• JaneJLocane
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Please help me in writing a test class for a trigger helper class for below code:-
public class DiscountTriggerHelper {
    public static void beforeTrigApplyDiscount(List<Discount__c> discounts){
        for(Discount__c disc : discounts){
            If(disc.Discount_Applied__c == false && disc.Amount__c >= 100){
                disc.Amount__c = disc.Amount__c + 10;
                disc.Discount_Applied__c = true;
Create trigger handler on System

new record created When status includes mandatory  email

map contact__r.email primary email

Record is deleted when status includes mandatory Email

contact__r.email removed from primary email

We are using field service and wanted to know if OOTB the actual travel time of an Resource from one Service appointment to other is calculated.

  • June 24, 2021
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I am not a coder and am looking to write test coverage for this simple trigger:
trigger ConDoc on ContentVersion (after insert) {

    List<ContentVersion> conver = [SELECT Id, Title, OwnerId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id IN: Trigger.newMap.keySet()];

    for (ContentVersion CV: conver){
        CV.OwnerId= '005F0000002QTR2IAO';
        CV.Title = 'HannaTest';

    update conver;

Right now this is where I am at, I have no idea what I am doing. I appreciate any help. Im getting an Insert Failed when I run the Test
@isTest public class Test_ConDocTrigger {
static testMethod void TestData(){
    ContentVersion CV = new ContentVersion();       
	CV.OwnerId = '005F0000002QTR2IAO';
	CV.Title ='Test Name';
    insert CV;

Hello everyone,

The SalesForce REST API doc is unclear about the usage of APIs to insert and update records in OpportunityLineItem. The standard fields in OLI include OpportunityId and Product2Id both of which I'm populating by retrieving the appropriate SalesForce IDs. I receive this error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY when I try to insert a record at this URI: /sobjects/OpportunityLineItem/.

Going through the flow: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_erd_products.htm#topic-title, I'm assuming this (and also the cross-reference error) means that there is no direct relationship between OLI and Products.

Firstly, why is there a Product2Id field if the relationship doesn't exist?
Secondly, is the URI I'm using incorrect? If so, what is the correct one?
Thirdly, can this problem be solved using APIs at all?

Maybe I'm going about this in a completely inefficient manner. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi All,

Salesforce saying my 501 programming not submitted even I changed  my user name (certificationcandidate.dy2hfjy7vafw.eufhxuevvi4y@728427advdev.com to certificationadmin@728427advdev.com. ) as they say in Reminder email and my old created case,Anyone come into this type of scenario ? salesforce certification case support respond taking very long time,Is there way i connect salesforce certification team quick and resolve my issue ? 
Hello Anil-

The instructions in the "How to Submit Your Programming Assignment" section in the scenario document state:

"In the production organization, locate the user named Certification Administrator and activate and update the user’s email address to certificationadmin@salesforce.com, ensuring that the Generate new password and notify user immediately checkbox is checked.

Once submitted, the application is considered to be final. Salesforce will receive login credentials for the user, enabling the Certification Administrator to access the organization. Upon confirmation of the Certification Administrator user activation, Salesforce will deactivate the candidate’s user."

Unfortunately, none of the email addresses in the org were changed to certificationadmin@salesforce.com and we didn't receive an email about generating a new password so your application was not considered as submitted for evaluation, and your org was not deactivated.

If you'd like to take the Programming Assignment again, you can register for the Sept. 13 testing window through Webassessor.

Kind regards,
Salesforce Certification

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Salesforce.com Certification Team [no-reply@salesforce.com]
Sent: 3/10/2016 8:10 AM
To: anilsforce@gmail.com
Subject: Certification Case 00109220: Is it My 501 Assigtment Submitted ?

Thank you for contacting Salesforce Certification. A case has been created for you and your case number is 00109220.

Please expect a longer than normal response to your case Monday March 7 thru Friday March 11, 2016 while the Certification Team is away at Destination Success 2016. Thank you for your patience.

Certification cases are monitored during U.S. business hours, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

We recommend that you visit our knowledge base for information about the Certification program: http://certification.force.com/pkb.


Salesforce Certification


------ Your Question/Comment ------

I Changed username from certificationcandidate.dy2hfjy7vafw.eufhxuevvi4y@728427advdev.com to certificationadmin@728427advdev.com for assignment submission as says in document ,But still login is not revoked or no email says your assignment submitted,So my program assignment submitted or not ?

Old Created Case and Reply : How to submit programming assignment


Please change the username certificationcandidate.dy2hfjy7vafw.eufhxuevvi4y@728427advdev.com to certificationadmin@728427advdev.com.

Best Regards,
Salesforce Certification

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Salesforce.com Certification Team [no-reply@salesforce.com]
Sent: 2/8/2016 8:14 AM
To: anilsforce@gmail.com
Subject: Certification Case 00106592: How to submit Andvanced Developer assignment ?

Thank you for contacting Salesforce Certification. A case has been created for you and your case number is 00106592.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of cases. Please expect longer than normal response times. Thank you in advance for your patience.

Certification cases are monitored during U.S. business hours, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

We recommend that you visit our knowledge base for information about the Certification program: http://certification.force.com/pkb.


Salesforce Certification


------ Your Question/Comment ------

As mention in Assigntment document,I couldn't find user name with Cerification administrator,How could i submit my assignment?

In the production organization, locate the user named Certification Administrator and activate and
update the user’s email address to certificationadmin@salesforce.com, ensuring that the Generate new
password and notify user immediately checkbox is checked.

Once submitted, the application is considered to be final. Salesforce will receive login credentials for the
user, enabling the Certification Administrator to access the organization. Upon confirmation of the
Certification Administrator user activation, Salesforce will deactivate the candidate’s user."

Exam Submission Reminder Email :

Dear Anil,

You must submit your Salesforce Certification Programming Assignment and complete your Essay exam by Monday, February 22, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00). Both the Programming Assignment and the Essay exam must be received by the deadline to be eligible for scoring. No exceptions will be made.

Please Note: When you are ready to submit your Programming Assignment, if you cannot locate the user named Certification Administrator in your candidate org, please change the username like the following example:

From (example) certificationcandidate.dy2hfjy7vafw.ummaf3hhp16s@123456advdev.com
To (example) certificationadmin@123456advdev.com

We recommend you schedule your Essay exam early to ensure you can plan accordingly. If you plan to complete the Essay exam via online proctoring, please review the requirements and test your system before your exam date.

Please be aware that due to the U.S. President's Day holiday, Salesforce Certification Support will not be responding to cases on February 15, 2016.

Thank you for participating in the Salesforce certification program. If you need assistance, please open a case.

Best Regards,
Salesforce Certification

 Area Information Analyst Sales can request for promotions into two ways (see below).  Once the promotion has been submitted for approval,  there is a level of notifications that will go to the Regional Sales Manager then to the Marketing Manager.


1. Through Distributor-Sales Promotion which is by the Account. The emails has been approved by the above mentioned managers but the area analyst is not getting the approval from the following and the approval history is not updated in the respective account.!


 Can anyone explain me what would be the problem ? 




I just passed the Advanced Developer 501 Certification Exam, now I'm waiting for the assignment stage and the essay stage.


Has anyone else passed the 501 exam in the last few months? How long did you have to wait for the second stage?


I've asked a few folks I know in the community and they are stillwaiting for the second stage and its been almost 1 year for one of them, 4 months for another guy......


Anyone have any idea? I sent a message to certification@salesforce.com, but I haven't gotten a response yet.....