• AnkitAgarwalSF
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I want to integrate the payment gateway in salesforce. When a user clicks on the 'Credit Card' button on visualforce, a new window (iFrame or Canvas app, which one is better?) should open which will display the page provided by our payment team. The customer details should  be auto-populated and only card details should be entered. Once user hits 'Submit' button, the payment should be processed and I should be able to capture the response (get the unique refrence number) and store the same in my payment record.

Please let me know:
1- How to launch the new window - iFrame or Canvas app, which one is more secure and seamless, i think its canvas app
2- How to send/capture the request/response if I am using a Canvas app

Appreciate any help here.
I have added couple of custom field on my object inside managed package. When I am trying to get all the metadata using force.com IDE, I can't see the custom fields in the src/objects or referenced packages folder.
I have written apex code to get the controlling field values and corresponding field values but to test that I need to add some values in both controlling and dependent fields and map them in the test class. Most of the posts tell how to get get the mapped values but they dont say how to add the values and map them.

I want to integrate the payment gateway in salesforce. When a user clicks on the 'Credit Card' button on visualforce, a new window (iFrame or Canvas app, which one is better?) should open which will display the page provided by our payment team. The customer details should  be auto-populated and only card details should be entered. Once user hits 'Submit' button, the payment should be processed and I should be able to capture the response (get the unique refrence number) and store the same in my payment record.

Please let me know:
1- How to launch the new window - iFrame or Canvas app, which one is more secure and seamless, i think its canvas app
2- How to send/capture the request/response if I am using a Canvas app

Appreciate any help here.
I have added couple of custom field on my object inside managed package. When I am trying to get all the metadata using force.com IDE, I can't see the custom fields in the src/objects or referenced packages folder.