• Marcio_Fritsch
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Failed to save customLookup.cmp: Invalid definition for null:customLookUpController: ApexService.getType() return null with currentNamespace: c, namespace: null, name: customLookUpController: Source
Hi Friends,

I am implementing image crousel in lightning component but do not want slds-carousel__content (which displays description and title etc) I want to show the full image on crousel.

Is there any way that i can remove the white space from the bottom of the image?

How do i avoid the Email limit that is 10-15 for a day ?

trigger LeaveUpdatetrigger on Leave__c (after update,before delete) {
    if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){
        for(Leave__c lv : trigger.new){
            Leave__c lev = [Select Name,EmployeeName__r.Name from Leave__c where EmployeeName__c =:lv.EmployeeName__c limit 1];
            EmailTemplate et = [SELECT Id,Subject,HtmlValue, Body FROM EmailTemplate WHERE DeveloperName =:'Update_to_Hr_on_Leave_modification'];
            //String subject = 'TEST';
            String body = et.HtmlValue;
            body = body.replace('{!Leave__c.EmployeeName__c}',lev.EmployeeName__r.Name);
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            mail.toAddresses = new String[] { 'saudsyed20@gmail.com' };
            // mail.setTargetObjectIds(lv.id);
            mail.setTemplateId('00X2v000001H9oK'); //Id of the Email Template
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
   // if(trigger.isdelete)
     if(Trigger.isBefore || trigger.isdelete){
        for(Leave__c lv : trigger.old)
            Leave__c lev = [Select Name,EmployeeName__r.Name from Leave__c where EmployeeName__c =:lv.EmployeeName__c limit 1];
            EmailTemplate et = [SELECT Id,Subject,HtmlValue, Body FROM EmailTemplate WHERE DeveloperName =:'Update_to_HR_on_Leave_deletion'];
            //String subject = 'TEST';
            String body1 = 'TEST';
            String body =et.HtmlValue;
            body = body.replace('{!Leave__c.EmployeeName__c}',lev.EmployeeName__r.Name);
            Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
            mail.toAddresses = new String[] { 'saudsyed20@gmail.com' };
            // mail.setTargetObjectIds(lv.id);
            //mail.setTemplateId('00X2v000001H9oe'); //Id of the Email Template
            Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
var recordId = cmp.get("v.recordId");
       var Fields = { ToAddress: {value: "to@to.com"}, 
                     ParentId	: {value: recordId}, 
                     HTMLBody: {value: "the text body", insertType: "cursor"} }
        var args = {actionName :"Case.Send_Email"};
            console.log('Available Fields are ', JSON.stringify(result));

                console.log('Action Field Log Errors are ',e.errors);
                console.error('Full error is ', JSON.stringify(e));

try to using the "quickActionAPI" and gettting the 

below error "We can’t execute the API because the parent record isn’t selected."
Calling the Quickaction from lightning component and it's not working. please let me if i am doing anything wrong..

Thanks in advance.Full Screen

Hello all,

I'm building my first flow, which is now in flow builder. My first major hurdle is that I can't seem to send a string to an apex action, query some records using that string as a soql criterion, then return the list. 

My Apex action looks like this:

global class Flow_ChecklistTemplateItemGetter{
	@invocableMethod(label = 'Get Template Items' description = 'gets all Checklist Template Items whose "Applies_To" field contains the provided machine model')
	global static List<Checklist_Template_Item__c> getRelevantTemplateItems(List<String> modelList){
		String searchModel;
		// this will only be a single value
		for(String s : modelList){
			searchModel = s;
		System.debug('SearchModel = '+searchModel);

		String queryString = 'Select Id, Checkbox_Options__c, Checklist_Template_Section__c, Objective__c, Required__c, Sort_Order__c From Checklist_Template_Item__c Where Applies_To__c Includes(:searchModel)';
		List<Checklist_Template_Item__c> itemList = Database.query(queryString);
	 	for(Checklist_Template_Item__c cti : itemList){
	 		System.debug('checklist template item = '+cti);
	 	return itemList;
"modelList" is only ever going to be a single value, which is why I assign it to its own string for querying. 

I get the error "The number of results does not match the number of interviews that were executed in a single bulk execution request". 
Well...no kidding. I don't want to only return one record just because I only had one string input. 

What I thought might be the reason was that my output variable was not a collection variable, but the collection variable I created in followup to that is un-selectable from my Apex action. 

I can only select variables that accept a single record. 
User-added image

This is regarding the code coverage for the class in which we have used the external object. in our  class we are fetching the data from the External object.We have written a test class  in such away that, we skipped (using  Test.isRunningtest() ) the  query  which is fetching the data from the external object. But unfortunately we are getting code coverage only 50%. at least we should  improve the code coverge to 80%  for that class.
So please  suggest us how to proceed further.

Kind Regards,
I want to push custom notifications to Salesforce1 not using Chatter. I found there is api can push notifications to native apps but not Salesforce1 because I don't know the api name of Salesforce1 for iOS. Can anyone help me on this?