• Deepak_Kumar
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  • Member since 2016
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I want get the first 0 first characters fromtthe text area
I want to replace the following
=> remove space
=> remove special charaters
In short i want to create only create a 10 letters only from alphabts A to Z, 

thanks you for suggestion
  • September 13, 2019
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system.jsonGenerator jpp =  json.CreateGenerator(true);
          jsonstring1 = jpp.getAsString();

how go get the value of the name as null in the jsonformat :
              { "Name" : null }

  can anybody suggest how to get the value .

Hi All,

I'm want to give view all access to the Site user. So site users can view cases from salesforce Site. (Using Apex, SOQL). 

Thanks in advance.

Hi all,
Right now I am sending the SMS from salesforce record page using Twilio API. 
Can anyone help me out how I can get replied SMS in the salesforce itself?
Hi everyone,
I am having a problem while using the lightning:inputAddress in the Utility bar. Am not able to type in the fields except street one.
it is working fine on the normal page(home page).
Here am also attaching the demo what issue am facing.
It will be great if anyone can help me out.
I want to prevent users to update the Note(ContentNote) once it is created using the trigger or any other techniques?
var firstnameRegex = "[a-zA-Z]";
       var firstname = component.get("v.First_Name");
       var FirstnameMatch = firstname.match(firstnameRegex);

if(FirstnameMatch == false){
            alert("Please fill in the mandatory details");

I tried this but it didn't work
I'm trying to figure out how to write a test class for this trigger. Any help/ideas would be appreciated :)

trigger TR_UpdateCaseOwners on Case (before insert) {
    //Variable declarations
    List <Id> AccountIds = new List <Id>();
    List <Programs__C> ProgramOwner = new List<Programs__C>();
    List <Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
    List <User> OwnerID = new list<User>();
     for (Case c :Trigger.new) {
        if (c.type == 'Program Inquiry') {
      Set<Contact> con = new set<Contact>([Select Intent__C, CSU_Primary_Degree_Interest__c, CSU_Primary_Certificate_Interest__c FROM CONTACT WHERE ID = : c.ContactId]);
      for (Contact B : con){
      if (B.Intent__C == 'Degree') {
    //Update case owner
    ProgramOwner = ([SELECT ProgramOwner__c from Programs__C WHERE NAME =: B.CSU_Primary_Degree_Interest__c]);         
    //ProgramOwner SObject
    for (Programs__C P : ProgramOwner){
    //Query user table for program owner GUID    
    OwnerID = ([Select ID FROM User WHERE Name =: P.ProgramOwner__c]);    
    for (User U : OwnerID){
    //Assign new ID    
    C.OwnerID = U.ID; 
 else  {
    if (B.Intent__C == 'Certificate')
   //Update case owner
    ProgramOwner = ([SELECT ProgramOwner__c from Programs__C WHERE NAME =: B.CSU_Primary_Degree_Interest__c]);         
    //ProgramOwner SObject
    for (Programs__C P : ProgramOwner){
    //Query user table for program owner GUID    
    OwnerID = ([Select ID FROM User WHERE Name =: P.ProgramOwner__c]);    
    for (User U : OwnerID){
    //Assign new ID    
    C.OwnerID = U.ID; 

I can get the count of leads which has an account based on ConvertedAccountId/ConvertedContactId but I totally stuck to get the count of an Account which has no corresponding lead.

Can someone please help me with this... thanks ini advance


I want get the first 0 first characters fromtthe text area
I want to replace the following
=> remove space
=> remove special charaters
In short i want to create only create a 10 letters only from alphabts A to Z, 

thanks you for suggestion
  • September 13, 2019
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Hello All!
I've a requirement where I need to display an image whenever hover on its image name in lightning component.
I want to show image tooltip. 
For which I tried the following code:

<div style="padding-left:2rem;padding-top:5rem;position:relative">
    This is a kind of different phenomena as 
        <a href="{!$Resource.HoverTooltip}" class="slds-popover__body">Help Text</a>
        is required
        <img url="https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/22/18511375/earth-day-google-doodle-wildlife-diversity"  />
        <div class="slds-popover slds-popover_tooltip slds-nubbin_bottom-left" role="tooltip" id="help" style="position:absolute;top:-4px;left:35px">
        <div class="slds-popover__body" content="{!$Resource.HoverTooltip}">{!$Resource.HoverTooltip}</div>

And this doesn't works properly.
Any kind of help is welcome.
Thanks in advance!
system.jsonGenerator jpp =  json.CreateGenerator(true);
          jsonstring1 = jpp.getAsString();

how go get the value of the name as null in the jsonformat :
              { "Name" : null }

  can anybody suggest how to get the value .
By using the indexVar attribute am able to generate the record numbers for the firstpage, when I click on the next page the record numbers remain the same.

