• wan sing tan 2
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i have the requirement to encrypt on field and pass the encrypted value to other system. 

1. Do i need to pass the encryption key (generated by the cypto.GenerateAesKey) to other system for decryption?
2. The encryption key will be same key for every transaction or not? Or the encryption key will keep changing when the code is triggered?

Quite urgent. Please help.

Can anyone share how to import / Call java libraries in Apex code?

i would like to encrypt on field by using 3DES algorithm. Is anyone know how to do it?
Can anyone share or give me some advice on this?

Please help.


I need to do a 3DES encryption of a string and send it via post to another platform. I've searched and couldn't find whether this algorithm exists in Salesforce (it seems it doesn't). 

Could you please, help me?