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Hello all,


I'm an intern new to salesforce.com. My company tasked me to create a custom account and contact creation page because they find the default salesforce.com process consuming; they want a page where they can create a new account and immediately add up to 3 contacts associated with the created account.


My research turned up the force.com platform and visualforce page creation. Does all development occur on the force.com platform? It seems a bit of an overkill for what I want to do; with all the references to cloud computing etc.


I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction as to how I should go about achieving the requirements given to me. Would I need a full force.com application or can I simply write a page that can be added to the salesforce.com platform my company is currently using.


A million thanks in advance for any kind assistance.







I want to implement my own sObject which has similar functionality to

company profile => Holidays => Recurring Holiday


I was wondering if I could get the source code of Visual page and apex controller of it?

If so, it will save me tons of time.

