• ravindimantha.ax108
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Does sforce/salesforce provide a way for us to add a component (ActiveX, Applet, etc..) so that we can place a VoIP call to a VoIP server or to a SIP server? So we can have click-to-call, etc.


Has anyone tried to access the Web Services API of sforce from Flex?

Does the Web Services API of sforce provide a consolidated method to extract ALL the data required for a particular salesforce.com Dashboard? So that we can provide a Rich Dashboard using Flex?

Any comments, ideas much welcomed.



Is Salesforce.com TAPI compliant , or does it have any hooks to call to TAPI applications. 

Hi there,

I've some questions regarding login to salesforce / sforce. Perhaps somebody can throw some light on it?

We want to use WIL to extend salesforce. The WIL will link to ASP.NET pages which came from our internal web server. On those pages we have to display data from some of our databases and also data from salesforce. First question: I think I have to use the sforce API to access the salesforce data from my web page. As I'm already logged in in salesforce, do I have to log in again using the sforce API functions? Or is there another way, perhaps using the session ID from salesforce, which could be passed in the WIL?

Second question: If I want to do it the other way round, creating a 'login page' which logs me in using the sforce API, is it possible to pass credentials to salesforce, so that the user doesn't need to log in again?


If those are really trivial questions, I'd be glad if somebody could point me to the right documents, where I could find answers ;-)

Thx for your help!



  • October 10, 2003
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