  Could anyone help me on this
Hi all,
Right now I am sending the SMS from salesforce record page using Twilio API. 
Can anyone help me out how I can get replied SMS in the salesforce itself?
Hi everyone,
I am having a problem while using the lightning:inputAddress in the Utility bar. Am not able to type in the fields except street one.
it is working fine on the normal page(home page).
Here am also attaching the demo what issue am facing.
It will be great if anyone can help me out.
I want to prevent users to update the Note(ContentNote) once it is created using the trigger or any other techniques?
I have been working on this for quite a while without success. I posted this previously but did not get an answer.  I open a secnd component to add some records and when I save, I navigate back to the original component.  THe problem is that the newly created records do not display on the original component.  The odd thing is that the doint function does not fire when I navigate back. Therefore, my assumption is that the first component never closes when I navigate to the second component to create the records.  Please help!!!!! Trying to either close the first component out when I navigate to the second or refresh the first when I go back.  Here is the code on the second componet to save record and navigate back to first component.  thanks!!!!

insertGS : function(component, groupstructures, callback) {
		//call apex to save the newly created group structures
  		var action = component.get("c.saveGroupStructure");
        	action.setParams({gs: groupstructures
  ///This part of code is used to navigate back to the GroupStructuresList Component
        //variable to hold the account id for my naviagation back to original component
        var recordId = component.get("v.existinggroupstructure.Account__c")
        //set urlEvent Variable to navigate back to the original component
         var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
            "url" : "lightning/n/Group_Structures_List?//Aid=" + recordId + "&Tid=123456789"    
        ///navigate back to groupstructures page


  • December 10, 2018
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I need to write a trigger which will help me update the field automatically whenever the ETA field contains a future date.

I have information being pulled from multiple fields and would like to pull the information based on the ETA date that reflects a future date 
So far we have the workflow to pull this information but not automatically

User-added image

and it gets pulled into here 

User-added image

as you can see the container information and date reflects the past and this is the only way to pull this information to report on multiple opportunities with multiple containers 
Hello Community,
I am using Customer Community License but this license doesn't allow to create account record only read and edit permission is available but want to create the account using this license is there any workaround for this besides changing the license.

Please share your thoughts need to get a solution on an urgent basis.
Our tasks are drawn from a common pool, I am trying to track the close rate for each user. To do that it seems I need to reassign the task to the user editing/closing it. Salesforce support indicates this is possible, but I have no idea where to get start. Anyone have any ideas how to go about this?

*We are in Salesforce classic if it matters. 
Hi everyone,

I am using a Lightning Data table component that i can access from my desktop or my Salesforce mobile App.
It is built like this : 
<lightning:datatable aura:id="WSTable" data="{!v.filteredData}" class="slds-m-top_medium"
                maxRowSelection = "1"
                onsort = "{!c.updateColumnSorting}"/>	           

In desktop mode, the Data table is well displayed ! However, when i am in my app, it is displayed like this :
User-added image

So it is totally unreadable, and i would like to know how to fix this. I already tried to set a minWidth for the colums but it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance !

I have been working on this for quite a while without success. I posted this previously but did not get an answer.  I open a secnd component to add some records and when I save, I navigate back to the original component.  THe problem is that the newly created records do not display on the original component.  The odd thing is that the doint function does not fire when I navigate back. Therefore, my assumption is that the first component never closes when I navigate to the second component to create the records.  Please help!!!!! Trying to either close the first component out when I navigate to the second or refresh the first when I go back.  Here is the code on the second componet to save record and navigate back to first component.  thanks!!!!

insertGS : function(component, groupstructures, callback) {
		//call apex to save the newly created group structures
  		var action = component.get("c.saveGroupStructure");
        	action.setParams({gs: groupstructures
  ///This part of code is used to navigate back to the GroupStructuresList Component
        //variable to hold the account id for my naviagation back to original component
        var recordId = component.get("v.existinggroupstructure.Account__c")
        //set urlEvent Variable to navigate back to the original component
         var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");
            "url" : "lightning/n/Group_Structures_List?//Aid=" + recordId + "&Tid=123456789"    
        ///navigate back to groupstructures page


  • December 10, 2018
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