• bennybutler
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We have have a custom field that we originally put on the account...  Well now it seems that we need to be able to access that via a 3rd party email marketing system, but they can only read the fields on a contact.


What's the easiest way to get Account.ShortUrl__c to populate Contact.ShortUrl__c on every contact in the system? 


I'm familar enough with the API to be able to do this via querys from my servers with PHP... but that's overkill and I'm sure this can be done from salesforce directly.  


I know this code won't run, but it's as far as I can get...



trigger UpdateContactonAccountUpdate on Account (after update) {
for (Account a : Trigger.new) {
Update Contact set Contact.ShortUrl__c = a.ShortUrl__c;



Any ideas on how to make that actually work? 

I know SF will do this, I've even seen it before, but I don't know what it's called or where to find it in the setup.


When someone hits save on an updated record, I want it to trigger an external URL.   


Where do I find this?