to be able to schedule some operations on a periodic basis.

The second related question is to invoke something that is only accessible from a UI control (from an installed package for which either the backend code or the web service is not available).  Is it possible to simulate a mouse click based on a timer event?

Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to pass Fault Message from the WebService created using Apex. If yes, how do we implement it. Or is this part of the return (success) message itself.

Can you please let me know what's the best practice of handling adn returning Exception from the Apex WebService.

Also can we return Object from the Apex WebService to the other calling method which is outside SalesForce


I am not able to access any of the SF standard objects attributes(fields). I get an error Object not defined                  not exist.

For now I am trying very simple one line code in a custom object on the Opportunity Detail Page.

Following is the code that I was trying. Ideally I would like to make a call to the Apex Code from the buttons

Problem with the OnClick Javascript - Opportunity is not defined

Problem with the OnClick Javascript - missing ) after argument list...
alert({!Opportunity.Name} );

Please let me know what could be wrong. I am using Developer Edition for the above example


I have created an APEX Web Service and would like to call it from outside. Can you please give me the steps to access APEX Web Service from outside.

I have the document calling SF APIs from outside, this does not talk about making calls to APEX Web Service.

1. Do I need to get an handle to describeGlobal ?
2. Do I need to have some kind of SF jar files to get APIs for SF objects (like DescribeGlobalResult;, SforceServiceLocator() );

