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Chatter for VF Page
All our standard Salesforce pages have been overridden by VF pages, the issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled.
I was told this feature will be available in the next release , i still seem to have the same issue ? Are there any fixes for this
- gkapp
- January 05, 2011
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Generate WSDL file
I have a class, & i generated the WSDL file , but when i try to open it using the SOAP UI it gives me " Error Importing WSDL"
Any help?
- gkapp
- September 14, 2010
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Create Case using Webservice
Iam trying to create a case on the standard case object using webservice call, Iam unable to commit the case to DB , so when i run the test class i see a random case num generated( its a simulation & it would not be found in the UI) but the actual cases,they are not getting commited to db is there any way that this can be done
- gkapp
- September 14, 2010
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Query Account Territory help!!
Is there a way to query on an account ID, and identify it's Territory Name. I know there is not an easy way for this but iam having trouble establishing relationship.
Thanks in advance
- gkapp
- August 02, 2010
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Barcode in VF page
Requirement is to take a filed such as RMA# and convert it into a barcode .I did Try the demo video posted
But when i try i iam getting an empty screen ,
Any suggestion?
- gkapp
- July 16, 2010
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Twitter feeds on chatter profile page
I have set up the twitter for chatter & see the postings go back n forth . My question is how do i get the feeds to display on the profile page rather than having to go the twitter tab in salesforce to log in & see updates. Also any ideas on how to set up twitter to case creation?
- gkapp
- June 28, 2010
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Chatter Bar for VF page!!
Hi we have overridden the standard salesforce page layout with our custom VF page . The issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled
- gkapp
- June 23, 2010
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Chatter Bar for VF page
Hi we have overridden the standard salesforce page layout with our custom VF page . The issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled
- gkapp
- June 23, 2010
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VF page - Animation
Hi ,
Iam trying to display the animation before the results table is displayed . Our scenario is as follows when we type in account name to search it will show the animation image , & then the results table which is working fine . The issue iam facing is that say i search for "apple" it will give me the search results after the animation image , now say i want to search for the word " Orange" . the issue is that when iam hitting the search button the results which were displayed for "apple" is not getting hid . Is there a way to hide the results retrieved from the prior search to be hidden when a new search is started
Thanks in advance !
- gkapp
- June 14, 2010
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Quotes Disclaimer Note
Is there a way to add a disclaimer note to the quote PDF , every company would technically want this feature . but iam not able to figure out where i can add it .FYI iam using the standard quote object.
- gkapp
- May 05, 2010
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Forecast Help !!! very Urgent
The issue we are facing is as follows. Since all forecast are tied down by closed date, its causing a problem in forecasting.For Ex say today 5/3/2010 , if i buy 10 products under "A" opportunity they will also have the same closed date, but i need to be able to forecast them based on demand varying over the period may be today may be next year. So in this case with a closed date of today its showing that the total amount = $100, and this would not show up in future forecasts(irrespective of when the product was purchased) . I tried using prod date too but it did not help either when you have multiple sales order line items.
The client is using the below format ! Please suggest if there is a way to achieve this(the columns are categorized as below)
Customer | Part # | Jan-10 | Feb-10 | Mar-10 | Sum of the values(Q1FY2010) |
- gkapp
- May 04, 2010
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Forecast help !!!!
The client wants to generate the forecast report. Iam trying to use the forecast which salesforce provides. The problem iam facing is with customizing it , since forecast is linked to amounts & expected revenue. I created a new custom field with rolls up the value from order. Is there any way i can customize this so that it can pull up the value from order total & probability . Is there a way to edit expected revenue formula?
- gkapp
- April 26, 2010
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Date time field
Iam trying to render a document as pdf , & created a VF page but when its displaying data on the page its showing date with the time
"Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 GMT 2010" in this format where as i want it to display just the date . how do i do it |
- gkapp
- April 14, 2010
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Quotes Issue
Iam facing this issue, the client has a list of products for which the pricing differs per quantity ordered. so in order to give it a unieque name i suffix product name ith unieque keyword. The problem iam facing is that when i try to create a Quote PDF (iam using standard obj for quotes). Its giving me the pdf , but i want it to pick up Part number & not the product name . Is there any way we can customize what data gets pulled in for Quote PDF if so where can i go & edit this.
- gkapp
- April 12, 2010
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Chatter for VF Page
All our standard Salesforce pages have been overridden by VF pages, the issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled.
I was told this feature will be available in the next release , i still seem to have the same issue ? Are there any fixes for this
- gkapp
- January 05, 2011
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Query Account Territory help!!
Is there a way to query on an account ID, and identify it's Territory Name. I know there is not an easy way for this but iam having trouble establishing relationship.
Thanks in advance
- gkapp
- August 02, 2010
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Chatter Bar for VF page
Hi we have overridden the standard salesforce page layout with our custom VF page . The issue is that for ex in accounts / contacts page which are custom VF page we are not getting the chatter bar (hence not able to follow accounts etc ) is there a way this can be enabled
- gkapp
- June 23, 2010
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VF page - Animation
Hi ,
Iam trying to display the animation before the results table is displayed . Our scenario is as follows when we type in account name to search it will show the animation image , & then the results table which is working fine . The issue iam facing is that say i search for "apple" it will give me the search results after the animation image , now say i want to search for the word " Orange" . the issue is that when iam hitting the search button the results which were displayed for "apple" is not getting hid . Is there a way to hide the results retrieved from the prior search to be hidden when a new search is started
Thanks in advance !
- gkapp
- June 14, 2010
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If someone have some interest about that, I've create a barcode package for COE39, CODE128 and EAN13.
Currently it's only a beta version, if some of you have some interest about barcodes.
For dev edition
or for sandbox
- Spinotti
- May 28, 2010
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Date time field
Iam trying to render a document as pdf , & created a VF page but when its displaying data on the page its showing date with the time
"Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 GMT 2010" in this format where as i want it to display just the date . how do i do it |
- gkapp
- April 14, 2010
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