• Pranav Sanvatsarkar
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  • Sr. Software Engineer

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Hello there,

Can anyone tell me what is the sequence of execution of methods in test classes? I mean does it executes in seriel or parallel? Can we control the way in which methods execute i.e. parallel or seriel?

Thanks in advance.
Hello guys,

I am a bit confused while trying to create a process using Salesforce Process Builder for Event object. The Event object itself is not available in the picklist of first step where we are supposed to select the Object. Same thing I tried in my developer edition, I found the Event object. The org where I'm trying to create the new process is Enterprise edition.

Any idea?

Thanks, in advance.
I am trying to run this snippet in Developer Console,
Set<Id> setProdIds = new Set<Id>();
for( Product2 prod : [ SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE Division__c IN ('SIOUX FALLS','RAPID CITY')])
Set<Id> setOppIds = new Set<Id>();	
for( Integer iCount = 0; iCount <= 28; iCount++ )
	List<OpportunityLineItem> lstLineItems = [SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Product2Id IN: setProdIds AND Id NOT IN: setOppIds LIMIT 25000];
	system.debug('Size of list:'+lstLineItems);
	for( OpportunityLineItem lineItem : lstLineItems )
List<Opportunity> lstOpportunities = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Division__c IN ('SIOUX FALLS','RAPID CITY') AND Id IN: setOppIds LIMIT 25000];
system.debug('Total opps to migrate:'+lstOpportunities.size());
Now, even if I have kept the LIMIT 25000, it throws error "System.LimitException:50001 rows".

Thanks in advance!
Hello guys,

I am a bit confused while trying to create a process using Salesforce Process Builder for Event object. The Event object itself is not available in the picklist of first step where we are supposed to select the Object. Same thing I tried in my developer edition, I found the Event object. The org where I'm trying to create the new process is Enterprise edition.

Any idea?

Thanks, in advance.
I am trying to run this snippet in Developer Console,
Set<Id> setProdIds = new Set<Id>();
for( Product2 prod : [ SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE Division__c IN ('SIOUX FALLS','RAPID CITY')])
Set<Id> setOppIds = new Set<Id>();	
for( Integer iCount = 0; iCount <= 28; iCount++ )
	List<OpportunityLineItem> lstLineItems = [SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Product2Id IN: setProdIds AND Id NOT IN: setOppIds LIMIT 25000];
	system.debug('Size of list:'+lstLineItems);
	for( OpportunityLineItem lineItem : lstLineItems )
List<Opportunity> lstOpportunities = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Division__c IN ('SIOUX FALLS','RAPID CITY') AND Id IN: setOppIds LIMIT 25000];
system.debug('Total opps to migrate:'+lstOpportunities.size());
Now, even if I have kept the LIMIT 25000, it throws error "System.LimitException:50001 rows".

Thanks in advance!