• sesha Rao
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I have two profiles "Sales Executive" and "Sales Manager" whenever I the "Sales Executive" creates a record by the OWD sharing rules the record is by defalut visible to the "Sales Manager" profile.What If one of the particular record created by the sales Executive should not be availble to Sales Manager without changing the OWD settings? Please help
I have created a custome object "Application" using the salesforce admin license and I have created a role "Sales Executive" with salesforce platform license.where in when I have logged into the Sales Executive profile I am unable to see the custome object "Application" in his tab.Please help me
Hi I want to know that is there any possibility that we can edit the parent record data from child record and vice verse?
Please help
I have two picklist fields ID_Proof and AddressProof both are of type picklist I want to create a validation rule such that whenever I select the ID_Proof as "PanCard" the field AddressProof should not be empty.I am trying the build the validation rule as below.
"AND( ISPICKVAL( Id_Proof__c , "PanCard") ,   ISBLANK(  Address_Proof__c ) )" but it is throwing an error as 
"Field Address_Proof__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions." please help me how to overcome this error.
I Have a picklist field with the name" ID_Proof " with the picklist values as "Pan Card","Aadhar Card" and a Text Encrypted field of " PanCard " I want a write a validation such that whenever I select the ID_Proof as "PanCard " the pan card shouldnt be empty.
No errors have been thrown for the validation but when I am saving the new card selecting the ID_Proof as Pan Card and without giving the Pan card details the record is getting saved without any error. Please help.
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I have created a custome object "Application" using the salesforce admin license and I have created a role "Sales Executive" with salesforce platform license.where in when I have logged into the Sales Executive profile I am unable to see the custome object "Application" in his tab.Please help me
Hi I want to know that is there any possibility that we can edit the parent record data from child record and vice verse?
Please help
I have two picklist fields ID_Proof and AddressProof both are of type picklist I want to create a validation rule such that whenever I select the ID_Proof as "PanCard" the field AddressProof should not be empty.I am trying the build the validation rule as below.
"AND( ISPICKVAL( Id_Proof__c , "PanCard") ,   ISBLANK(  Address_Proof__c ) )" but it is throwing an error as 
"Field Address_Proof__c is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions." please help me how to overcome this error.
I Have a picklist field with the name" ID_Proof " with the picklist values as "Pan Card","Aadhar Card" and a Text Encrypted field of " PanCard " I want a write a validation such that whenever I select the ID_Proof as "PanCard " the pan card shouldnt be empty.
No errors have been thrown for the validation but when I am saving the new card selecting the ID_Proof as Pan Card and without giving the Pan card details the record is getting saved without any error. Please help.
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